Unit 4 Moving Stories.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 Moving Stories

rush v. rush by / into/ through/out 飞逝/涌入/仓促完成/大批赶制 Firemen rushed into the burning building to save the child. A thousand conflicting thoughts rushed through his mind. These bicycles have been rushed out and are not up to our usual standard. rush sb. to the hospital rush to the conclusion n. gold rush 淘金热 adj. the rush hour

Since自那以后 自…以来; 既然, 因为 1. 既然你说你已考虑过了,那么这是就得留给Harry定夺. Since you say you have considered it, it must be left to Harry to decide it. 2. 他上周六感冒了,从此就卧床不起.(ever since) He caught cold last Saturday and has been in bed ever since. 3. 战争结束以来差不多二十年了.( It ) It is almost twenty years since the war ended.

mature V. 发育,变成熟 Girls are said to mature earlier than boys. Hardship often matures young people. Adj. 成熟的well developed mentally and emotionally reach a mature agreement 对于这个年纪来说,她已非常成熟. She is mature for her age.

damage harm hurt injure spoil 1. Though he knows clearly that smoking ___his health, he simply can’t give it up. 2. The fear that storm would____his ship prevented the sailor from sailing. 3. It was really very dangerous;you might have___him seriously. 4. You don’t mind being frank, do you? I don’t want to____you. 5. I do hate to___your fun, but I have got something urgent to tell you. 6. It is reported that in a terrible highway accident that happened yesterday there were 10 cars___and 18 people____. 1. harms 2.damage 3.injured 4.hurt 5.spoil 6. damaged ; injured

damage a fence, a car, furniture, etc 损坏栅栏、 汽车、 家具等 damage sb's career 损害某人的事业 damage / harm relations between two countries 损害两国的关系. N.   The court awarded 5000 (in) damages to the injured man. 法院判给伤者5000英镑损害赔偿费.

Harm n.身体上、 精神上或道义上受到损害 A few late nights never did anyone any harm. 熬几个晚上对任何人绝无害处. If we interfere, it may do more harm than good. 倘若我们进行干预, 那可能弊多利少. There is no harm in (sb‘s) doing sth/it does no harm (for sb) to do sth nothing is lost by doing sth (and some good may result from it) 做某事并无害处(反而可能带来某些好处) He may not be able to help but there's no harm in asking him. 他可能帮不了忙, 但是求他一下倒也无妨.

holidays spoilt by bad weather 因天气坏而使人扫兴的假期 The new road has completely spoiled the character of the village. 新修的路彻底毁掉了那个村庄的特色. The bad news has spoilt my day. 这坏消息把我这一天给毁了. Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets between meals. 不要在两顿饭之间吃糖果, 以免吃不下饭.

Did you hurt yourself. 你把自己弄伤了吗. She was more frightened than hurt Did you hurt yourself? 你把自己弄伤了吗? She was more frightened than hurt. 她受惊较之受伤更为严重.  He hurt his back when he fell. 他跌倒时背部受了伤.  My shoes hurt; they're too tight. 我的鞋太紧, 穿著脚疼.  These criticisms have hurt him/his pride deeply. 这些批评使他很伤心[使他的自尊心受到了伤害].  It hurts/I am hurt not to have been invited. 没有邀请我, 我很不痛快.

Fresh adj. 新的;新鲜的;精神饱满的; 无经验的 They are mostly young people fresh from school. This bread is fresh from the oven. He felt fresh after his rest. The incident was fresh in her memory.记忆犹新 In the fresh of the morning 在清晨

Steam can generate electricity . generate vt.使发生,产生; 引起,导致 generation n. 后代,发电 generator n.发电机 generalize v.归纳,概括 generous adj. 慷慨的 generosity n. Steam can generate electricity . It took 3 generations to build the great temple. Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man. His generosity to the poor is well known. 新的电子计算机在性能方面比上一代产品好得多. The new computers are much better than the previous generation.

Steam and water power are used for the _____of electricity 2. He made such a____contribution to the university that they are naming one of the new buildings after him. a. genuine b. generous c. minimum d. modest 3. You can’t______about the effects of the drugs from one or two cases. a. generate b. generalize c. guarantee 4. They are _____with their time. generation b b generous

somehow adv. 以某种方式; 不知怎么地 I thought I knew the way, but somehow I got lost. somewhat ; a little; to an extent有一点 The price was somewhat higher than I had expected.

take to 1. begin to apply or devote oneself to养成。。,变得经常 When he was ten, he fled his hometown and took to begging. 2. conceive a liking for 对..产生好感, 欢喜 Tom took to stamp-collecting at the age of ten. take to gardening 喜欢园艺工作 Take on 雇佣,从事。。。Take over 接管 Take up 从事,开始学,占用 Take effect生效,开始起作用 Take after 长得像,性格像

Choice 1. The new appointment of our president____from the very beginning of next semester. A. takes effect B. takes place C. takes part D. take turns 2. Important people don’t often have much free time as their work____all their time. A. takes away B. takes over c. takes up D. takes in 3. It is a common theme in many science fiction stories that the world may one day be___by insects. A. taken over B. taken after C. taken up D. taken to 4. The boy ____his father in every way:the same habits, and the same sense of pride. A. takes to B. takes after C. takes in D. takes up A C A B

Instant adj. 1.即刻的,立刻的; 2. 紧急的,急迫的; 3.速溶的 n. 瞬间,时刻 instant foods. The medicine gave instant relief. There is an instant need for improvements in this aspect. I will telephone you the instant I know.

in passing 顺带 The speaking mentioned his latest books in passing. It may be mentioned in passing that the film is packed with gloomy, terrifying scenes. passing 通过 the passing of time the passing of a procession 可以顺便提一提,这个材料是不准备发表的.(passing,mean) It may be mentioned in passing that this material is not meant for publication.

surround vt.包围, 围住 be surrounded by/ with 四周都是 surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings n. 四周的事物(环境) He tried hard to prevent himself from being influenced by the opinions that surrounded him. He found himself surrounded with an atmosphere of kindness. The children grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy environment. Surrounding countries

equivalent n. 相等物,等价物,意义相同的词 adj. 相等的 ,等价的 He managed to receive the equivalent of a college education. There is no such equivalent for it in Chinese. He earns the equivalent of $500 a month. be equivalent to…等同于

be equal in ability 能力不差上下 be equal to 等于,能胜任,能应付 No man equals him in strength. on the principle of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的原则上。 John knows so much about the stars that I am sure it would be impossible to find his_____. A. similar B. equivalent C. identical D. equal D equal n. 同等或平等的人或物

touch v. n. 1. 他们对她的关怀是她非常感动。 She was greatly touched by the concern they had shown her. 2. 他已和大部分学生时代的朋友失去联系。 He has been out of touch with most of the friends of his school days. 3. 在20世纪与21世纪之交,世界见证了北京被国际奥委会推选为2008年奥运会主办城市的历史性进程,这为中国现代体育史画卷添上了华丽的一笔。 At the turn of the twenty-first century, the world witnessed Beijing being selected by the International Olympic Committee as the host city for the 2008 Olympics, adding a brilliant touch to the picture of modern Chinese sport history.

no one/ none/ nobody None likes the movie. (x) No one likes the movie. None of these books is good. No one of these books is good. (x) No one/none of us is free. Nobody of us is free. (x) Nobody / No one else can run as fast as Tim. None else can run as fast as Tim. (x)

--Who will go with you? --Nobody/ No one. -- How much oil is there in the bottle? -- None.

cast ( cast cast )抛, 扔 cast a glance at the headlines cast aside all the old friends 舍弃,除掉 cast light on research findings that cast new light on the origin of our universe The numerous biographies of Diana cast little light on the car accident.

Slip n. 疏忽, 小错, 口误, 笔误 v.滑, 溜走 Slipping out of the village in the dark, I headed for South. Don’t let such an opportunity slip! I meant to mail the letter, but it entirely slipped my mind. slip one’s memory/one’s mind/attention make a slip失误 a slip of the tongue/ lip失言 a slip of the pen A slip of paper 小纸条

brood to keep thinking about something that you are worried or upset about Don't sit at home brooding all day. brood over/about/on Jean sits in his tent, brooding over the wrongs done to him. restless adj. The kids quickly grew restless and impatient. His restless imagination led him to develop a revolutionary software product.

come to 1.讲到,谈到 I was just coming to that point when you cut in. 2.达成, 结果取得, 结果是 I am very glad you have finally come to terms with the climate in the mountains. 3. 发生与 Whatever comes to you, we will support you. 4. 共计达 How much does this bill come to? 5. 涉及 When it comes to quality education, Li is the comrade you should consult. 6. 恢复知觉 come to oneself =come to one’s senses

screw n. 螺丝钉, 螺旋 vt. 调节, 旋, 鼓舞 The wooden frame should be screwed onto the wall. She carefully screwed the cap back onto the toothpaste. screw up 弄糟 She realized that she had screwed up her life. screw up one’s courage I finally screwed up enough courage to talk to her.

Additional Reading

endure v. endurance n Sailing the Atlantic single-handed required great endurance. endure many hardships endure to do/ doing enduring持久的,不朽的,永恒的 enduring peace / fame

many an obstacle…型单意复 Many a man has sacrificed his life for the cause of revolution. Many a ship has been wrecked on these rocks. There has been many an argument about its proper usage. obstacle n. 障碍物, 妨碍, 干扰

come across/ encounter an obstacle clear away/ remove/ sweep every obstacle an obstacle to success Her parents’opposition is a serious obstacle to their marriage.

to the full 完全地, 充分地, 彻底地 I appreciate your kindness to the full. They displayed to the full their talent and wisdom. We must enable them to play their parts to the full. Extent to a certain extent = to some extent to such an extent that…

The British constitution is___ a large extent a product of the historical events described above. within B. to C. by D. at The newspaper didn’t mention the____of the damage caused by the fire. A . range B. level C. extent D. state 3. The temperature rose____that the firemen had to leave the burning house. to an extent B. to extent C. to such an extent D. such to an extent

deserve 应受, 值得, 应得 deserve sth/ doing/ to be done Good work deserves good pay. I have omitted many things which deserved a place in the book. I feel a man like that deserves looking after. He didn’t deserve to be given such a great honour.

what 1.我们所需要的是书. What we need are books. 2. 到底发生了什么事使大家显得那样激动? What has happened that all of them look so excited? 3. 他出生在一个现在是著名风景区的地方. He was born in what is now a famous scenic spot. 4. Reading is to mind what food is to the body. 5. In some countries, what are called “ public schools ” are not owned by the state. 6. Just as sound travels through the air in waves, so electricity travels through the air in what we call radio waves. 7. What if you join us for lunch? …怎么样