Before and after the seven bowls judgment


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Presentation transcript:

Before and after the seven bowls judgment 七碗审判的前后

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Dig Key verse:关键章节: Read Revelation chapter 15 and 16 读启示录15章和16章. Theme of chapter 15:The instance before the seven bowls (vials) judgment – the last judgment and afterwards the permission to go to the temple of the Testimony. 15章主题:七碗审判前的情况-最后的审判, 之后应许进入存约柜的殿。 What was said about the scenery of the seven bowls (vials) judgment? Last judgment (not lasting). 本书如何描述七碗审判?最后的审判(不是持续的)。 Why? The conclusion of God’s wrath. 为什么?神的怒结束。

Dig What was said about those, who stand beside the glass like sea mixed with fire? They were those who had been victorious over the beast and his image and over the number of his name, i.e. no relationship with the beast, the false prophet. 本书如何描述那些站在搀杂着火的玻璃海边的人?他们是那些胜了兽和兽的像,并它名字数目的人,即他们与兽-那假先知没有关系。 What did they do? They were the harpists singing the new song of Moses. 他们做了什么呢?他们拿着琴,唱着摩西的新歌。

Dig What was about the song? Praising the Almighty for His deeds, justice, truth, kingship for all ages, everyone should reverence to Him and bring honor and glory to His name, His holiness and all nations will come and worship Him. 歌的内容是什么?赞美全能的神,因 他的作为、公义、真理和王权。每一个人都要敬畏他,将荣耀归与他的名和他的圣洁。万民都要来在他面前敬拜。 Shouldn’t we sing the same songs today and the contents of our songs should be Almighty and Christ focus? 难到今天我们不应该唱同样的歌吗?我们歌的内容难道不应该专注于全能的神和基督吗?

Dig Afterwards, the Tabernacle of the Testimony reviewed. It’s the holy of the holies where the ark of the testimony was kept. This speaks volume about God’s faithfulness in His promise. 此后,在天上那存约柜的圣殿开了。这就是存放约柜的至圣所。这充分说明了神的许诺不会落空。 Then, what was seen? Out came the seven angels with seven plagues. 然后,天上出现了什么?走出了持有七灾的七位天使。 What did they look like? Dressed in clean and shinning lining with golden sashes on their chests. 他们什么样?穿着洁白光明的细麻衣,胸间束着金带。

Dig With that, what else was seen? One of the four living creatures handed out the seven bowls filled with God’s wrath to the seven angels. Notice who handed them out – one of the living creatures. 同时还出现了什么?四活物中有一个把盛满了神大怒的七个金碗给了那七位天使。 注意谁把那些金碗拿出来-四活物中一个。 In other words, the four living creatures had authorities over the plagues and gave orders to the angels to execute God’s wrath, the last seven bowls judgment. 换句话说,四活物掌管着灾祸并命令天使执行神的忿怒,即最后七碗的审判。

Dig Then, God’s glory filled the temple and none could get to the temple until the completion of the seven plagues, indicating that after the plagues the entry to the temple will be open to all. 然后,神的荣耀充满殿中,没有人能进殿,直等到七灾结束了。这说明灾祸之后,殿门将会对所有的人敞开。 In other words, don’t underestimate God’s holiness. He won’t allow sins in His holy of holiness. His wrath is to purge sins and afterwards, we all can get to His holy of holiness. Hence, without the shedding of blood for the remission of our sins through Christ, we can’t come close to Him because He’s holy. 换句话说,不可轻看神的圣洁, 他不会允许有罪进入 他的至圣所。 他的忿怒是为了除去我们的罪后,使我们都得以进入 他的至圣所。因此,没有基督宝血洗净我们的罪,我们就不能亲近神,因为神是圣洁的。

Dig Theme of Chapter 16: The seven bowls judgment – men still won’t repent from their wickedness. 16章主题:七碗审判-人还没有为他们的邪恶悔改。 It began with the call of the seven angels. 开始时,七位天使被叫出。 What was the first bowl? Ugly and painful sore broke out to the people without God’s name but the mark of the beast. (worse than H1N1) 第一个碗是什么?有恶而且毒的疮,生在那些没有神的名但有兽印记的人身上。(比H1N1还糟)

Dig What was the second bowl judgment? The angel poured the bowl to the sea and it turned to deadly man blood, killing everything in the sea. 第二碗的审判是什么?天使把碗倒在海里,海就变成血,好像死人的血,海中的活物都死了。 What was the third bowl? This time it was poured to the rivers and springs. They became again blood. 第三碗的审判是什么?这次把碗倒在江河与众水的泉源里水就变成血了。 What was heard? The angel in charge of the waters said about God’s judgment for those, who had killed the saints and the prophets. 天上有什么声音?掌管众水的天使说到神对杀死圣徒和先知的人的审判。 Then, it was echoed by the voice from the altar for God’s true and just judgment. 然后,祭坛中有回音说神的判断义哉,诚哉。

Dig Then, the forth angel poured the 4th bowl of judgment on the sun. 然后,第四位天使把审判的第四碗倒在日头上。 What happened then? The sun began extremely hot (intense heat). People suffered because of the scorching heat and started cursing God’s name. Yet, they refused to repent and glorify Him. 发生了什么?太阳变得极热。人们被大热而烤受苦,就开始亵渎神名。但他们拒绝悔改和赞美神。 Why was said “repent and glorify” Him? We can’t repent without glorifying Him, knowing salvation is from the Lord and He had done it all for us through His son, Jesus Christ. We can’t save ourselves by any means other than accepting His salvation. There’s no other name on earth by which we’re saved – no other religious can save us. 为什么说“悔改和赞美” 他?不赞美神就不能悔改,因为救恩来自神,他通过他儿子耶稣基督完成了救恩。除了接受 他的救恩,我们不能救自己。在地上没有其他的名救我们-没有其他宗教能救我们。

Dig Then, what happened after the 5th angel poured the 5th bowl of judgment? He did that to the throne of the beast. His kingdom became dark. Men gnawed their tongue in agony. Yet, again they cursed God’s name because of their pain and sores. They still won’t repent for what they did. 第五位天使把审判的第五碗倒出来后发生了什么?他把碗倒在兽的座位上,兽的国就黑暗了。人因疼痛就咬自己的舌头。因为他们的疼痛,他们再亵渎神的名而并不悔改所行的。

Dig This is an unusual darkness. Read Ex 10:21-23 about Egyptians’ darkness. 这不是通常意义上的黑暗。读出埃及记 10:21-23 有关埃及的黑暗。 What happened after 6th bowl judgment? It was poured to River Euphrates. Its water dried up and this paved the way for the kings from the East to come. Three evil spirits (they’re not from the Lord) like frogs came. They came from the trinity of the devil, i.e. the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. 第六碗的审判后发生了什么?碗倒在伯拉大河上,河水就干了,要给那从日出之地所来的众王预备道路。三个污秽的灵(他们不是从神来的)来了, 好像青蛙。他们来自邪恶的三位一体,即龙、兽并假先知。

Dig These three evil spirits performed miraculous signs for they were to gather all the kings of the earth to prepare the battle on God’s Almighty great day. 三个污秽的灵施行奇事,为了要聚集普天下众王,叫他们在神全能者的大日聚集争战。 Then, what happened after this as John described? Again, it mentioned about His coming like the thief and saying that we should be ready for His coming, i.e. prepare ourselves through our holiness in our daily walks with the Lord so that when we meet Him, we won’t be shameful as naked, unprepared. 然后,如约翰描写的,发生了什么?再一次,他提到他的到来象贼一样并说我们要准备他的到来,即我们要每日与主同行使我们圣洁,免得我们好象赤身而行,羞于见他。

Dig 随后发生了什么?有闪电,声音,雷轰,大地震,自从世界创造以来没有这样大这样利害的地震。 What was said about the gathering of the kings on earth ready for the battle with the Lord? Armageddon. 本书如何称聚集普天下众王与神全能者争战?哈米吉多顿。 Then, the 7th angel poured the last bowl of judgment. 然后,第七个天使倒出最后一碗的审判。 What was heard? It’s finished. (done) 天上有什么声音?成了。 With that, what happened next? Lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and severe earthquake, which hadn’t happened since the creation of the world. 随后发生了什么?有闪电,声音,雷轰,大地震,自从世界创造以来没有这样大这样利害的地震。

Dig As the result of the tremendous earthquake, what happened? The Great city split into three parts, the city of Babylon, the Great and cities of the nations collapsed. (worse than the twin towers) 大地震导致什么结果?那大城裂为三段,巴比伦大城和列国的城也都倒塌了。(比双子楼的倒塌还厉害) What was said about the Lord? He remembered Babylon, the Great. (not in a good sense but Her wickedness) and he gave his wrath as the wine of the fury of his wrath to her. 怎样谈到神?神想起巴比伦大城来(不是善而是她的邪恶)并把那盛自己烈怒的酒杯递给她。

Dig The scripture also said all the island and mountains fled. They moved. 圣经也说到众海岛及众山都逃避了。它们移动了。 It was more. The hail stones as big as one hundred pound each fell on men. 还有更多。大雹子从天落在人身上,每一个约重一百磅。 Yet, what happened to the men? Cursing God because of the plagues of bowls. 人怎么样了?因为这些碗的灾,人就亵渎神。

Reflect With all the seven bowls (vials) of judgment, men’s heart is still hardness towards Him. What do you think about our salvation to us today? Thanks be to the Lord in Eph 1:4. He chose us way back before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blame before Him in love. Our salvation is not cheap. It cost Him everything, His son and His blood. 随着七碗的审判,人对神的心仍然很硬。今天,你是怎样认为我们的救主的?感谢主。以弗所书1:4说到,神从创立世界以前拣选了我们,使我们在 他面前成为圣洁,无有瑕疵。我们的救恩不是廉价的。价值就是 他为我们做的一切,他的儿子和他的宝血。

The glimpse of the temple of Testimony

The seven bowls (vials) judgment