The heaven, His Glory and the honorable slain Lamb 天堂, 他的荣耀和尊贵的被杀过的羔羊


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Presentation transcript:

The heaven, His Glory and the honorable slain Lamb 天堂, 他的荣耀和尊贵的被杀过的羔羊 The instance before the Great tribulation 大灾难前的征兆

Open Share my experience entering the White house. 分享我参观白宫的经验.

Dig Key verses: Rev 4:11& 5:12 关键章节:启示录 4:11, 和5:12 Read Rev 4 & 5 读启示录第四、五章. How did John invite to see the heaven where God is? Voice like a trumpet. 约翰怎样被邀请去看神所在的天堂? 好像吹号的声音. How did he go there? Spirit 他怎样去那儿? 圣灵 What did he see the one on the throne? Jasper & carnelian, rainbow.他看到什么坐在宝座上的像什么? 碧玉和红宝石, 彩虹. Who were the two groups with Him on the throne? 24 elders. 在他周围宝座上的是谁? 24 长老.

Dig Who are the 24 elders? Later.. 24 个长老是谁? 以后.. What else are around the throne? Lightning, seven blazing lamps( x7 God’s Spirits) 宝座周围还有什么? 闪电, 七盏火灯(神的七灵) What is before the throne? Crystal clear glass sea. 宝座前是什么? 如同水晶的玻璃海. What’s the 4 living creatures in the center and around the throne? Eyes front and back, 4 faces like lion,ox, man and eagle, with six wings each covered again with eyes. 宝座中和宝座周围的四活物是什么? 前后遍体都满了眼睛. 四张脸象狮子, 牛犊, 人和飞鹰. 四活物各有六个翅膀, 遍体内外都满了眼睛.

Dig What do they do all the day long? Reverencing Him on the throne, the Almighty. 他们昼夜不住的做什么? 敬拜那在宝座上全能的神。 Summarize what they say: holy, glory, honor and giving thanks. 总结他们说的: 圣哉, 荣耀, 尊贵和感谢。 With that what do the x24 elder do? Fall down and cast the crowns. 同时, 24个长老做什么? 俯伏并放他们的冠冕在宝座前。 As they do so, what do they say? Praise the Lord for his creations. 做的同时, 他们说什么? 赞美神的创造。

Dig Chapter 5 continue. 第五章继续。 What’s on the right hand of the throne? A scroll. 坐宝座的右手中有什么? 书卷。 Describe it: words on both sides and sealed with x7 seals (each will bring 7 judgment coming in the following chapters) 描述: 里外都写着字,用七印封严(在下面章节中,每一个带出七个审判) What happens next? A mighty angel proclaiming who can open it. 接下来发生什么? 一个大力的天使宣传谁能展开书卷。

Dig Can anyone open it when the angel asks? None. 当天使问的时候, 有人能展开书卷吗? 没有。 What’s John reaction? Wept. 约翰有什么反应? 大哭。 What happens next? One of the x24 elders comforts him. 接下来发生什么? 24长老中的一个安慰他。 Who comes next? The Lamb. 接下来谁出来? 羔羊。 Describe him: slain, located in the center of the throne by the 4 creatures and the elders, 7 horns and 7 eyes (7 God’s Spirits) 描述他: 在宝座与四活物并长老中. 象是被杀过的, 有七角七眼(神的七灵)。

Dig What does he do? Take the scroll. 他做了什么? 拿了书卷。 After taking it, what happens? 4 living creatures and 24 elders fall to worship Him, holding harps and golden bowls of saints’ prayers, they sing the new song. 拿了它以后, 发生了什么? 四活物和24长老俯伏敬拜他, 各拿着琴和盛着圣徒祈祷的金香炉, 他们唱新歌。 What’s the song about? Worthy is the Lamb, his blood purchasing nations, he establishes kingdom and priests from them to serve and reign the earth. 那歌是关于什么的? 羔羊是配拿书卷的, 他的血买了各国, 他让他们作了国民和祭司, 归于神, 在地上执掌王权。

Dig What happens to the millions of angels? Singing, too with praises to the Lamb. 千千万万的天使做什么? 唱歌, 赞美羔羊. What others in heaven and on earth do? Praise him via honor, glory and power. 天上地上的其他人做什么? 赞颂, 尊贵, 荣耀, 权能都归于他. What do the 4 living creatures and x24 elders do? Amen (echoing) and fall down to worship. 四活物和24长老做什么? “阿们”并俯伏敬拜

Reflect Our Lord, the slain Lamb, is to be honored. How are we honoring Him today? 我们的主, 被杀的羔羊, 是荣耀的。 今天我们怎样荣耀他? Knowing what’s going to come afterwards, (the beginning of the Great Tribulation), how should we do today? 了解以后发生的事,(大灾难的开始),今天我们怎样做?

More about rapture 关于被提的更多信息 Rapture is not a terminology found in the scripture. 被提不是圣经上的术语. Three thoughts of rapture: pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation and post-tribulation. 三个学派: 大灾难前,大灾难中,大灾难后.

Pre-tribulation 大灾难前 Rapture specifically mentioned: 被提明确地被提到: The how and what: I Thessalonians 4:13-18 怎样被提和谁被提: 帖撒罗尼加前书4:13-18 The day of the Lord: a thief in the night: II Pet 3:10 主来的那天: 像贼在晚上: 彼得后书3:10 One disappears and the other leaves behind: Mt 24:32 -44 (particularly 41 & 42) 提走一个,撇下另一个: 马太福音24:32-44(特别41和42) Purpose: watchful Mt 24:43 and Lk 12:39 目的:儆醒 马太福音24:43 和 路加福音12:39 Judgment of accountability for Christians right after rapture:Lk12:42-43 被提后基督徒责任的判断: 路加福音12:42-43

Rapture continued.. We belong to the Son of the light and the day and won’t go through the tribulation: I Thessalonians 5: 1- 11. 我们属于光明之子, 我们不会经历大灾难(帖撒罗尼加前书5:1-11)。 If we’re taken out in the middle of the tribulation, we’ll still go through 7 seals and 7 trumpets (Rev 6:1-11:19). 如果我们在大灾难中间被提, 我们将经历七印和七号 (启示录 6:1-11:9)。 If we’re taken out after, we will go to the Millennium, which is the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7-9). 如果我们在大灾难后被提,我们会去千禧年, 就是羔羊的盛筵 (启示录 19:7-9)。 Purpose of tribulation: Restoration of God’s promise to Abraham. (Gen 18:18:22:18)  大灾难的目的: 实现神对亚伯拉罕的应许. (创世纪 18:18 22:18)