Sepam 微机保护装置 在变电站中的应用.


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Presentation transcript:

Sepam 微机保护装置 在变电站中的应用

适用于供电系统、工业配电、民用及商业用户 Sepam系列微机保护装置 适用于供电系统、工业配电、民用及商业用户 适用于所有电压等级 适用于从简单到复杂的所有应用,包括线路、变压器、电动机、电容器、母线和电动机应用 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

Sepam系列微机保护装置 解决方案 简单、高性能

Sepam系列微机保护装置 解决方案 线路保护应用 变压器保护应用 电动机保护应用 母线保护应用 电容器保护应用

线路保护应用 - Sepam S20 解决方案 四段相过流保护,每一段均可整定为定时限或反时限(可提供16种反时限曲线) 四段零序过流保护,每一段均可整定为定时限或反时限(可提供16种反时限曲线) 负序/不平衡保护 四次重合闸 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

线路保护应用 - Sepam S40/S41/S42 解决方案 所有Sepam S20保护功能,加上: 欠/过压保护 欠/过频保护,低周减载 相过流/零序合闸后加速保护(前加速或后加速) 断路器失灵保护 方向性接地保护(S41/S42),可实现小电流接地选线功能 方向性相过流保护(S42) Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

线路保护应用 - Sepam S80/S81/S82/S84 解决方案 同步校验 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

Sepam系列微机保护装置 解决方案 线路保护应用 变压器保护应用 电动机保护应用 母线保护应用 电容器保护应用

变压器保护应用 - Sepam T20 解决方案 四段相过流保护,每一段均可整定为定时限或反时限(可提供16种反时限曲线) 四段零序过流保护,每一段均可整定为定时限或反时限(可提供16种反时限曲线) 负序/不平衡保护 过负荷 非电量保护(温度、瓦斯或压力) 温度监测 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

变压器保护应用 - Sepam T40/T42 解决方案 所有Sepam T20保护功能,加上: 欠/过压保护 欠/过频保护,低周减载 断路器失灵保护 方向性接地保护(T42),可实现小电流接地选线功能 方向性相过流保护(T42) Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

变压器保护应用 - Sepam T81/T82 解决方案 所有Sepam T40保护功能(相过流和零序过流均为8段保护),加上: 限制性接地故障(零序电流差动保护) Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

变压器保护应用 - Sepam T87 解决方案 主保护: 差动速断 比率差动(二次谐波制动)保护 限制性接地保护(零序电流差动保护) 后备保护: 高压侧复合电压闭锁过流保护(四段) 低压侧复合电压闭锁过流保护(四段) 过负荷保护 欠/过压,欠/过频 过激磁 非电量保护:温度、瓦斯及压力 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

Sepam系列微机保护装置 解决方案 线路保护应用 变压器保护应用 电动机保护应用 母线保护应用 电容器保护应用

电动机保护应用 - Sepam M20 解决方案 四段相过流保护,每一段均可整定为定时限或反时限(可提供16种反时限曲线) 四段零序过流保护,每一段均可整定为定时限或反时限(可提供16种反时限曲线) 负序/不平衡保护 过负荷 温度监测 相欠流 超过起动时间和转子堵转 每小时起动次数 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

电动机保护应用 - Sepam M41 解决方案 所有Sepam M20 的保护功能,加上: 欠/过压保护 欠/过频保护,低周减载 方向性接地保护 方向性有功过功率 方向性无功过功率 断路器失灵 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

电动机保护应用 - Sepam M81/M87/M88 解决方案 所有Sepam M41 的保护功能(相过流和零序过流均为8段保护),加上: 失磁保护 失步保护(应用于同步电动机) 欠/过速保护 电动机差动保护-纵联差动或磁平衡差动保护(M87) 变压器/电动机组合差动保护 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

Sepam系列微机保护装置 解决方案 线路保护应用 变压器保护应用 电动机保护应用 母线保护应用 电容器保护应用

母线保护应用 - Sepam B21/B22 解决方案 电压和频率保护功能: 欠电压/过电压 相欠电压 中性点电压偏移(绝缘监视) 欠/过频 正序欠电压和相旋转方向 剩余欠电压 频率改变率(B22) Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

母线保护应用 - Sepam B80/B83 解决方案 所有Sepam S80保护功能,加上: Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

Sepam系列微机保护装置 解决方案 线路保护应用 变压器保护应用 电动机保护应用 母线保护应用 电容器保护应用

电容器保护应用 - Sepam C86 解决方案 所有Sepam S80保护功能,加上: 电容器过负荷保护 中性点不平衡保护(桥差电流保护) - 最多4步保护 差电压保护(使用开口三角形接入或增加一台Sepam B21) 非电量保护(温度、瓦斯等) 逻辑编程,自动投切 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

Sepam系列微机保护装置 解决方案 简单、高性能

 Sepam系列产品 - 稳定和可靠 基于可靠性研究设计: FMECA: 故障模式, 影响和临界状态分析 故障率的计算 简单、高性能 Sepam系列产品 - 稳定和可靠  基于可靠性研究设计: FMECA: 故障模式, 影响和临界状态分析 故障率的计算 符合国标和IEC标准的电磁兼容性能 获得国际标准和认证;以及中国监测机构认证 超过20年的产品经验 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time 508

Sepam 20系列 最多1个通讯连接口 最多可连接8个温度传感器输入(RTD) 模拟量转换输出 简单、高性能 基于电流或电压的保护功能 最多10个逻辑输入/8个逻辑输出 最多1个通讯连接口 最多可连接8个温度传感器输入(RTD) 模拟量转换输出 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

Sepam 40系列 带方向/不带方向性相过流保护 带方向/不带方向性接地保护 最多1个通讯连接口 最多可连接16个温度传感器输入(RTD) 简单、高性能 Sepam 40系列 基于电流和电压的保护功能: 带方向/不带方向性相过流保护 带方向/不带方向性接地保护 最多10个逻辑输入/8个逻辑输出 最多1个通讯连接口 最多可连接16个温度传感器输入(RTD) 模拟量转换输出 逻辑编程功能 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

Sepam 80系列 带方向/不带方向性相过流保护 带方向/不带方向性接地保护 变压器/设备差动保护 最多2个通讯连接口 简单、高性能 Sepam 80系列 基于电流和电压的保护功能: 带方向/不带方向性相过流保护 带方向/不带方向性接地保护 变压器/设备差动保护 最多42个逻辑输入/23个逻辑输出 最多2个通讯连接口 最多可连接16个温度传感器输入(RTD) 模拟量转换输出 检同期功能 逻辑编程功能 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

监视和控制功能 看门狗设计可监视: 本身硬件故障 控制电源缺失 CT/VT断线监视(40和80系列产品) 遥控位置偏差 简单、高性能 监视和控制功能 看门狗设计可监视: 本身硬件故障 控制电源缺失 跳闸回路断线监视 CT/VT断线监视(40和80系列产品) 遥控位置偏差 禁止合闸功能,适用于电气防跳功能 断路器故障跳闸次数 跳闸动作时间 弹簧储能时间及储能位置监视 累计分段电流,提供电流总值和分类报告 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

故障录波功能 记录通道:电流(3相及零序)、电压(3相及零序)、逻辑输入/输出口 保存格式:COMTRADE 简单、高性能 自动或手动触发 最大记忆时间:42秒 最多存储记录数目:20 每周期最多采样点数:36点 保存格式:COMTRADE Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

远程操作功能 RS485总线或光纤通讯方式 完全四遥功能:遥控、遥信、遥测和遥调功能 带时标的事件信息(SOE) 简单、高性能 可选MobBus RTU,IEC-60870-103或DNP3.0通讯规约 最大传输速率:38400波特率 完全四遥功能:遥控、遥信、遥测和遥调功能 带时标的事件信息(SOE) Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

逻辑编程功能 使用含在Sepam 40或80系列产品内部的逻辑编程功能可实现: 等等…… 简单、高性能 自动电源切换功能 电动机起动顺序控制 自动甩负荷 对中压柜外部设备的管理 等等…… Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

自动电源切换功能 简单、高性能 根据用户要求编制逻辑程序 可选多种闭锁条件 多种切换方式选择 ATS S80 S80 S80 S80 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

双语界面显示 屏幕语言可选为中文 提供各种图形: 印刷体字符 图画 可选英文 简单、高性能 Simple solution for common substation applications: protection of cable incomers and feeders or substation lines Sepam S20 type, with the following protection functions: 50/51: protection against phase-to-phase short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 50N/51N: protection against phase-to-earth short-circuits (see "performance" for details) 46: protection against phase unbalance (or phase loss) which causes overheating and deterioration of the equipment supplied Measurement of phase currents and residual current Logic discrimination: used to reduce fault (short-circuit) tripping time and thereby reduce the consequences. Discrimination principle based on the exchange of logic data between downstream and upstream protection units 4-cycle recloser: interests energy distributors rather than industrialists, to eliminate transient faults affecting overhead lines. -> Reduction of breaking time

Sepam系列微机保护装置 谢 谢!