Objective: review key expressions in U7


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Presentation transcript:

Objective: review key expressions in U7 Revision of Unit 7 The Sea

step 1重点导入 sink helicopter scream terrified

The Eastern Star on June 1, 2015

due to because of owing to step2 语境填词 1. The Eastern Star sank in Hubei province on 1st June ______[由于】 the bad weather and the captain’s carelessness. 2. The ship __________[陷入麻烦] because the bad weather _______________[没被认为是】 a problem by the captain at the beginning. got into trouble was not recognized as recognize vt. 辨认,认出 be recognized as 认为。。。是。。。。

at great speed Sink [vi] Sink- sank- sunk at high\low speed step2 语境填词 sank at great speed 3. The Eastern Star ____ __________ [快速沉没] Sink [vi] Sink- sank- sunk at high\low speed at a speed of 80km\h

in search of search 为找B 搜查A search A for B step2 语境填词 重点回归 step2 语境填词 4. Chinese government sent helicopters several times _______________[为了寻找] missing people. in search of search 为找B 搜查A search A for B

escaped from step2 语境填词 重点回归 5.Few people _________[逃脱]the ship successfully. escape vi. 逃跑,逃脱 escape from…. vt. 【成功】避免【危险\不如意的事】 escape doing sth 我们幸运地逃过了惩罚 We were lucky to ______ escape being punished

6. ________[一方面],the survivors felt lucky to being saved, step2 语境填词 重点回归 On one hand 6. ________[一方面],the survivors felt lucky to being saved, but ____________[在另一方面] they can’t ________[从..恢复] the accident where only 14 people ________[幸存] on the other hand recover from survived recover [vi] recovery [n.] survive Survivor 幸存者 Survival [幸存]n. arrival

sailor persuade escape apologise energetic 1. _______ n.水手, 海员 重点回归 step3 重点回归 1. _______ n.水手, 海员 2. __________ v.说服, 劝服 3. ________ vi.逃离, 逃脱 4. __________ vi.道歉 5. __________ adj.有活力的 sailor persuade escape apologise energetic

lecture pollution disagree local sink 6.__________ n.讲座,讲授 step3 重点回归 6.__________ n.讲座,讲授 7.__________ n. 污染 8.__________ v.不同意 9._______ adj.当地的 10.______ vi.下沉,沉没 lecture pollution disagree local sink

ban debate spirit recover journey 11._______ vt.禁止 12.________ n.辩论 step3 重点回归 11._______ vt.禁止 12.________ n.辩论 13._______ n.精神 14._________ vi.康复, 痊愈 15._________ n.旅行, 旅程 ban debate spirit recover journey

17. frightening adj. __________ 18. industrial adj. __________ step3 重点回归 16. chemical n. __________ 17. frightening adj. __________ 18. industrial adj. __________ 19. agricultural adj. __________ 20. ancestor n. __________ 化学物 令人害怕的 工业的 农业的 祖先

21. recognise v. __________ 22. eventually adv. __________ step3 重点回归 21. recognise v. __________ 22. eventually adv. __________ 23. up-to-date adj. ______________ 24. opposite n. ______________ 25. intelligent adj. ______________ 辨认出\认可 最后, 最终 现代的,新式的 对立的人(物), 反义词 有灵性的、聪明的

according to set sail get into trouble in search of make a living 重点回归 step3 重点回归 1. _____________ 根据;依据 2. ________ 启航 3. _______________ 陷入麻烦; 陷入困境 4. _____________ 寻找; 寻求 5. _____________ 谋生 according to set sail get into trouble in search of make a living

watch out all at once persuade sb. to do sth. pick up deal with step3 重点回归 6. ____________ 注意 7. ____________ 突然; 忽然 8. ____________________ 说服某人做某事 9. ___________ 捡起; 收拾; 接载 10. __________ 处理; 涉及 watch out all at once persuade sb. to do sth. pick up deal with

11. _________________ 选择做某事 12. __________________轮流做某事 step3 重点回归 11. _________________ 选择做某事 12. __________________轮流做某事 13. ___________ 到达 14. be responsible for ____________ 15. apologize to sb. for sth. __________ choose to do sth. take turns to do sth. make it to 对……负责 因为某事向某人道歉

16. ban...from doing sth. __________ 17. manage to do ____________ step3 重点回归 16. ban...from doing sth. __________ 17. manage to do ____________ 18. bring…to a conclusion __________ 19. in the direction of ____________ 20. expect sb. to do sth. ____________ 禁止……做某事 成功做成某事 使……结束 朝……方向 期待某人做某事

listen and write down the key words\ expressions we learned in Unit 7 step 4 篇章巩固 listen and write down the key words\ expressions we learned in Unit 7

achieve one's goal\ambition persuade sb to do sth step 4 篇章巩固 achieve one's goal\ambition persuade sb to do sth apologize for doing sth set sail in search of get into trouble this was the first time that...had done survive sth manage to do pick up explorer whirlpool

step 4 篇章巩固 1. 李明一直很想实现自己的理想, 成为探险家。 2. 他的父母一直试图说服他放弃这个想法。 3. 一天,李明离家出走, 并留下一封信, 为自己的不辞而别向父母道歉。 4. 李明决定启航去无名的岛屿, 寻找刺激感。 5. 在海上遇上了漩涡, 李明意识到自己陷入了困境。 6. 这是李明第一次独自出行, 他感到很害怕。 7. 在好心人的帮助下, 他幸免于难。 8. 住院两个星期后, 李明康复了。 9. 他设法联系到父母, 让他们到医院去接他。

合并: Li Ming always wanted to achieve his ambition to be an explorer, though his parents have been always trying to persuade him to give up this idea. One day, he ran away from home, leaving his parents a letter to apologize for leaving without saying goodbye, and decided to set sail for unknown islands, in search of excitement.

Running into a whirlpool on the sea, Li Ming realized he got into trouble, and since this is Li Ming’s first time that he has traveled on his own, he felt terrified\ frightened . Luckily, with the help of kind-hearted people, he survived the accident and recovered after staying in hospital for two weeks. Eventually, he managed to get in touch with his parents and asked them to pick him up at the hospital.