How to correct a composition


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Presentation transcript:

How to correct a composition 短文改错 AnSai Senior High School MR Ye

We all had a good time yesterday. right line We all had a good time yesterday. 2. I’ll return back to school now. 3. I like playing piano. 4. I majored at English in college. √ Unnecessary word back Missing word ∧ the Wrong word in

命题特点 高考短文改错的短文通常只有120个词左右,分成10行,短文的难度也与考生的习作相当,9行中都存在错误。各种错误所占比例为: 2:1:6 或者 1:1:7: 多 缺 错 近几年陕西改错题型略微有所变化倾向于 1:1:8 或者1:2:7

新课标考区中的短文改错题型的变化 自2009年以来陕西省高考英语试卷中的短文改错题做了调整,把原来设题短文由10行调整为5-7行,由原来的10行9错调整为共有10处错误,每句最多有 两处错误,取消了原来找出正确的一行,这些调整都体现了更多的新意和合理性:一是更加符合写作时出现错误的客观规律;二是在试题导语中加入说明“假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的作文。”这就说明短文改错就是针对我们学生在英语写作中常见的错误而设计的。 这种改变后的短文改错短文情景自然,任务真实,在原短文改错的难度区间内,能够适当弥补书面表达部分考查的不足,加强试卷对较高水平学生的区分度,因此具有较高的实用价值。


3 steps 1. Go through the whole passage to get a general idea .(浏览全文,掌握大意) 2. Read the passage sentence by sentence and find the mistakes. From easy to difficult . (分句阅读, 逐行找错, 先易后难) 3. Read the passage for the third time, check the answers and correct the difficult ones.(检查核对,攻克难点)

短文改错应注意的问题 1. 在有错处改动一词。 2. 改变实词形式,不能将一个实词换成另一个实词. 3. 最小限度地改变单词形式 . 1.   在有错处改动一词。 2.  改变实词形式,不能将一个实词换成另一个实词. 3.  最小限度地改变单词形式 . 4.  添加或删除虚词(如冠词,介词等). 5.  多改正,少添加或删除. 6.  最大限度地保持句子和短文原意.

Four points that you should pay attention to ①标点符号不改. ②大小写不改. ③词序错误不改. ④在纲外生词不改 (带汉语注释的词).

A Limerick 名词数 动词形, 还要注意形和副 非谓语,细辨别 代词格,细领悟 习惯用法要记住 句子成分多分析 逻辑错误须关注 冠词连词常光顾

passed spend 一、动词形 2010四川卷: 主要包括两类错误:动词的时态和语态错误,以及主、谓不一致的错误。 2010四川卷: And after many attempts, she past her driving test and told her husband that…… 2010重庆卷: In a word, friends are those you like and trust, and you will enjoy every minute that you spent with them. passed spend

2010辽宁 Her hair was black and purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater… wore 2010全国Ⅰ What were better , I had useful help. was

二、名词数 指名词单、复数形式的用法错误。 2010全国Ⅱ:Christie was one of my best friend at high school. 2008浙江卷:A nearby company was looking for students with good handwriting to write addresses on evenlope .The pay was 10 cents per envelope. friends evenlopes

interest people sky 2006福建卷: If you have interests in it, reply to me soon. 2010四川卷: In fact, I’ve nearly killed three peoples . 2006重庆卷: In summer, the sea under the blue skies is even more beautiful. interest people sky

attractive happily 三、还要注意形和副 1修饰名词,be动词,系动词要用形容词 2修饰动词,形容词,整个句子用副词 3比较级和最高级的使用 注意形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。这也是高考短文改错题的常考点。 2010辽宁:she was, in fact, rather attractively. 2006福建卷:We can hear birds singing happy all around. attractive happily

2008全国卷Ⅱ: I will learn more about the history of the Olympics as good as the 2008 Olympic games. 2010辽宁卷: She was usual patient with her students and never made them disappointed. well usually

to 四、非谓语,细辨别 这是考查最多的错误形式之一。主要有现在分词、过去分词,动名词和不定式错误。 2007浙江卷: I could not to run very fast and fell behind. 2007宁夏卷:Li Meng came see me every day. to

remembering 2010重庆卷: And there were many meaningful things 2008辽宁卷: We all enjoyed this precious day greatly , remember the time we spent together and the people they were familiar with. that were worth think of. thinking remembering

I heard that Mr. Wang would teach our English this term. 五、 代词格,细领悟 1. 人称代词主格和宾格,物主代词的使用. 2.反身代词oneself 的使用. 3.不定代词的使用. 4.Both,all,either,neither,none的使用. 5.  Whose 和who’s,its和 it’s的区别. 高考链接6: I heard that Mr. Wang would teach our English this term. us

mine myself 五、 代词格,细领悟 2009陕西: I was only about six when he held his hand out to me. I took it in me and we walked. mine 2009陕西: Just at that time I woke up and found me still in bed! myself

∨ a on so 六、习惯用法要记住 主要考查习惯搭配方面的基础知识,其错误表现形式主要有三种:多词、少词和搭配错误。 catch a sight of lose my heart in hurry in Sunday afternoon such many people in a short a ∨ on so

1. Don’t approach to a work of art in such a spirit. 2 1.Don’t approach to a work of art in such a spirit. 2. The boy was absorbed building a dam in the brook. 3. I was impressed at the zeal(热情) with which he spoke of the plan. 4. The gentleman insisted at my receiving the money. 5. At last we reached to the village at the foot of the hill. in with on

七、句子成分多分析 不同的句子成分要用不同的词类;不同的语境要选择不同的词语。只有对句子结构和成分作细致的分析,才能找出用词不当的错误。 2008年安徽卷 : She looked at me and started to laugh. “How are you laughing?” I asked. 2010全国Ⅰ:So if they had said was true, I would have a chance of winning the prize . Why ∧ what

1. My roommate lives in a small town in central Missouri, a quiet town which I would like to live myself. 2. The United States is composed of fifty states, two of those are separated from the others by land or water. 3. These photos will show you how our village looks like . 4.I cannot make sense of that he said at the meeting. where which what what

八、逻辑错误须关注 与句子的上、下文不一致,甚至相矛盾,属于逻辑性错误,如称谓上的张冠李戴。 2010全国Ⅱ Before her leaving, I prepared a gift to show my best whishes to him. her 2010四川卷 She passed her driving test and told her husband that,to release,he was going to drive him over to France for a holiday. she

九、冠词、连词常光顾 常考的错误形式有:连词but, and, or和so的用法错误,以及冠词的用法错误等。 2oo9全国II:I meant to write long letter and tell you all the things I’m doing at the school… 2008四川卷:An Australian farmer found the kangaroo caught in the fence around his farms. a a

2010辽宁卷: Her hair was black and purple, and she wore black sports shoes and a black sweater, although in the summer. 2010全国Ⅰ:All I had to do was to write a story or present it. 2007四川卷: He thought the poor animal was injured, but the kind farmer took off his jacket and put on the animal. even and so

冗词的多用 1.Last summer ,I went to Beijing, my first time trip to the city. 2.Two years later, he returned back home. 3. It is about 200 miles far away from London.


chose tall it 2011高考英语短文改错模拟训练 At Christmas Eve, Jim went with his 1._____ father to choose a Christmas tree. They choose 2._____ a big one. It was almost as taller as the room! 3._____ They put them in the corner of the sitting 4._____ ____ On 介词短语常常考,习惯用法要记住 _________ chose 动词形 _______ tall 还要注意形和副 _______ it 逻辑错误须关注

room. Kate was covered it with a lot of 5._____ 2011高考英语短文改错模拟训练 room. Kate was covered it with a lot of 5._____ Christmas light. The sitting room looked 6. ____ really beautifully at the moment. There was 7. ________ a fire burn in the fire place, and the Christmas 8. ____ tree lights were shining brightly. Jim or his 9. ____ parents singing and dancing happily. 10.____ \ was \ 动词形 _______ lights 名词数 _____________ beautiful 还要注意形和副 burning 非谓语,细辨别 and 冠词连词常光顾 ∧ were 动词形

A Limerick 短文改错口诀 名词数 动词形, 还要注意形和副 非谓语,细辨别 代词格,细领悟 习惯用法要记住 句子成分多分析 逻辑错误须关注 冠词连词常光顾

真题在线(2010陕卷) My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day. She liked it at once. Then she bent down and picked up to look at a price on it. As she did this, lots of tea splashed on his T-shirt! I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face! My sister wanted get out of the shop as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us. It was turned out to be her own cup, that she’d left on the shelf by mistake. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister, for I just thought it was funny!

自查(2010陕卷) My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day. She liked it at once. Then (were) she bent down and picked ^ up to look at a price on it. As it the she did this, lots of tea splashed on his her T-shirt! I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face! Hard My sister wanted ^ get out of the shop to as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us. It (w\as ) turned out to be her own cup, that she’d left on which the shelf by mistake. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister, embarrassed for I just thought it was funny! (But/yet/while/and)

真题在线(2011陕卷)    Last Sunday morning, when I was having a walk in the park near my home, I came across a crew make a new film with one of my favorite actor. I didn’t have my camera. With me at that time, but I rushed back home to get. Unfortunately, by the time I got back, they have finished the scene and actor couldn’t be seen everywhere . I was really disappointing and about to leave when he walked out a building. He was right there in the  front of me! I couldn’t believe my luck-not only did I had my photo taken with him, but he signed his name on my shirt!

自查(2011陕卷)      Last Sunday morning, when I was having a walk in the park near my home, I came across a crew make a new film with one of my favorite actor. making                             actors I didn’t have my camera         With me at that time, but I rushed back home to get ∧. Unfortunately,                     So/and              it by the time I got back, they have finished the scene and actor couldn’t                        had be seen everywhere. I was really disappointing and about to leave when          anywhere                disappointed he walked out ∧ a building. He was right there in -(the )- front of me! I               of couldn’t believe my luck---not only did I had my photo taken with him, have But he signed his name on my shirt!

A Limerick 名词数 动词形, 还要注意形和副 非谓语,细辨别 代词格,细领悟 习惯用法要记住 句子成分多分析 逻辑错误须关注 冠词连词常光顾

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