Tea Classification ——Oolong Tea


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Presentation transcript:

Tea Classification ——Oolong Tea Chapter 2 Tea Classification ——Oolong Tea

Oolong Tea Oolong tea, which combines the freshness of green tea and the fragrance of black tea, has qualities of both green tea and black tea.

Taiwan Alishan Oolong Tea Read the following Chinese names of Oolong teas and match them with their English names given in the box. pelleted oolong twisted oolong roasted oolong white oolong white tipped oolong Taiwan Alishan Oolong Tea 白茶乌龙 白毫乌龙 条形乌龙 台湾阿里山乌龙 球形乌龙 熟火乌龙

New Words & Phrases semi-fermented 半发酵的 semi-表示"半" 如:semicircle;semi-bright variety n. 变化, 种种, 多样性 a variety of 多种 e.g.having variety of character or form or components 有多样的特点、形状或者成分 Translation:他有多种爱好。 He has a variety of interests. various adj. 不同的, 多方面的, 各种的

表示“品种多”的说法还有: You have quite a range,haven't you? 你们的品种很多,是不是? There are many species of gree tea. 绿茶品种很多。

be famouse for/as Translation:祁门因红茶出名。 Qimen is famouse for black tea. possess v. 拥有, 持有; 占有; 具有; 懂得, 掌握 e.g.The country possesses rich mineral deposits. 这个国家拥有丰富矿藏。

resistance n. 抵抗, 反抗; 抗性; 抵抗力; 耐性 e.g.I catch colds frequently because my resistance is low. 我经常得感冒,因为我抵抗力差。 resistant adj. 抵抗的; 防...的; 抗...的 e.g.It is light, high temperature resistant, dampness resistant, corrosion resistant, and burning-free, etc. 具有重量轻、高温、潮湿、腐蚀、易燃烧等优点。

Benefits of drinking Wulong tea: It decomposes fat and helps people lose weight. It also has its medical benefits.

Additional Dialogues A: I want some Oolong tea, Miss. B: Yes. We have boxes of Oolong tea in different quantity. Do you want a box of small quantity or large quantity? A: Can you tell me the different size of quantity exactly? B: Yes, with pleasure. We have 50g size, 100g size, 300g size, 500g size and 1000g size.

A: What’s the price for different size? B: The 50g size is 60 Yuan, the 100g size is 110 Yuan, the 300g sizeis 320 Yuan, the 500g size is 450 Yuan, and the 1000g size is 800 Yuan.

A: Hi. Is there anything I can help you with today? B: I’d like to buy Oolong tea. Could you recommend to me? A: Sure. We have many kinds of Oolong tea in our tea shop. B: Could you please choose one kind of tea for me? A: What about Phoenix Dancong tea? B: I haven never heard it.

A: Really? It possesses the largest varieties of fragrance. B: It’s attractive. How much is this tea worth? A: 460 Yuan one kilo. B: I need 2 kilos. Do you take credit cards? A: We accept Mastercard, American Express and VISA. B: I like to pay by Mastercard.