Intercultural Foreign Language Teaching :Vision and Practice


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Intercultural Foreign Language Teaching :Vision and Practice 上海外国语大学 张红玲教授 索格飞博士 2016年7月

Opening discussion: As College English teachers, how do you feel about your teaching? What do you think are the major problems?

Major Topics 跨文化交际的基本概念 1 跨文化外语教学的思想 2 跨文化外语教学的实施  3

What is intercultural communication? 什么是跨文化交际? 跨文化学习的目的是什么?

Metaphor 1 In our natural cultural context, we are like a fish in water.

In the intercultural condition – we become “like a fish out of water”.

I’m like a schooled fish, nervous, anxious and helpless. Implication 1: Develop intercultural sensitivity and awareness. 增强跨文化敏感性和跨文化意识 Out of water = Out of Context I’m like a schooled fish, nervous, anxious and helpless. “Water” is my culture. “I need my context to feel comfortable!”

Case 1: Maria’s Story In the early 1980s, Maria left her native country Italy and came to Beijing to learn the Chinese language. One day in Beijing, she met Wang Wei, a Chinese young man, and the two young people fell in love and began dating. They saw each other almost everyday, and were happily immersed in their sweet love until two months later when an incident happened and led to their breakup.

It was Maria’s friend’s birthday It was Maria’s friend’s birthday. Many European friends were invited to the birthday party; so were Maria and Wang Wei. Wang Wei bought a gift, dressed up himself neatly, and went with Maria to a Western-styled restaurant, which was chosen by the person whose birthday was to be celebrated. According to the European custom, people ordered their own food. Maria only asked for a salad, for she was on a diet. When it was time to settle the bill, they each paid for their own choice of food. Wang Wei thus had to pay much more than Maria.

In the following days, Wang Wei looked very unhappy, and he even did not speak to Maria. This made Maria very puzzled and upset as well. She did not know what was wrong, and Wang Wei refused to explain. Several weeks passed, and the tension was still there. Maria became so depressed and desperate that she decided to leave and go back to Italy, though reluctantly.

What do you think was the problem?

Metaphor 2 There are many kinds of footwear in the world. Each suited to its specific cultural context.

Implication 2: Develop intercultural attitude. 培养跨文化态度 Do not be judgmental: Not Wrong, Just Different. Develop intercultural empathy; “Please first walk a mile in my moccasins (shoes).” Seek to understand the cultural logic of each context.

Case 2 About Being Late It is very common for teachers and students to be late for class at the Oriental University of Naples, Italy. Few people take it seriously. But when we draw up the rules and regulations for our newly-established Confucious Institute, we require that teachers should come to class on time. However, this rule was not well received among the Italian administrators and teachers. They see it as running against the local customs.

If you were the Chinese teacher of our Confucious Institute, how would you look at their habit of being late? What would you do about students who are often late for class?

Culture as the soft-ware of our mind. Metaphor 3 Culture as the soft-ware of our mind. It governs our speech and action. Mental programming & software of the mind Hofstede, a guy who did value surveys in IBM and developed this concept. 强调的是文化的规范性,既为同一文化中的人提供行为的准则和许可范围(可以是明文规定的如法律法规,也可以是约定俗成的如风俗习惯等) 但是人的行为并不象计算机那样绝对遵循程序规定,人有足够的主观能动性,除此而外还存在很多外界的偶然因素。

Culture Iceberg Culture is like an iceberg. It hides much more than it reveals, and strangely enough what it hides, it hides most effectively from its own participants. (Hall,1959:15)

Implication 3: Understand cultural knowledge. 理解文化知识 Keep our mind open. Both culture specific knowledge and culture general knowledge are to be acquired. Highlight the role of the invisible cultural elements.

See the world with different pairs of glasses. Metaphor 4 See the world with different pairs of glasses.

Implication 4: Develop adaptability and flexibility. 培养灵活多变的跨文化交际能力。 Cultivate tolerant and appreciative attitude toward other cultures. Develop an adaptable and flexible ability. Venture out to explore different cultures. Do not be afraid of uncertainties.

Summary Intercultural learning is an active response to the changed domestic and international environment. 跨文化学习是对国内外环境变化的积极回应。 Intercultural learning is to develop intercultural sensitivity and awareness 跨文化学习的目的是培养跨文化敏感性和跨文化意识。 Intercultural learning is to develop open, tolerant, appreciative and empathetic attitudes towards people from other different cultural backgrounds. 培养对来自不同文化背景的人们开放、包容、欣赏和移情的态度。 Intercultural learning is to increase cultural knowledge, both general and specific culture knowledge. 学习文化知识,包括普遍文化知识和具体文化知识。 Intercultural learning is to develop flexible, adaptable and adventurous skills and spirits. 培养灵活、多变的跨文化交际能力以及敢于冒险的精神。

In Response to the Changed Context of FLT The goals, contents and methods of FLT must change accordingly to meet the needs of social and economic development. Foreign language education should assume a central role in developing intercultural competence.

A Twofold Goal of Foreign Language Teaching: Linguistic and literary goal ( the junior goal) 提高学习者的外语交际能力(语言文学目标,初级目标) Social and human goal (the senior goal) 培养学习者的跨文化交际能力(社会人文目标,高级目标)

Integrating Culture Education into Foreign Language Teaching The European Union The United States China

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment (the European Council, 2001) 外语学习是为了能够融入一个新的、其他人的群体,并尽可能地成为其中的社会一分子(acteur social) “面向行动”(approche actionnelle)的外语教学法理念,指出“学习外语即是准备积极运用外语进行交际” ,而且“交际和学习将通过完成任务(tâche)来实现”

“语言多元化”则是一种理念、一种能力、一种素质。它强调,“每学会一种语言,以及学习语言的每一次经历都在促进个人交际能力的建构。”(欧洲理事会, 2001:11)。 外语教育,尤其是主要语种的外语教育应该引导学生将发展语言多元化的能力视为他们个人奋斗的终极目标,视为民主的欧洲公民在忠实地履行自己的职责。(Beacco & Byram 2003)

培养外语“学习者的个人综合能力”(compétences générales individuelles)(欧洲理事会 2001:11)和“部分能力”(compétence partielle)(同上:106)的概念。 “学习者的个人综合能力”,指的是个人为完成各种行为所需的相应基本能力,其中包括语言能力。《共参框架》进一步将之细化为知识(savoir)、技能(savoir-faire)、个人秉性(savoir-être)和善于学习(savoir-apprendre)的能力。

《外语学习标准:为21世纪做准备》(Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century) 美国政府于1996年制定了国家级课程标准,该标准是由美国教育部和多个外语教育协会共同研制的国家级课程标准,并于1999年进行了修正和再版,并增添了多个语言的学习目标。 这一方面是为了提高本国学生的外语能力,实现推动美国外语教育改革的目标,另一方面也是为了满足政治、经济、文化和国际交往的需要。   

“5C”标准 (1)Communication (语言交流):能用外语进行人际沟通,并能阐释、翻译各种话题信息; (2)Cultures (文化沟通):从文化观念、文化习俗和文化产物三个方面增进对目的语文化的理解; (3)Connections (相关知识):强调外语与其他学科的联系,通过外语学习扩展其他学科知识; (4)Comparisons (比较能力):通过目的语和母语的比较,加深对目的语及目的语文化的理解; (5)Communities (社团活动):能在校内外环境中使用外语,参加多语言的活动,并在这个过程中获得乐趣,成为终身的学习者。

A Framework of China’s English Teaching English as an International Language A social history of the English language English as an international language (EIL) EIL: implications the native speaker: old goal the intercultural person: new goal

English teaching at elementary, secondary and tertiary levels Cultural development from being mono-cultural, to bi-cultural, multi-cultural and intercultural

Elementary Secondary Tertiary Post-school Mono-cultural Bi-cultural Multi-cultural Inter-cultural

Elementary English Teaching Objectives: interest, pronunciation, everyday communication Teaching contents: pronunciation (rhymes, songs, poems) vocabulary,sentence patterns for everyday communication Grammar (present and past tenses) Relevant culture introduction and comparison Communication practice (e.g. role play, watching short play)

Secondary English Teaching Objectives: mastery of the English language system, strong communicative competence, intercultural awareness and sensitivity Teaching contents: Language forms: grammar, vocabulary, discourse, semantics and pragmatics Communicative ability to express personal views, feelings as well as to talk about daily life Intercultural awareness: learn about foreign cultures, reflect upon the native culture and make comparisons IC practice and experience: simulation, watching movies, role play, interview

Tertiary English Teaching Objectives: reinforce the language skills, expand knowledge about foreign countries, develop an intercultural perspective and identity. Teaching contents: Integrative language skills: reading, writing, translation Knowledge culture of foreign countries: history, economy, literature, music, education Bilingual and content-based language classes (reading English textbooks and academic books, make English presentations, write English papers)

English Teaching Elements On the language dimension: language awareness language forms language use On the culture dimension: culture awareness (culture-general) cultural knowledge (culture-specific) intercultural communication practice and experience

Intercultural Competence as a Major Goal The latest Guidelines on College English Teaching specifies 3 major purposes for ELT: English for general purpose English for special purpose English for intercultural communication

How to implement English Teaching for intercultural communication? Curriculum design Textbooks of English for intercultural communicaiton Instructional design Teaching and learning evaluation

Some examples: Awareness and sensitivity building --- self-assessment, video-clip watching, my cultural story Open, tolerant, flexible attitude development --- Case studies, video watching, writing reflections on a movie Intercultural communication practice --- Interviews with friends or schoolmates, develop an intercultural conflict case; filming a mini-video and sharing in class.

Self-assessment survey --- testing your intercultural awareness 1. Has studied or lived abroad (one semester or more). 2. Regularly communicates with someone outside China. 3. Has friends from the region/provinces other than your own. 4. Speaks more than one language fluently. 5. Regularly watches international films. 6. Has studied martial arts (Aikido, Karate, etc.) 7. Can name the President or Prime Minister of a country other than China. 8. Enjoys trying new foods from around the world. 9. Enjoys meditation or yoga. 10. Likes to discuss world politics. 11. Belongs to a campus international club. 12. Has traveled to 3 or more countries. 13. Can give 3 reasons for studying intercultural communication 14. Reads the world news on a regular basis. 15. Knows which countries border China. 16. Has friends from ethnic groups other than your own. 17. Has dated someone outside your ethnic group. 18. Has studied a religion other than your own. 19. Plans to pursue an international career (diplomacy, international business, development work, etc.) 20. Enjoys world music.

Video watching --- testing your intercultural awareness awareness of cultural diversities video

My Cultural Story --- building awareness of cultural diversities within a culture My name is Doris Lam. I am 20 years old and I come from HK. There are four members in my family. We are a traditional Chinese family, and a very loving and caring family. Being born and raised in HK, I grew up under great influence of wester culture because of HK's colonial history and its international attributes. I started learning English from a very young age and I have been exposed to a lot of values, beliefs and traditions from the western society. However, one special thing about HK is that people here have also been exposed to Chinese culture. We blend the west and the east in the most fabulous way and make it our own unique culture --- HK culture. ....... I feel glad that my mom and dad didn't get divorced, because they are very traditional Chinese and they have passed many good values and beliefs to my as well. (Doris Lam )

My cultural story After 18 years' living in BJ, I came to SH. Too many cultural differences impressed me. A obvious difference is the time of wedding ceremonies. In BJ, people get married in the morning. Since the only step of the ceremony is holding a feast and inviting all friends and relatives, the wedding ceremony is usually finished by 12 a.m. In SH, wedding ceremonies are usually held at night, because they play lots of games and try to snatch the bride during the day time. Shanghainese lead an exquisite life, while Beijinger live a casual life. In BJ, brotherhood is very much valued --- we are told to help those whom we call brothers; and we cannot say no if our brothers turn to us for help. In Shanghai, civilian right is very much valued. They depend on themselves and follow AA lifestyle when interacting with others. (Jubo Kim )

Video watching --- developing open and tolerant attitude Diversified communication styles across cultures

Case study --- cultivating flexibility and sensitivity towards culturally different behavior A Canadian woman who tutors Chinese immigrants in English writes: As soon as my favorite student and I left the building, she linked her arm tightly in mine and walked right up against my side, matching my steps as we walked and joked and laughed all the way to my car. I had to control my stiffening; it was such a strange feeling for me. Non-verbal cues --- high contact VS low contact

Interview --- venturing into real world intercultural communication Interview a friend from other parts of China or the world

Designing an intercultural conflict case --- practicing intercultural communication You are expected to work in groups and design an intercultural conflict case based on your real life experiences and demonstrate it in class.

For College English Teachers It is important that you have: Awareness of our own culture Basic knowledge of Intercultural Communication

Suggested readings: Chen.,G.M.(2007). Foundations of Intercultural Communication. Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Dodd, C. H. (2000) Dynamics of Intercultural Communication (5th. ed.). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Samovar, L.A., Porter, R.E., Stefani, L.A. (2000). Communication between Cultures. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 林大津 谢朝群 (2005) 跨文化交际学:理论与实践. 福建:福建人民出版社. 张红玲 (2007) 跨文化外语教学. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.

Concluding notes (King & Baxter, 2005) The changes in students' intercultural skills being called for require not just knowing more facts or having more awareness, but an individual transformation that enables students to apply their knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts. That is, educators are being asked to produce graduates who see the world, themselves, and their own agence in more sophisticated, enabling way, and can appropriately draw upon that understanding when need arises. (King & Baxter, 2005)

For further knowledge, please visit Intercultural Communication MOOC course at:

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