Unit title: 爱好 Hobbies Area of interaction focus Significant concepts


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Presentation transcript:

Unit title: 爱好 Hobbies Area of interaction focus Significant concepts Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Health and Social Do I take responsibility for my own health and wellbeing? What are the health and social issues that face different parts of the world and how are they different to that of the UK? The hobbies that you choose to have can directly determine how healthy your lifestyle is. The culture you live in may affect your choice of favoured hobby. MYP unit question What factors affect the choice of hobbies that teenagers have?

Days LO: Practise listening and reading skills. Prepare for End of Unit Assessment

听力 第四十三页, 练习二六 Draw the table in your books and then think of all the activities in pinyin that you might hear. Fill in the table with the correct activity in English for the correct day. EXT: Can you write the acitivity in the table in characters?

听力 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 Lili Mingming play basketball play football play table tennis running skate-boarding play football play tennis swimming

(听说 = hearsay (to have heard something) 都 = all) You received the following email from your Chinese pen friend. How much can you understand? 你好, 你好吗? 我叫明明, 你叫什么?我家有五口人,我妈妈,爸爸,两个哥哥和一个妹妹。我很喜欢我家人 – 他们很好!我有很多爱好,我非常喜欢打乒乓球。妹妹很喜欢跑步 – 跑步很好。你喜欢打球吗? 我听说英国人都喜很欢踢足球,对不对?中国人都喜欢打篮球。我星期二看电视,星期四玩儿滑板,星期六看电影。星期四是我哥哥的生日,他今年十四岁。你多大?你的生日是几月几日? (听说 = hearsay (to have heard something) 都 = all) 一 What do you know about 明明’s family? 二 What sports does明明 enjoy? 三 What does she ask about English people? 四 What does 明明 do on Saturdays? 五 When is her brother’s birthday? 六 Can you answer the two final questions ?

跑步 游泳 上网 看电影 踢足球 买东西 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期五 星期六 星期天 星期四 RED: Hover northwest of the hole until a hand appears. Click to drop a red token. YELLOW: Hover northeast of the hole until a hand appears. Click to drop a yellow token. 踢足球 买东西