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Presentation transcript:


What’s the name of the player? He is a basketball player. He is a chinese. He is great and famous. He is a player in NBA. He is now helping the Houston Rockets. He is now helping the Houston Rocket.

the Integrating Skills Unit 8 Sports the Integrating Skills Yao Ming

How much do you know about Yao Ming? QUESTIONS 1. Where and when was he born? 2. How tall is he? 3. How much does he weigh? 4. When did he turn professional? 5. Which club did he help before he came to the NBA? 6. What makes him great in your eyes? Shanghai, China. Sept.12,1980 2.26 m (7.5 feet). 134 kg at the age of 14. the Shanghai Sharks. size, great skill ,speed and a team player.

WORDS per game every game a period of competition season very famous star make a point in a game National Basketball Association per game season superstar score NBA

Background--NBA NBA refers to /stands for The National Basketball Association,commonly known as the NBA club basketball competition in North America, and undoubtedly the best club basketball competition in the world.


Language points 1.skill n. ability to do something well e.g. You can always make a living with a skill. Reading and writing are two different skills. 2. live [liv] vt. realize, experience e.g. None of the others have lived my experiences.

More than E.g. Peace is much more than the absence 3.Yao Ming has more than just size, he also has great skill and speed and he is a team player. =Yao Ming is not only tall, but also has great skill and speed and he is a team player. E.g. Peace is much more than the absence of war.

Yao Ming PROFILE Born:Sept.12,1980 in Shanghai,China Height :2.26m(7.5feet) Weight:134kg Position:Centre Club:the Houston Rockets

How to write 2. Where and when 3. How 4. How much 5. Why 6. What 1.Who --- is your favorite star? ---was he/she born? --tall is he/she ? ---does he/she weight? ---do you like him/her? ---make him/her great in your eyes?

Discussing & Writing

Name: Michael Owen Birthday: 1979.12.14 Height: 175cm Weight: 68kg Position: linkman

Name: Michael Jordan Birthday: 1963.2.17 Height: 198cm Weight: 98kg

Name: David Beckham Birthday: 1975.5.2 Height: 180cm Weight: 75kg

Name: Liu Xiang Birthday: 1983. 7. 13 Height: 188cm Weight: 74kg                                                                                                                                                                    Name: Liu Xiang Birthday: 1983. 7. 13 Height: 188cm Weight: 74kg Event:100-hurdle race

姓名:张怡宁(Zhang Yi Ning) 籍贯:北京 性别:女 生日:1982,10,5 身高:168cm 体重:52公斤 项目:乒乓球                                          身高:168cm 体重:52公斤 项目:乒乓球 主要经历:6 岁开始打球,1994年进入北京队,1996年被选入国家队,2004年雅典奥运会获女子双打,单打冠军。平时严格要求自己,尽力去做每一件事,给我们树立了好榜样。

刘国正 (Liu Guo Zheng) 生日:1980年3月7日 籍贯:湖北 身高:1.67 m 体重:63公斤 初始打球:6岁 生日:1980年3月7日 籍贯:湖北 身高:1.67 m 体重:63公斤 初始打球:6岁 打球经历: 1994年进国家队 业余爱好:电脑,音乐 主要战绩:刻苦训练,严格要求自己。 曾多次获全国和世界冠军(championship)

Sample My favorite Sports star Liu Guozheng is my favorite sports star. He was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on May 7th, 1980.He`s 1.66meters tall and weighs 63 kilograms. When he was six years old , he began to play table-tennis. In 1994, he was chosen to the National Team. He works hard at his training and is strict with himself.

Until now he has won several championships in the national and world matches. In his spare time , he likes music and computer. Now he is training still harder to win more honor for our country, as well as for himself.

HOMEWORK Write a profile of a pop sports star.

Thank you ! Good -Bye!