Rhetoric and Translation


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Presentation transcript:

Rhetoric and Translation Exercise 2 Week 3 nina 2015

Tiny Holes, Big Surgery 小创口,大手术 Catching the Asian Flu 华尔街患上”亚洲流感” No fans? No Fret! “赛场没人气?”咱可没生气!” After the Booms Everything Is Gloom 繁荣不再萧条即来 Liberty is the True Mother of Invention 自由是发明之母

Accusers Accused 原告成了被告 Soccer Kicks Off With Violence 足球开踢拳打脚踢 A Vow To Zip His Lips 誓将守口如瓶 The Chinese Market, A bottomless Pit 中国的市场潜力巨大 Russian Reform Old Wine In New Bottle 俄罗斯改革换汤不换药

For years General Motors (GM) was the undisputed titan of the world’s industry, effortlessly dominating everything. Now, to suppliers, employees and pensioners it must seem less like a titan and more like the Titanic. 毫无疑问,多年来通用汽车公司是世界汽车制造业的巨人泰坦,不费吹灰之力地控制了一切。但是现在,对供应商,员工以及退休人员来说,它更像是一艘泰坦尼克号,而非泰坦。  Allusion 用典

… nothing matters more than having financial markets believe, deep down, that their monetary champion stands ready to slay the inflation beast whenever it rears its ugly head. ……最重要的是让市场相信,他们的货币监管者蓄势而动,通胀抬头随时平抑。 暗喻 The bank is trying to establish its credibility as an inflation hawk, but this may be hard to do without endangering the fragile recovery in some of the euro zone’s biggest economies. 该行试图建立“扼制通胀之鹰”的信用,但是这样做很容易危机到欧元区一些大经济体脆弱的复苏。 明喻

Europe’s central bank may prize consistency but it still has other hobgoblins to deal with. 欧洲中央银行可能很珍视政策上的一贯性,但是它仍然还有其他头疼的问题要处理。 At its peak in the early 1960s, the giant controlled over half the American car market. 在二十世纪六十年代初期的巅峰时期,通用汽车公司这一巨人控制了一半以上的美国汽车市场。 拟人personification

The good ship GM scraped even more icebergs lately. 通用汽车公司这艘巨轮最近撞上了更多冰山。 At the current pace, it may not have the momentum to reach a safe port. 以现在的速度,它可能没有足够的动力驶入安全的港湾。 The situation was dire 13years ago when a newly energized GM board flexed its muscle. 13年前,新任董事会开始施展拳脚的时候情况就已经很糟糕了。  拟人personification

In Britain, where earnestness is a sin and drollery a virtue, dismay about the global financial crisis is best masked with humour. 在英国,郑重其事是一种罪恶,而滑稽幽默是一种美德;人们幽默的方式遮掩着全球金融危机所带来的恐慌。  悖论paradox 和对比contrast

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