Version A: The United States of America


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Presentation transcript:

Version A: The United States of America What does USA stand for? Version A: The United States of America Exploring USA

Unit 1 A Land Of Diversity

The American flag is known as “the Stars and Stripes”. 50 stars—— each representing one state 13 stripes—— the original 13 states Red—— courage White —— freedom Blue—— loyalty and justice 1. National Flag

Which city is known as the “Big Apple”? A. New York B. Chicago C. Los Angeles

When is American Independence Day? A. June 4th B. July 4th C. August 14th

Which stands for the USA? National Emblems A. B. √ C. D.

Which state is the largest one in the US? A. New York B. Texas C. California D. Florida ____ has the largest population in the USA. A. California B. Alaska C. Washington D. Texas

____ is the first president of the USA. A. Thomas Jefferson B. John Adams C. George Washington D. Abraham Lincoln

Which are American brands? Germany C E F Finland G Germany

Canada Mexico About the USA The Pacific Ocean The Atlantic Ocean the Gulf of Mexico Mexico

Brief summary The USA lies in the south of North America. It is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The northern land neighbor is Canada, and south of it is Mexico.

the Mississippi Rocky Mountains

Cities in the USA Washington D.C It is the capital of the USA.

It is almost the oldest city in the USA It is almost the oldest city in the USA. It is also a center of culture and education. Boston

New York It is the largest seaport in the USA and a properous financial and economic centre

It is called the Super Market of America. It is the most important industrial and commercial city. Chicago

Atlanta features the new World of Coca-Cola, which features the history of the world-famous soft drink brand. Atlanta

Los Angeles It’s home to Hollywood Village, Universal City Studio and Disneyland. The 1984 Olymic Games was held in it.

Many Chinese have settled in California and many of them live there. It has the largest Chinatown. San Francisco

Do you know which state these scenic spots belong to? California

How much do you know about California? Let’s have a quiz. 1. California is the ____ largest state in the USA. A. third B. second C. fourth D. fifth 2. California, a state in the western USA, borders _____ the Pacific Ocean B. the Indian Ocean C. the Atlantic Ocean D. the Arctic Ocean

3. _____ is California’s largest and the nation’s second largest city. Sacramento B. Los Angeles C. San Diego D. San Francisco 4. California’s official nickname is the ___ Sunflower State B. Golden State C. Land of Opportunity D. Evergreen State

5. ____ has the largest population in the USA. A. California B. Alaska C. Washington D. Texas 6. California entered the Union on September 9,1850, as the ___ state. A. thirtieth B. thirty-eighth C. thirty-second D. thirty-first

California (the Golden State) Lying on the Pacific Ocean, California is on the west coast of the United States. It has an area of 411 square kilometers, and it has the largest population, with the most developed economy. Meanwhile, its pleasant weather, long beach, and graceful natural landscape make the tourism prosperous.

How many kinds of people are mentioned in this text? most recent arrivals native Americans people later arrivals the Spanish gold miners Russians

Native Americans 1.Time: 15,000 years ago 2.Where they came from:from Asia (by means of) 3.What happened to them in the sixteenth century? were killed by Europeans were forced into slavery died from the disease survived the terrible times Native Americans

The Spainsh Fill in the form: (an important even) 16th century 18th century in 1821 in 1846 California became part of Mexico Spainish soldiers arrived, fought and took their land California was ruled by Spain the United States declared war on Mexico Influence: today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language

T T Russians & Gold Miners F F Do some T or F questions: 1.In the early 1800s, Russian hunters began settling in California. 2.In 1848, before the Amerian-Mexican war, gold was discovered in California. 3.A lot of adventurers achieved their dream of becoming rich. 4.California become the thirty-first state of the United states of Amerian in 1850. T after F few F T

Later arrivals time immigrants reason to settle in Chinese in the 1860s building the railway catching fish; making wine in the late 19th century Italians Danish in 1911 not mentioned Europeans Jewish by the 1920s film industry at the beginning of 20th century since the 1980s Japanese farmers not mentioned since the 1800s between 1942 and 1945 working in the ship and aircraft industries Africans

The future 移民到… 不久之后 文化群体 多种族/多文化的混合体 immigrate to… before long cultural groups a mixture of many races and cultures

Each picture is relevant to the history of California Native American Indian—one of the first people to live in California.

A gold miner—the discovery of gold in California created a gold rush which brought people from all over the world to California.

A building in Chinatown, San Francisco—Many Chinese have settled in California and many of them live in Chinatown in San Francisco.

Chinatowns in California

Language Points

Native Americans 很可能… 至少 通过 史前 …的到来 另外 经历了这段恐怖的时期幸存了下来 It is likely that… at least by means of in prehistoric times the arrival of… in addition survive these terrible times Native Americans

Pudong Development Zone is no longer a rural area ________ it used to be. 2. Pudong Development Zone is no longer ________ it used to be. A. what B. where C. that D. there C A

However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. It is likely/possible/probable that … sb/sth is likely to do sth 某人/物有可能做某事

likely e.g. She is ______to succeed. 她有可能会成功. = It is likely that she will succeed. 辨析: likely, possible, probable 按可能性程度,probable可能性最大,其次为 likely, 最小为possible.但需要注意的是,likely的主语可以是人\物,但possible, probable却只能用形式主语it.

by means of…: by using …用……办法,借助 小偷想从一条暗道逃走,但被捉住了。 只有通过这种方式你才能解决问题(用倒装句) Only by this means can you work out the problem. All possible means have been tried. The quickest means of travel is by plane. *means 单复数同形。 The thief had wanted to escape by means of a secret tunnel, but was caught.

*. She is by no means serious. not at all *. She is by no means serious. *. --Can I have a look at your new camera? --By all means. She is joking or kidding. A land of diversity

The Spanish 与…斗争/作战 传授天主教 脱离…获得独立 向…宣战 一种很强的影响 作为第一或第二语言 fight against teach the Catholic religion to… gain one’s independence from declare war on… a strong influence as a first or second language The Spanish

majority n. 大多数… The majority____________ for the budget. The majority of students ______ hard-working. The majority of the damage _____ easy to repair. the majority of + n. 后可用不可数名词,也可用 可数名词复数, 谓语动词由后面的名词决定。 minority 少数的…… was / were are is

Gold Miners 在…之后不久 not long after… 发财梦 the dream of becoming rich 实现某人…的梦想 留在加州 习惯于新生活 一个多文化的社会 not long after… the dream of becoming rich achieved one’s dream of… remain in California make a life a multicultural society Gold Miners

California was already a ___________ society. multicultural The USA is a multi-_______ country where you can see black and yellow people as well. The use of multi-_______ has made teaching more vivid and lively. There are so many cars. We need to build a multi-______ garage. racial media layered A land of diversity

multi-= many meanings multi-colored made of many colors multinational including many nations multi-channel having many channels multistory having many stories multi-form existing in many forms using many media (TV, radio and CDs) multimedia

Later Arrivals 美籍华人 Chinese-Americans 很大比例 a large percentage 建立城镇 在…初/开始时 Chinese-Americans a large percentage establish a town at the beginning of… Later Arrivals

percentage: -- What percentage of students in your school go to college ? -- 97 percent . percentage 百分比,百分率, 前面不能用具体 的数据。 percent 百分之……, 通常有具体的数据。

Adjective Noun major hard race distinct Italian Korea Pakistan Denmark majority hardship racial distinction Italy Korean Pakistani Danish

1. 电视塔是这个城市最大的建筑 。(by far) 2. 现在的亚洲不再是过去的样子了。 3. 两个世纪以后,一些西班牙人在我们现在称之为美国的地区住下来。 4. 想法是用(通过)言语表达的。(by means of) 5. 我这次就原谅你,你可不许再犯错误 。 (by no means) 6. 多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。(majority) 7. 如果你申请的话,你很可能得到这份工作 。 8. 石油市场欣欣向荣。( boom)

1.电视塔是这个城市最大的建筑 。(by far) 2.现在的亚洲不再是过去的样子了。 3.两个世纪以后,一些西班牙人在我们现在称之为美国的地区住下来。 4.想法是用(通过)言语表达的。(by means of) 1. The TV tower is by far the largest construction of our country. 2. Asia is no longer what it used to be. 3. Two centuries later, some of the Spanish settled in what we now call the United States. 4. Thoughts are expressed by means of words.

5.我这次就原谅你,你可不许再犯错误 。 6.多数人喜欢电视胜过广播。(majority) 7. 如果你申请的话,你很可能得到这份工作 。 8.石油市场欣欣向荣。( boom) 5. I'll forgive you this time, but you shall by no means make the mistake again. 6. The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. 7. If you apply for the job, you are likeyly to get the job. 8. The oil market is enjoying a boom.

George's Diary 12-14 June Read the text quickly and write the day and the things he saw under the photos on page 7.

Write the day he saw these things. Angel island Wednesday 14th, June Fisherman’s Wharf Monday 12th, June

Chinatown Tuesday 13th, June blue and white road signs

Golden Gate Bridge Wednesday 14th, June cable car Monday 12th, June

Monday Match the words that have the similar meanings. And dropped my luggage Got a spectacular view of the city Apparently he had been shocked A tram slipped down the hill fantastic slide baggage obviously Who is Andrew Hallide? A person who invented the cable car system.

Built in 1873, the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie who wanted to find a better form of transport than horse-drawn trams. 缆车系统建于1873年,是由安德鲁·海利迪发明的,他试图找到一种比马拉轨道车更好的交通方式。

horse-drawn n.+past. p→adj. man-made 人造的   snow-covered 被雪覆盖的 state-owned 国营的

Monday Match the words that have the similar meanings. And dropped my luggage Got a spectacular view of the city Apparently he had been shocked A tram slipped down the hill fantastic slide baggage obviously Got a spectacular view of the city

scene 指展现在眼前的景象; 场景;一幕 sight 指值得看的东西,某地特有的名胜 辨析:view, scenery, scene, sight view指从远处、高处看到的景象 scenery 指某地总的自然景观 scene 指展现在眼前的景象; 场景;一幕 sight 指值得看的东西,某地特有的名胜 The mountain hotel offered magnificent views the beautiful scenery of the Three Gorges The scene after the earthquake was horrible. the historical sights of London

It is apparent to sb. that apparently 据…所知;似乎,貌似 apparently e.g. I wasn’t there, but ____________ it was a good party. 我那时不在场,但据我所知,那次聚会搞的不错. She managed to climb out of the car, ____________ unhurt. 她设法爬出了窗外,看上去并未受伤. apparently It is apparent to sb. that 对某人来说……很明显 It is apparent to any reader that there are several mistakes in the book.

(1) slip滑落,脱落 The glass slipped out of his hand. 玻璃杯从他的手中滑落。 (2) 溜走 As the years slipped by, I thought less about her. 随着岁月的流逝,我已把她淡忘。

与slip相关的短语: slip out         (I’m sorry I said that. It just slipped out.) slip into 悄悄进入 被无意说出

slip of the tongue 说溜了嘴 A slip of the tongue at the conference resulted in a great loss. let something slip through one's fingers. 痛失良机 You can't be more stupid! How could you let such a golden opportunity to make big money slip through your fingers? It was an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon. 难得地,千载难逢地

How did George travel around the city? Tuesday How did George travel around the city? He teamed up with a couple and hired a car. Here “team up with” means ______________ and “hire” can be replaced by ______. make up a team rent fire, hire, tire He was ______ because he didn’t show respect to his senior. We won’t ____ a man who is selfish and dishonest. The long journey must have _____ you out because you looked very weak. fired hire tired

Teamed up with a couple from my hotel and hired a car. team up with 与…合作或一起工作,与…结成一队 e.g. Let’s team up! 让我们联起手来吧! It’s a pleasure to _________________ such an excellent worker. 与这样的优秀工人合作真是件愉快事. team up with He has teamed up with Jane to write the book.

It is a 79km round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. Tuesday It is a 79km round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. take in------___________________ tourist spots------___________________________ round trip: _________________ include, cover tourist attractions/ scenic spots 往返旅行 There’s a fascinating drive marked out for tourists. 有一种专为旅游者选定的驾车游活动. mark out  v.制定, 指出, 规划

Tick out the things that they saw in Chinatown A museum The Great Wall A tower Temples Art galleries Papercuttings Chinese old buildings The history of Chinese _____________. immigration immigrate, immigration, immigrant

接纳,留宿 改小 理解 欺骗 吸收 He had nowhere to live in, so we took him in. The dress needs to be taken in. They listened to my lecture, but how much did they take in , I wonder? Don’t let yourself be taken in by these politicians. 5)We all know the fact that cotton takes in water more easily than wood. 接纳,留宿 改小 理解 欺骗 吸收

接受,接纳,接待 吸收,领会,理解 改小(衣服) take in 包含,包括 欺骗

Location:______________________________ Wednesday Immigration Station Location:______________________________ Time when it was used: __________________ Conditions:____________________________ ____________________________ Angel Island 1882-1940 Terrible, small, cold and damp, no light

1.What kind of life did immigrants live during their stay there? Wednesday 1.What kind of life did immigrants live during their stay there? Their miserable stay seemed to be punishment rather than justice and freedom to them. They felt lonely and regretful.

get a spectacular view of horse-drawn trams slip down go straight to hotel drop one’s luggage go exploring a ride on a cable car get a spectacular view of horse-drawn trams slip down take /catch the ferry to be exhausted I don’t feel like doing anything 直接回到旅馆 放下行李 观光 乘坐缆车 …景色尽收眼底 马拉的轨道车 滑下 乘渡船去… 筋疲力尽 我什么也不想干了

team up with mark out take in have a good idea of a great many apply for round trip one way trip mourn the former life the civil authorities 和…合作,作伴 划线,标出…的界线 包涵,吸收,欺骗 对…有很好的了解 许多 申请 往返旅行 单程旅行 痛惜以前的生活 民政当局(部门)

欣赏景色 从不同的角度 中国移民历史 admire the view of from different angles the history of Chinese immigration 无处可走 而不是 抓住机会 have nowhere to go rather than grasp the opportunity of

1.我就是想不起他的名字。(occur) 2.他虽然不会说话,但能通过手势让别人知道他 的意思。(by means of) 3.晨雾预示着今天是晴天。(indicate) 4.鼓起勇气,成功就属于你。(keep up) 5.他说的话打动了我。(subject clause) 6.四川发生大地震得消息让我们震惊。 (appositive clause) 7.显而易见,英语很重要。(subject clause) 8.问题是我们下一步怎么办?(predicative clause) 9.玛丽认为他会帮助她。(object clause) 10.人们认为运动会会按计划举行。(subject clause)

1.我就是想不起他的名字。(occur) 2.他虽然不会说话,但能通过手势让别人知道他 的意思。(by means of) 3.晨雾预示着今天是晴天。(indicate) 4.鼓起勇气,成功就属于你。(keep up) 5.他说的话打动了我。(subject clause) 1.His name just didn’t occur to me. 2.He couldn’t speak, but make himself understood by means of gestures. 3.The morning fog indicates that it will be fine today. 4. Keep up your courage, and success will be yours. 5. What he said moved me.

6.四川发生大地震得消息让我们震惊。 (appositive clause) 7.显而易见,英语很重要。(subject clause) 8.问题是我们下一步怎么办?(predicative clause) 9.玛丽认为他会帮助她。(object clause) 10.人们认为运动会会按计划举行。(subject clause) 6.The news that a big earthquake occurred in Sichuan shocked us. 7.It is clear that English is very important. 8.The problem is what we should do next. 9.Mary thinks that he will help her. 10.It is believed that the sports meeting will be held as planned.