Bali in Indonesia is a popular tourist region, is small east Java in the Sunda Islands, is an island with an area of about more than 5560 km, a population.


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Presentation transcript:

Bali in Indonesia is a popular tourist region, is small east Java in the Sunda Islands, is an island with an area of about more than 5560 km, a population of about 2.8 million. West of Jakarta, the capital of Bali, about more than 1000 km, with the capital of Jakarta where the Java island across the sea, only 1.6 km away from. 巴厘(BaLi)是印度尼西亚著名的旅游区,是爪哇以东小巽他群岛中的一个岛屿,面积约5560多平方公里,人口约280万。巴厘西距首都雅加达约1千多公里,与首都雅加达所在的爪哇岛隔海相望,相距仅1.6公里。

The charming environment ---paradise on earth ◇ rugged(崎岖不平的) coastlines and sandy beaches ◇ lush rice terraces(梯田) ◇ varied landscape of hills and mountains ,volcano

come on ! travel with me

A. southern part Comfortable  beach

Tanah Lot (海神庙) Tanah Lot is one of the best places to view the sunset

B. middle part It is the Bali cultural center One of the most worth mentioning is Ubud Ubud SPA is also can be recommended

Ubud(乌布)  Situated in the hills 20km north of Denpasar(登巴萨), Ubud is the art and cultural center of Bali. In Ubud itself, the Puri Lukisan Museum(画宫博物馆) displays fine examples of all schools of Balinese art in a beautiful garden setting. There are several other quality galleries such as Museum Neka(内卡美术馆), which features work of some Western artists who have painted in Bali, and Agung Rai Gallery, a commercial operation which also houses a small, but important, permanent collection.

Ubud terrace Ubud Market

SPA — Bali is paradise for spa lovers and all sorts of treatments are widely available, but the Balinese lulur body scrub with herbs(草本植物) and spices(香料) — traditionally performed before a wedding ceremony — is particularly popular. In steep (浸泡)contrast to exorbitant(过度的) Western massage(按摩) fees, Balinese massage is an incredible value, and visitors should definitely avail themselves this luxury.

C .West part Bali western has a small population, the island is the only farming region, but the Bali national park is located there , has so many thick trees, also contains rich coral-like regional rare plants and birds and spectacular world under the sea. 巴厘岛西部人口稀少,是岛上唯一的非耕种区域,也是巴厘岛国家公园所在地,这里为茂密的树木丛生区域,内有丰富罕见的植物和鸟类以及壮观的海底世界

D. Northern part Lovina海滩是巴厘岛最适合看珊瑚和热带鱼的地点 The beach is the most suitable place for watching Bali coral(珊瑚) and tropical fish

Jimbaran(金巴兰) beach It is the most kind and friendly beach in Bali. Once, there is a small fishing village. Seafood BBQ deeply loved by Asian customers. The most common seafood in Bali is Mahi Mahi(鬼头刀).

E. Eastern part The mountain `s elevation is 3142 meters 阿贡火山(巴厘峰)海拔3142米,是岛上的最高点,被称为“世界的肚脐”。  The mountain `s elevation is 3142 meters

Kintamani Volcano

Special foods in Bali: Babi Guling (烤乳猪) Nasi Campur(什锦饭) Bubur Injin (放在椰子壳中蒸熟的米饭) Bebek Betutu (芭蕉叶熏鸭) Lawar (水果拼盘)

Custom and culture of Bali

◆ Temples Pura Tanah Lot temple(海神庙),Pura Ulun Danau Beratan(水神庙) ◆ Dances Panyembrahma (迎宾舞),Barong(巴龙舞,)Kechak(凯卡克舞) ◆ Other culture Paintings, sculpture, music ◆ Bali Aga

Go and get married in bali!