完型不是万幸 人物故事篇 Chapter 5 By 昂立中考项目部.


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Presentation transcript:

完型不是万幸 人物故事篇 Chapter 5 By 昂立中考项目部

如何击破完型死结? 1.理解是王道 2.前后左右看一看 3.语法要小心:过去式,三单不能忘 4.不要想太多

如何击破完型死结? 5. 固定搭配要牢记 6. 没有背景干瞪眼 7. 虚词挖空容易忘 8.难题类 9.有些固定模式我们来总结

Text 1 Nearly 和 Almost 的区别 Nearly 用于 肯定 Almost 用于 否定 Be charged by 被。。充电了 Make faces 做鬼脸

Downplay 对 轻描淡写 Archrival 竞争对手 Comeback 复出

Text 9 Be Proud of 以 为骄傲 Take pride in

1 理解是王道 “He didn’t compete for a long time. I’m ___6___ his result. I didn’t think he could finish so fast.” A) responsible for B) strict with C) ready for D) pleased with D

1 理解是王道 Chanel had a sharp fashion (3) s__________, and her store soon became popular in the 1920s in Paris, the world’s capital of art, culture and fashion. Sense The road (5) a__________ will be long, but we as a people (民族) will get there.” ahead

2 前后左右看一看 Since the 1958 Brussels Expo, international o__________ such as the United Nations and the European Union have been frequent participants. Organizations In his first (4) s__________ as president-elect, Obama declared to tens of thousands of cheering supporters speech

2 前后左右看一看 “Everything is possible if you put your mind into it and work your hardest. Your mind really (7) c__________ everything!” Controls Mr. Libeskind has received many (5) a__________. In 2001 he won the Hiroshima Art Prize. awards

2 前后左右看一看 Few children liked to play with Tom because he was so (5) d__________. One afternoon he gave some soap powder (洗衣粉) to a boy friend, who later became ill. Different Chanel’s fashions were totally different from those in the past. They enabled women to (7) d__________ differently and have a new look. dress

2 前后左右看一看 China’s Shi Dongpeng took the bronze (铜牌), pushing four-time world champion Allen Johnson of the US into ___2___ place. A) first B) second C) third D) fourth D

3 语法:动词过去式,三单不能忘 名词复数不能忘 President Hu Jintao 1__________ a white chrysanthemum (菊花) before a commemorative wall (纪念墙) at the ceremony marking the anniversary (周年) of the Wenchun earthquake in Yingxiu (映秀镇) on May 12, Laid

3 语法:动词过去式,三单不能忘 名词复数不能忘 “I ___1___ could not control myself after I started to run because I was so charged by the enthusiastic (热情的) audience here. 1. A) almost B) nearly C) hardly D) exactly A

3 语法:动词过去式,三单不能忘 名词复数不能忘 After he became the President only for five weeks, the Civil War began. It was a (3) f__________ about slavery (奴隶制). Fight Mr. Libeskind has received many (5) a__________. In 2001 he won the Hiroshima Art Prize. Awards

3 语法:动词过去式,三单不能忘 名词复数不能忘 Mr. Libeskind’s buildings have appeared on the (7) c__________ of Time Magazine, Newsweek, and the Wall Street Journal. His ideas have influenced a new generation of architects. covers

3 语法:动词过去式,三单不能忘 名词复数不能忘 Mr. Libeskind’s buildings have appeared on the (7) c__________ of Time Magazine, Newsweek, and the Wall Street Journal. His ideas have influenced a new generation of architects. covers

3 语法:动词过去式,三单不能忘 名词复数不能忘 Because of the Typhoon Morakot, the water level in Taihu Lake, China’s third largest lake, rose to 4.08 meters, the h__________ in ten years and well above the level of 3.5 meters that sets off alarms. highest

4 不要想太多 I still remember years ago when I first came to Shanghai, I asked a taxi driver for tourism a__________. “For outsiders in Shanghai (外地人), there are several things that can’t be m__________ — the steamed buns at Chenghuang Temple (城隍庙汤包), Nanjing Road, Advice missed

5 固定搭配要牢记 Most of university students in France are strongly against the final d__________ made by the French president about the labor bill (劳动法案). Decision From a hat-seller to one of the top fashion designers in France, she (1) a__________ the world’s attention for over 80 years. attracted

5 固定搭配要牢记 She got the nickname Coco when she worked (2) a__________ a singer during 1905-1908. As Last week, a clever 95-year-old German woman caught a thief in a retirement home (养老). The thief turned o__________ to be the cleaner, a 36-year-old woman. out

5 固定搭配要牢记 Mr. Libeskind is now (4) r__________ for several projects. For example, he is building Europe’s largest shopping center in Switzerland and a history museum in Germany. Responsible The Chinese two destroyers (驱逐舰) and a supply ship (供给舰) took u__________ its duties off the Somali (索马里) coast in January, 2009. up

5 固定搭配要牢记 She was the one who put (3) o__________ buying a new car or a new dress for herself so that I could have a better life. Off

5 固定搭配要牢记 Beethoven was very sad about this because he (4) d__________ on hearing very much. depended

6 没有背景干瞪眼 In the 200, which he considers his ___5___ event, Bolt overpowered the field in the turn. A) international B) strongest C) weakest D) fastest B

6 没有背景干瞪眼 Forty-five years ago, Martin Luther King had a (6) d__________ of an America where men and women would be judged not by the (7) c__________ of their skin but by the Content (内容) of their character. Today the dream has come true. dream color

6 没有背景干瞪眼 China adopts the most advanced nuclear power (核能) technologies to meet e__________ needs. energy

7虚词挖空容易错 he wanted to free the slaves and he wanted the United States to remain o__________ nation. Lincoln was able to realize b__________ of his goals. One both

7虚词挖空容易错 In 1921 Chanel introduced perfume (香水), Chanel No.5. Tile perfume got (4) i__________ name because it was the fifth bottle the models showed to her, and it was to be sold in May, the fifth month of the year. its Later he said that he had started the fire (1) h__________ “But why?” shouted his father. Himself

8 难题类 The money we raise will be used to help the people in that distressed area (贫困地区) and to support the d__________ projects there. development The Shanghai Water Bureau (上海市水务局) said that there w__________ be no more black and smelly water in Shanghai’s rivers or creeks by the end of the year. would

8 难题类 Typhoon Morakot (莫拉克台风), the worst typhoon to hit Taiwan in n__________ 50 years, had killed at least 67 people and left 61 others missing on the island by August 12, 2009. nearly The Shanghai Expo will last for 184 days from May 1st to October 31st, 2010 and e__________ to attract 70 million visitors. expects

完型小结 Step 1:topic sentence要读懂。 Step 2:圈画关键词很重要。 Step 3:左看右看找同义词近义词。

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