黃德祥 大葉大學教育專業發展研究所 教授兼學務長


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黃德祥 大葉大學教育專業發展研究所 教授兼學務長 dhhuang@mail.dyu.edu.tw 如何提高學生學習動機 黃德祥 大葉大學教育專業發展研究所 教授兼學務長 dhhuang@mail.dyu.edu.tw

當前的大學生? 一言難盡?! 百感交集?! www.themegallery.com Company Logo

學生學習行為的類型 Satisfied(滿足型、成就型) Anxious(焦慮型) Defensive (防禦型) Safe(安全型) Hopeless(無助型) www.themegallery.com Company Logo

一種內在驅動力,使之朝著所期望的目標前進的過程 動機(Motivation) 一種內在驅動力,使之朝著所期望的目標前進的過程 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

動機的定義與內涵   Motivation: DEFINITION: From the Latin verb movere (to move, 行動). 名詞的動機:個人所有力量之總和 動詞的動機:提供某人去做某件事的原因 How respond people to the difficulties, problems, failures, and setbacks they encounter as they pursue long-term goals www.themegallery.com Company Logo

Motivation Motivation is the activation or energization of goal-oriented behavior. Motivation may be internal or external. www.themegallery.com Company Logo

赫茲伯格(Herzberg)的雙因素理論(1959) 產生動機的因素——「動機因素」(Motivators ):挑戰性工作、成就、增加工作責任、賞識等 不產生動機的因素──「保健因素」(Motivators ):工資、人際關係改善、良好的工作條件等 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

麥克利蘭(David McClelland) 的成就需要理論 (1961) 成就需要:希望做得最好、爭取成功的需要。 權力需要:不受他人控制、影響或控制他人的需要。 親和需要:建立友好親密的人際關係的需要。 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

五因子工作特徵理論 (Richard Hackman 和 Greg Oldham,1968) 技能多樣性(skill Variety)、 任務同一性(task Identity)、 工作重要性(task Significance)、 自主性(Autonomy)和 工作反饋(Feedback)。 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

Motivation in education Direct behavior toward particular goals Lead to increased effort and energy Increase initiation of, and persistence in, activities Enhance cognitive processing Determine what consequences are reinforcing Lead to improved performance. www.themegallery.com Company Logo

Intrinsic motivation V. Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation occurs when people are internally motivated to do something because it either brings them pleasure, they think it is important, or they feel that what they are learning is significant. Extrinsic motivation comes into play when a student is compelled to do something or act a certain way because of factors external to him or her (like money or good grades). www.themegallery.com Company Logo

“Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” Hellen Keller www.themegallery.com Company Logo

“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~ www.themegallery.com Company Logo

動機的內涵 Goals: the extent to which we focus on a goal to learn or as a reflection of ability (目標) Beliefs about one’s competence Casual attributions: reasons about why we succeed or fail Self-efficacy: beliefs about our competence to perform a task (信念) Self-worth: a concern with protecting perceptions of our own ability Learned helplessness: a feeling and belief about the hopelessness in a situation(情感) www.themegallery.com Company Logo

動機的內涵 動機=目標×個人信念×情感 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

評估動機的指標 Effort (努力) Persistence (堅持) Achievement (成就表現) Choice of tasks (學習科目的選擇)  Effort (努力)   Persistence (堅持)  Achievement (成就表現) www.themegallery.com Company Logo

1. To help students develop the motivational beliefs and learning strategies needs for success. 2. To foster positive attitude -job, career, calling (Seligman) www.themegallery.com Company Logo

應該讓學生知道 嘗試著去把該學的學好 學會自主學習 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

課堂學習相關問題 A2. 什麼樣的談話主題、討論活動,能引起學生注意和願意主動的參與?(O) 什麼樣的活動和作業會讓學生有成就感?(W) 學生最不喜歡的作業為何?最喜歡的作業為何?如果讓他們自己決定作業,他們的反應是如何?(Z) www.themegallery.com Company Logo

THINK POSITIVE Believe in your own effort and capability www.themegallery.com Company Logo

學生可能缺乏tools or skills The tools or skills of Concentration Persistence Volition, goal setting, goal orientation, delay of instant gratification 延緩滿足 Strategies for acquiring and retaining new information www.themegallery.com Company Logo

學生的問題 1. Procrastination 2. Confidence/Responsibility 3. Learning from Lecture/Text 4. Test Preparation 5. Managing Their Life www.themegallery.com Company Logo

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為什麼學生無法成功學習? 對自己的能力、學習及動機有錯誤的信念 不清楚自己的學習行為沒有果效(效能) 未持續運用有效的學習及動機策略 還沒有準備好改變自己的行為 Dembo, M (2004). Motivation and learning for college success. www.themegallery.com Company Logo

大學大一新生學習困擾調查 1.自己容易有拖延的習慣,無法完成原本 預定的進度。 2.讀書時定性不夠,容易被外物所影響。 3.覺得讀書沒有效率。 4.覺得自己時間掌握不好,不知道要如何 分配時間。 5.閱讀原文書籍感到困難。 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

目標設定與成就目標取向理論的建議 Goal Enhance Performance in Five Major Ways: Effort (努力) Duration or Persistence (持續或堅持) Direction of Attention (專注力) Strategic Planning (有計畫的策略) Reference Point (查核點) (Locke & Latham, 1990) www.themegallery.com Company Logo

為何要設定目標? which goals we set which goals we value The Ideal Self Goals are about where we want to be. which goals we set which goals we value and which goals we keep working at. Goals are related to who we WANT TO BE. www.themegallery.com Company Logo

如何設定目標 Bite-Sized Pieces Go For Goal Break tasks into small, manageable steps Go For Goal Set goals that are challenge but attainable www.themegallery.com Company Logo

訂定目標的原則: 目標要明確:明確清楚目標之表現標準會比一般性目標更能提高自我效能和動機 目標要有挑戰性:適當難度的目標會讓學習者認為有挑戰性但也能達得到 設定近程目標:自我觀察、自我判斷與自我強化 (Locke & Latham, 1990) www.themegallery.com Company Logo

個人持什麼信念? Mastery experiences Vicarious experience (models) Who students think they are affects what they want. Self-Efficacy (whether or not they are capable of achieving a goal) Things that effect self-efficacy: Mastery experiences Vicarious experience (models) Verbal persuasion (目標) Physical situation Albert Bandura www.themegallery.com Company Logo

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這是一所提供機會使人成功的學校 台中市大業國中 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

成就目標取向 精熟目標(mastery goal): 發展、進步、成長、成熟、精進、學到、改 善 表現目標 (performance goal): 成績、排名、有能力的、贏過別人、在意別人眼光、面子 -超越太在乎別人對自己的評價 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

學習,就是一種享受, 充滿驚喜、快樂和成就感 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

定義/結果 精熟目標 表現目標 成就目標與其他認知結果 成功的定義為 價值在 努力的原因 評定標準 錯誤視為 改進、發展、控制、創造性、革新、學習 高的等級、贏得不惜任何代價 價值在 努力、試圖做挑戰任務 避免失敗 努力的原因 活動的意義和個人之意願 證明一個人的價值 評定標準 進步的跡象 與其他人的社會比較 錯誤視為 訊息,學習的部分 缺乏能力或價值的失敗 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

Dweck’s Model of Goal 智力 理論 成就目標 對能力 的自信 行為模式 固定 表現目標 高 低 有延 伸性 精熟目標   表現目標 (判斷能力的獲得) 高 精熟導向 尋求挑戰 高持續 低 無助 避免挑戰 低持續 有延 伸性 精熟目標 (發展能力) 高或低 (促進學習) www.themegallery.com Company Logo

個人都是有為者,都可以成為別人的角色模範: 每一位學長,都是他學弟、學妹的模範; 每一位父母,都是自己子女的模範; 每一位熟練的工作者,也都是新手的模範…… 而一個有為者最大的成就,便是幫助別人成為有為者。 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

期望價值與自我決定理論的建議 期望價值 -Expectancy construct reflects individual’s beliefs and judgments his/her capabilities -Values refer to the different beliefs students have about the reasons they might engage in a task www.themegallery.com Company Logo

改變自己的期望、價值 For many students there is a discrepancy between who they are and who they want to become… …it can be motivating (動機、意願) if students think they can change. if they can make connections between the present and the future. …or devastating (消極、破壞性) if students don’t think they can change if they are too focused on the present. www.themegallery.com Company Logo

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unmotivated extrinsic motivation  intrinsic motivation 自我決定理論:從無動機到內在動機 (Deci & Ryan) unmotivated extrinsic motivation  intrinsic motivation www.themegallery.com Company Logo

Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic Motivation Interest/ Internal Internal Amotivation Intrinsic Motivation REGULATORY STYLES Integration External regulation Introjection Identification Perceived non- Contigency Low perceived Competence Nonrelevance Nonintentionality Saliance of Extrinsic Rewards or Punishments Compliance/ Reactance Ego involvement Focus on Approval From Self or others Conscious valuing Of activity Self-endorsement Of goals Hierarchial Synthesis of Goals Congruence Interest/ Enjoyment Inherent satisfaction ASSOCIATED PROCESSES PERCEIVED LOCUS OF CASUALITY Impersonal External Somewhat External Somewhat Internal Internal Internal Types of motivation in self-determination theory Reprinted with permission from Ryan & Deci(2000), Academic Press. www.themegallery.com Company Logo

例如,小孩子剛進國小時,到了陌生的環境難免會有擔心害怕的感覺,而會有不想上學的想法(無動機)。 父母親開始時可能會給予獎賞或是扳起臉孔要求小孩到學校上課(外在調節)。 然而一陣子過後可能會因同年齡的小孩也都在上學,自己不去上學會覺得有罪惡感(內攝調節)。 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

也有可能體會到上學能學習到新的知識,覺得知識對於自己是有幫助而到學校來學習(認同調節) 到最後會因為瞭解到自己是一個學生的身份,而認為學生所該做的事情是好好學習,雖然不是出自於內在動機,但已把到學校上課這件事整合到他生活的一部份(整合調節)。 www.themegallery.com Company Logo

一般教學上的方法與設計 Lectures Video presentations Laboratory Exercises Group work Interactive software Field tasks Research/Term papers Independent Research projects www.themegallery.com Company Logo

成功的人生 Paul B. Baltes: 良好的自尊(a good self-esteem) 穩固且富彈性的自我(a solid but flexible self) 對自我潛能有積極信念(positive beliefs in one’s potential) 有積極與樂觀的未來人生導向( a positive and optimistic orientation toward the future) 擁有智慧與道德行為(concepts as wisdom and moral behavior) www.themegallery.com Company Logo

Thank You ! dhhuang@mail.dyu.edu.tw