Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级上册 Module 6 Festivals Period 3 Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best 制作:天河区天府路小学 杨洁音 审校:番禺区傍西小学 陈小燕

教学内容和目标 内容:1. P65 Look and write 2. 赵淑红主编六上《拓展读与写》 My First Spring Festival in China 改编文本 目标: 1.能正确运用阅读技巧,获取信息 2.能模仿文本,写作

Let’s guess . Jiamin had a wondeful Spring Festival last year. Guess what he did during the last Spring Festival? Maybe he ... 设计意图:热身活动,引入话题 Tips:要求学生猜的时候注意动词过去时。

Let’s talk . A: What did Jiamin do during the last Spring Festival? B: He ... clean(cleaned)the house have(had) a big dinner with his family get (got)some lucky money from his parents

Let’s read . Xiaoling likes the Spring Festival best. And she had a good time during the last Spring Festival. What did she do? 设计意图:重现上个课时喜欢Spring Festival的Xiaoling,引入阅读文本。

Last year, I had a very good time during the Spring Festival. Before the festival, we bought some new clothes and cleaned our house to make everything new and fresh. My Dad’s friend gave us a small orange tree. We put it in the living room and the room looked wonderful. On the New Year’s Eve, in the morning, we went to a flower fair. There were many people there. Everyone looked happy. We bought some flowers and took a lot of photos. In the afternoon, we had a big dinner together. There was chicken, pork, goose, fish, vegetables and soup. We enjoyed the food so much. After the dinner, Dad and Mum gave me some lucky money. I was excited because there was 100 yuan. During the Spring Festival, we visited our family and wished each other a happy New Year. I like the Spring Festival best because it is so much fun. 改编自赵淑红主编六上《拓展读与写》

Read and fill in the blanks after the model. Let’s read . Read and fill in the blanks after the model. What did I do at the last Spring Festival? ( bought some new clothes...) Things I did before the festival bought some new clothes, ______________, _________________ on New Year's Eve Morning went to a flower fair,________,_______ Afternoon Evening during the festival 设计意图:阅读文本,动词词组填空

Look and Say Things I did before the festival We________some new clothes, We________our house. We______ the ______ tree in the living room. bought 设计意图:看图,口头描述,注意动词过去时的表达 cleaned put orange

Look and Say Before the festival, we ________________ and ____________to make everything new and fresh. We put ____________ in the living room. bought some new clothes cleaned our house a small orange tree

Look and Say We _______ to a flower fair. went Things I did on New Year's Eve Morning We _______ to a flower fair. We _______ some flowers and_____ a lot of photos. Afternoon We ______ a big dinner together Evening Dad and Mum _____ me some lucky money. bought took had gave

Look and Say On the New Year’s Eve, in the morning, we _______________. We _______________________. In the afternoon, we _______________________. After the dinner, Dad and Mum __________________. bought some flowers and took a lot of photos went to a flower fair we had a big dinner together gave me some lucky money

Look and Say We ____________________________. visited our family and Things I did during the festival We ____________________________. visited our family and wished each other a happy New Year

Let's talk What did you do before the last Spring Festival? What did you do during the last Spring Festival? Where did you go during the Last Spring Festival? Did you have a good time the last Spring Festival? Why?

Let's know more. During the Spring Festival, we also ... set (set)off firecrackers decorate (decorated) the house watch (watched) the CCTV Spring Festival Gala 设计意图:拓展更多春节的活动词组,大量的输入,为写作铺垫

MY Last Spring Festival Let’s talk in groups. Before the festival What ... do? Where ... go? During the festival What...do? Where ... go? What ... eat? MY Last Spring Festival Did you get lucky money/gifts? How much lucky money did you get? How did you use the money? 设计意图:梳理写作Mindmap,写前小组交流讨论 Feelings Do you like the festival ? Why or why not?

Let's write. I had a very good time during the last Spring Festival. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 写完以后请读一读: 文章通顺吗? 动词形式正确吗?

Let's share. 文章通顺 动词形式(过去式)错误不超过3处 其他单词拼写错误不超过3处 读一读你同伴的文章,你会给他/她几颗星? Tips: 给出评价标准让学生同桌互评, 同时也是同伴互学的机会。

Homework 根据同伴的评价修改自己的写作。