Profiling Customer: Customer Profile and Persona


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Presentation transcript:

Profiling Customer: Customer Profile and Persona Minder Chen, Ph.D. Professor of Management Information Systems Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics California State University Channel Islands Camarillo, CA 93012 張瑞恩 生技產業創新創業人才培育計畫助理 張瑞恩 04-22840328#623 關於11月14日於中興大學社館大樓B1演講廳舉辦之研討會主題為: 2014生技產學論壇-開啟創業成功模式 由於此論壇與商業發展學院、管理學院、生科中心以及農業生技產業創新創業人才培訓計畫合辦,因此參加對象為: 對於農業生技產業之創業有興趣之人員、對於創業有興趣之學員。 目前暫定之活動安排有: 商發院:邀請4位目前已創業成功之業界人士(各20min),針對打造新創事業的成功心法、企業二代的創新創業之路兩議題進行演講 ,而後進行座談,講者名單未定。 管理學院:邀請吳彥濬/國立台灣師範大學全球經營與策略研究所教授,分享Babson 經驗,演講題目為: 創業課程設計:美國經驗好用嗎?   目前將老師您的演講安排於上午約11:00~11:50,而確定的議程表仍在安排中,待議程表出來會盡快回復給您,想請問老師是否能夠先提供演講題目以便海報之設計。 謝謝您 敬祝 事事順心 國立中興大學 

4. TAM: Total Addressable Market 12. DMU: Decision Making Unit (for purchasing our products) 17. LTC: Life Time Value 19. COCA: Costs of Customer Acquisition 22. MVBP: Minimum Viable Business Product Source: Disciplined Entrepreneurship in 24 Steps

The single necessary and sufficient condition for a business is a paying customer. Source: Disciplined Entrepreneurship in 24 Steps

Customer Profile End User: The individual (a real person!) who will use your product. The end user is usually a member of the household (B2C) or organization (B2B) that purchases your product. Decision-Making Unit: The individual(s) who decide whether the customer will buy your product, consisting of: Champion: The person who wants the customer to purchase the product; often the end user. Primary Economic Buyer: The person with the authority to spend money to purchase the product. Sometimes this is the end user. Influencers, Veto Power, Purchasing Department, and so on: People who have sway or direct control over the decisions of the Primary Economic Buyer.

Profiling Customers There are several approaches that are used to segment a market so that you can determine what their wants and needs are. The traditional segmentation approaches include: Geographic Demographic Socioeconomic Psychographic Behavior Culture Benefits Generic Description with range

Persona Personas are imaginary, yet realistic and detailed descriptions specific but representative users of your product. They provide a basis for design discussions by concentrating many pieces of user data into key, focused, believable descriptions of your primary audience. Creating personas gives your design team a shorthand way of describing who they're building things for, rather than saying, the user, which could mean anyone.  Key users Give you focus in your product/service design Create from site visit data or field research

Persona Definition Persona is a design tool that helps ensure that programs, services and systems are designed for real users. Alan Cooper, pioneer of software interaction design, coined the term, defining personas as a “hypothetical individual that takes on the characteristic of real users,” representing real people throughout the process of designing a service or product. Personas are developed “with significant rigor and precision...we don’t so much ‘make up’ personas as discover them as a byproduct of the investigation process.”

Persona For the design of a CRM System

Persona A persona is an archetype of an organization’s typical customer, and is defined primarily by a customer’s goals when interacting with the products. They are not real people, but are used to represent real users during the design process. Products generally have a “cast” of personas, ranging from 3 to 8, one of which is considered the primary persona. These are best presented as narratives which provides a persona with realistic characteristics. Name Age Photo Candid quotes Personal information Work environment Computer proficiency Motivation for using the product Information-seeking habits Personal and professional goals Evokes a strong sense of empathy in the project team Eliminates the need to design for an abstract, elastic “user group” whose goals and needs are not fully understood Facilitates user-centered design – focusing on the goals of your typical customers rather than the project team Source: The ABCs of Personas: Design for People, Design for Success

MeYouHealth.Com: 7 Personas & Their Motivation Aware & Achieving, Me-Time Impoverished, Validation Seeker, Enlightened and Discovering, Idle, Excuse Maker, Enabled Monumental mobile app with gaming feature  Daily Challenge

Different Approaches to Improve Wellbeing of Different Persona

Customer persona template Purchasing decisions/ Usage Scenario? Name: __________________________ Customer segment: ______________________ Who are they? Purchasing decisions/ Usage Scenario? Picture Sample quotation Goals & pain points A blank customer profile template is available for download from MaRS. You can find it in the “Activities for Research and Discovery” section of the Building Future Leaders website.

Example Name: _____________ Customer segment: Who are they? Philip Exampleton Customer segment: Classroom teacher Who are they? 28 years old Has been teaching grades 7 & 8 for 3 years Works at a medium-sized public school in a lower socio-economic neighbourhood Purchasing decisions? Tries new resources based on colleague recommendations Highly active on Twitter: #edchat, #gafe Can request small amounts of money for resources, but has no control over budgets Goals & pain points Highly artistic and creative, Philip wants his students to try new things, but is often frustrated by the lack of time and money to do so. This is the end-user of an educational product. Quote: “I really want to make a difference at my school, and I want my superintendent to help me make a difference in other schools as well.”

Example Name: Customer segment: Who are they? Purchasing decisions? Monica Profiletti Customer segment: Superintendent Who are they? 49 years old Oversees 7 elementary and 4 secondary schools Was principal of an elementary school for 4 years before moving to her current position Purchasing decisions? Attends 4 to 5 educational conferences per year to learn about new resources Has a budget specific to educational technologies Bulk purchases must be approved by a committee Prefers to work with official vendors Goals & pain points Monica wants to help her teachers with innovative new classroom resources, but is often frustrated by slow adoption rates. This is the purchaser of an educational product. Quote: “I want my schools to take full advantage of new technologies that increase learning, but the costs have to make sense.”

The Difference Between Customer Profiles & Buyer Personas A dynamic tool to clarify customer understanding A structured, detailed way to describe a specific customer segment Allows you to step into your customer's’ shoes, rather than assuming for them Maps out the jobs-to-be-done, pains and gains a customer may have Assumptions are validated or invalidated   Outcomes and learnings are based on real customer conversations & interactions Your understanding of the customer and the customer profile itself will evolve as you gather more evidence Forces customer priorities onto the value proposition you design A detailed and well planned document for execution A semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer Relies largely on market research & data through surveys and focus groups Contains a lot of assumptions on customers Primarily based on survey responses or focus groups (customer’s don’t always do what they say!) Focus on a static instance in time, rather than a dynamic evolution through constant customer learning May contain little or no direct customer interaction Forces your value proposition onto customers

Extra slides

Customer Personas Customer personas are research-based archetypal (modeled) representations of  who buyers are,  what they are trying to accomplish,  what goals drive their behavior,  how they think,  how they buy,  why they make buying decisions,  where they buy and  when buyers decide to buy. Persona (link)

Persona: A Case Study of VA Services We identify high level trends in ways Veterans seek out assistance, use technology, take advantage of services, and react to challenging interactions. Based on these patterns we have created a set of four profiles, or personas, that represent the kinds of users with whom we spoke. Each persona is an archetype based on commonalities we observed amongst Veterans who exhibited similar behaviors and approaches to accessing VA services. They are not categorized by positive or negative experiences, but by shared expectations and needs. In drawing together users by the ways in which they engage with the service at hand, we can identify trends and ensure we are meeting the needs of the varied types of customers we serve.

VA Users’ Personas

Persona: Lifer

Designing for The Lifer Allow me to pause and ask questions, and to have access to a VA professional to speak with frequently and in a timely manner. Include info about local Veteran support chapters in communications. Provide me with a single online tool or a call center where they can refill prescriptions, see test results, and maintain all aspects of the VA needs. Give high level of feedback loops so that I can be assured my request was submitted and is being handled.

Example Source: Disciplined Entrepreneurship in 24 Steps

Ideal Customer Profile

Customer Profile

Persona Example

Pitch Outline 一、簡述公司的產品與業務 你的產品是做什麼的?你能否用最簡單的一句話解釋你的產品在做什麼? 二、你在解決什麼問題 你的產品在解決什麼問題,你是在解決一個還沒被解決的痛點或是剛需嗎!? 三、你是如何解決問題的 針對上述問題,你的解決方案是什麼?你又是如何解決的? 四、產品或服務介紹 作為解決方案,人們該如何使用你的產品?能夠給出一個使用場景更好。 五、市場規模 你產品未來的市場是否足夠大,是否能夠讓投資人在5年內獲取10倍以上的回報?

Pitch Skills 六、商業模式 你的產品如何獲利?你的產品可以在一兩年內都不獲利,但你必須要在創業第一天開始就思考獲利方式。 七、競品分析 你的競爭對手是誰,彼此之間又有什麼優劣勢?相較於你的競爭對手,你的核心競爭力在哪裏?為什麼你能說你的產品比競爭對手更好? 八、團隊 對於投資人來說,決定是否投資早期項目最關鍵的三件事情是「團隊,團隊,團隊」。你的團隊成員過去是否有過相關行業的從業經驗或是技術積累,你的團隊是否能夠證明你就是最能解決市場問題的不二人選? 九、財務預測與融資規劃 未來你需要花多少錢,會如何花錢?你現階段需要融多少錢?融到資後又會如何花錢?