Unit 19 Heart Failure 心力衰竭 韩明华.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 19 Heart Failure 心力衰竭 韩明华

说教材 说教法 说学法 教学过程 板书设计

说 教 材 (一)教材的地位与作用 本节课是雷慧主编的《护理英语》第二部分内外科护理中的第19单元。 本书精心编写了61篇医护专业英语课文,包括基础护理、内外科护理、母婴护理、儿科护理、老年科护理、精神科护理及药物学护理等7个部分。 所选课文专业性强,可作为英护专业学生的医学英语教材 医护英文表达方式及词汇约4000余条 缺点:没有构词法

说 教 材 (一)教材的地位与作用 构词法(word structure of medical terminology) 1. 医学术语的构词规律 prefix(前缀) suffix(后缀) 2. 基本构成成分 root(词根) combining vowel(连接元音) 参考教材:《THE LANGUAGE OF MEDICINE》W.B.Saunders Company, 6th Edition

说 教 材 (二)教学目标与要求 知识目标: 能力目标: 思想目标: 掌握课文中出现的医学短语及常用表达方式 掌握词汇中出现的前缀、后缀和词根的意义 理解专业英语和公共英语的区别 能力目标: 学会用构词法分解比较长的医学单词,并理解其意义 训练学生阅读医护专业文章的能力 思想目标: 培养学生学习医护英语的兴趣,树立成为涉外护理人才的信心 。

说 教 材 (三)教学重点与难点 教学重点: 词汇中的医学术语 课文中医护英语的表达方式、短语 教学难点: 用构词法分析课文中的医学术语

说 教 法 确定依据: 在教学中,坚持以教师为主导,学生为中心,充分发挥学生的主体作用,培养学生独立、自主获取知识的能力。让学生不仅要“学会”,更要“会学”。 教学方法: 以讲授为主,辅以启发、讨论和练习的方式,培养学生分析医学术语结构及意义的能力。

说 学 法 学情分析: 055年英语提高班学生已掌握临床护理各科的知识,公共英语基础较好,加之已经学过一个学期的医护英语,理解接受能力比较强,因而在现阶段教学过程中基本使用全英文教学 英语教学所占的比重取决于学生的接受能力

说 学 法 学习方法: 教会学生用构词法分析理解医学术语的方法,授之以渔,是扩充词汇量的关键 精讲点拨,指导学生将已经学过的心力衰竭的知识(病因、临床表现、治疗、护理等)与本课联系,理解掌握医护英语的表达方式 巩固练习、讨论思考、对比归纳

教学过程 (一)复习提问(5 分钟) (二)导入新课(2 分钟) (三)讲授新课(68分钟) (四)教学总结(5 分钟) (五)课堂练习(8 分钟) (六)布置作业(2 分钟)

(一) 复习提问 Dictation of the vocabulary of unit 18: Pain Questions: What is pain described? How to relieve pains?

(二)导入新课 Today we will learn Unit 19 Heart Failure, the vocabulary and the article which introduces the definition, causes, signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing care of this disease.

(三)讲授新课 Step 1: Study the Vocabulary Read the vocabulary three times. Give the students 3 minutes to get familiar with the pronunciation; Ask 2 students to read the new words and correct the wrong pronunciation. 领读单词,帮助学生掌握单词的正确发音 Analyze the structure of medical terms and give examples. 有重点地分析讲解医学单词并举例说明

(三)讲授新课 For example: edema 水肿 edema:swelling pulmonary edema 肺水肿 angioneurotic edema 血管神经性水肿 dependent edema 下垂部位水肿 cardiac edema 心源性水肿 nephrotic edema肾病性水肿 The boy who was suspected with acute glomerulonephritis had severe edema all over the body. 那名怀疑患有急性肾小球肾炎的患儿全身高度水肿。

(三)讲授新课 Example:hypothyroidism 甲状腺功能减退 1. Analyze the word structure prefix root suffix deficient liver process The prefix hypo means deficient, below, less than normal. The root thyroid means thyroid gland. The suffix –ism means process. The entire word means process of deficient activity of the thyroid gland.

(三)讲授新课 2. More examples containing the prefix: hypo- hypo/tension: blood pressure is less than normal hypo/derm/ic: relating to the layer below the skin hypo/glyc/emia: low level of glucose in the blood hypo/calc/emia: low level of calcium in the blood hypo/vol/emia: deficient blood volume hypo/thermia: unusually low body temperature

(三)讲授新课 3. The opposite of hypo-: hyper-: excessive, above, more than normal hyper/thyroid/ism: the process of excessive activity of the thyroid. hyper/tension: blood pressure being more than normal hyper/glyc/emia: high level of glucose in the blood hyper/calc/emia: excessive blood calcium hyper/thermia: unusually high body temperature hyper/sensitivity: the condition of being excessively sensitive

(三)讲授新课 4. More examples containing the root: thyroid hyper/para/thyroid/ism: process of excessive activity of the parathyroid gland. hypo/para/thyroid/ism: process of deficient activity of the thyroid gland. thyroid/ectomy: excision of the thyroid thyroiditis: inflammation of the thyroid thyroid/o/tomy: opening of the thyroid

(三)讲授新课 5. Medical phrases containing hypothyroidism: primary hypothyroidism 原发性甲减 senile hypothyroidism 老年人甲状腺功能减退 congenital hypothyroidism先天性甲减 Hypothyroidism is completely treatable in many patients simply by taking a small pill of thyroxine once a day. 很多患者每天服用一次甲状腺素片就可完全控制甲减。

(三)讲授新课 Step 2: Study the article 1. Introduce the whole article: Today we will learn the article about: Heart Failure Part 1 (Paragraph 1) is about the definition and classification of heart failure. Part 2 (Paragraph 2) is about the causes of heart failure. Part 3 (Paragraph 3-5) tells the clinical manifestations Part 4 (Paragraph 6) describes the prevention of heart failure.

(三)讲授新课 2. Read and explain the text by paragraph Read each paragraph, ask students to outline the meaning and answer some related questions to see if they understand the text. Explain sentences and medical terms in the text.

(三)讲授新课 Paragraph one: Ask one student to read this paragraph, then ask another student to answer the question: What is heart failure? Heart failure is a general term to describe a state in which the heart is no longer able to pump an adequate supply of blood or cardiac output to meet the demands of the body when there is an adequate venous return.

(三)讲授新课 Right-sided failure is due to a weakness of the right ventricle and subsequent inability to circulate blood from the superior and inferior vena cava to the lungs. Venous blood backs up into the systemic circulation and results in dependent edema.右心衰竭多继发于右心室的病变,右心室不能将上下腔静脉的血液排至肺循环,导致体循环淤血,出现下垂水肿。 正确理解并翻译句子,熟悉其专业性的表达方式 Superior and inferior vena cava上下腔静脉 Systemic circulation 体循环 Dependent edema 下垂部位水肿

(三)讲授新课 Questions about the text: What are the primary causes of heart failure? What are the precipitating causes of heart failure? What are clinical manifestations of left ventricular failure? What are clinical manifestations of right ventricular failure?? How to prevent heart failure? What is heart failure?

(三)讲授新课 Important medical phrases in the text: Pulmonary venous pressure肺静脉压 Exertional dyspnea劳力性呼吸困难 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea夜间阵发性呼吸困难 Blood-tinged frothy sputum粉红色泡沫样痰 Decreased tissue perfusion组织灌注量不足 Displacement of the apical impulse to the left 心尖搏动左移 increased intra-abdominal pressure 腹内压增高 jugular vein distention颈静脉怒张

(四)教学总结 Medical terms in the vocabulary Roots, prefixes and suffixes in this article Important medical phrases and sentences

(四)教学总结 Roots, prefixes and suffixes in this article Roots : Prefixes: hepat(o)- liver my(o)- muscle thyr(o)-, thyroid(o)- thyroid gland Prefixes: hypo- less than normal, below, deficient hyper- excessive, above, more than normal a-,an- no, not, without, lack of Suffixes: -itis inflammation -megaly enlargement -ism process

(五)课堂练习 Analyze the word structure of the following terms: 1. Hepatogastrostomy 3. Hepatoduodenostomy 2. Hyperparathyroidism 4. electrocardiogram Fill in the blanks 1. _______is a cardinal manifestation of left ventricular failure. 2. Dyspnea at rest in the recumbent position is known as _______. 3. Volume overload occurs with aortic or ___________.

(六)布置作业 Recite the medical terms and phrases in the text Recite the roots, prefixes and suffixes Read the article fluently Translate the second paragraph into Chinese Discussion: How do nurses distinguish left heart failure from right heart failure?

板书设计 Unit 19 Heart Failure 1. hypothyroidism: deficient activity of thyroid Roots : my(o)- 2. hepatomegaly: enlargement of the liver. thyroid(o)- 3. hypertension: elevation of blood pressure hepat(o)- 4. myocarditis: inflammation of heart muscle Prefixes: a-,an- 5. anemia:lack of enough blood hypo- 6. edema: swelling hyper- 7. congestion: being congested Suffixes: -megaly; -ism

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