The Rotary Youth Exchange Experience: 扶輪青少年交換經驗: Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock 文化衝擊與逆向文化衝擊 Dennis White,


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The Rotary Youth Exchange Experience: 扶輪青少年交換經驗: Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock 文化衝擊與逆向文化衝擊 Dennis White, Ph.D. 丹尼斯懷特博士

Culture /文化 An integrated system of learned behavior patterns that are characteristic of any given society. It refers to the total way of life, including how people think, feel and behave. 文化是一種具有社會群體特色並透過學習而得之行為模式的整合系統,係指整體的生活方式,包括人們的思考方式、感受與行為。

Culture Shock 文化衝擊 The profound sense of disorientation and discomfort that comes with extended travel or living in a foreign culture markedly different from one’s own. 長途旅行或生活在與自身文化截然不同的國度裡,往往會感到深切的迷惑與不安。 Culture Shock.doc The Middle Wave of Culture Shock.doc   

Metaphorically, culture is the lens through which we view the world. 文化可比喻為相機的鏡頭,我們透過它來觀看世界

You can’t trust your eyes when your imagination is out of focus. 當你的想像力失焦時,你無法相信眼睛所見之事物 Mark Twain 馬克‧吐溫  

Awareness Test 察覺力測試

What is culture? 何謂文化? An integrated system of learned behavior patterns that are characteristic of any given society. It refers to the total way of life, including how people think, feel and behave. 文化是一種具有社會群體特色並透過學 習而得之行為模式的整合系統,係指整 體的生活方式,包括人們的思考方式、 感受與行為。

Ethnocentrism: 民族優越感: The universal tendency for any culture to see its own values and practices as natural and correct. 任何文化都有一個共通的現象,那 就是認為自身文化的價值觀與實踐 是合乎常情且正確的。

Ethnocentrism: 民族優越感: All cultures are ethnocentric - and must be to impart their values to their members. 所有的文化都具有民族優越感, 並將文化的價值觀傳授給其文化 社會的成員。

The most common ethnocentric assumption is that we can translate literally from one language to another, which leads to both humorous and serious mistakes. 最常見的民族優越表現是從字面上將一種語言翻譯成另種語言,但這往往導致了可笑的嚴重錯誤。

What do they mean? 這些都是什麼意思呢? In a Bangkok dry cleaner's: Drop your trousers here for best results. In a Norwegian cocktail lounge: Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar. 曼谷的一家乾洗店寫著: 想要洗乾淨,在這裡脫下您的褲子。 在挪威的一間酒吧寫著: 女士不能在酒吧裡生小孩。

Dr. No We don’t want a doctor Titanic Ship Outta Luck! 我們不需要醫生 Titanic Ship Outta Luck! 鐵達尼號 運氣不佳的船!

The Sound of Music (美國影片,台譯:「真善美」) In Mexico it was translated as “The Rebel Novice Nun” 在墨西哥翻譯為「 The Rebel Novice Nun (反抗的見習修女)」。 Bad Santa (美國影片,台譯:「聖誕壞公公」) In the Czech Republic it was translated as “Santa Is A Pervert” 在捷克翻譯為「 Santa Is A Pervert (聖誕老公公是變態)」。 Knocked Up (美國影片,台譯:「好孕臨門」) In China it was translated as “One Night, Big Belly” 中國翻譯為「 One Night, Big Belly (一夜大肚)」。 Grease (美國影片,台譯:「火爆浪子」) In Venezuela it was translated as “Vaselina” 在委內瑞拉翻譯為「Vaselina (凡士林 )」。

Advertising translations: 廣告翻譯: In China, Pepsi’s slogan “come alive with Pepsi” became “Pepsi will bring your ancestors back from the dead”. 在中國,百事可樂的廣告標語「與百事共享充滿活力的生活」被翻譯成「百事使你的祖先起死回生」。 In Latin America Chevrolet’s new car the “Nova” Translated into Spanish as “No Va” (doesn’t go) 在拉丁美洲,雪佛蘭的新車Nova (中文意思為「新星」),但翻譯為西班牙語後,變成了「No Va (不去)」。 And my favorite, the Swedish maker of the vacuum Electrolux came up with the American slogan… 還有我最喜愛的瑞典吸塵器製造商伊萊克斯,其廣告標語原意欲表達「沒有比伊萊克斯還能吸的東西了」,可是翻成英文後….

“Nothing sucks like Electrolux!” 沒有比伊萊克斯更爛的!

At first we will be dependent upon translators – sometimes a risky business 一開始,我們會想要尋求翻譯員的幫助–但有時候這是很冒險的

Sometimes, even when we are trying, pronunciation leads to problems! 有時候,即便我們已經盡了全力, 但發音也會導致其他問題!

任何文化都有一個共通的現象,那就是認為自身文化的價值觀與實踐是合乎常情且正確的。 What is Ethnorelativism? What is Ethnocentrism? 何謂民族優越感? The universal tendency for any culture to see its own values and practices as natural and correct. 任何文化都有一個共通的現象,那就是認為自身文化的價值觀與實踐是合乎常情且正確的。 What is Ethnorelativism? 何謂民族相對主義? The acquired (learned) ability to see many values and behaviors as cultural rather than universal. Not right, not wrong, just different. 培養(學習)能夠看見不同價值觀與行為的能力,而不是一概而論。只有不同,而沒有對與錯。 One World or Many.doc 

In a new culture everything is harder 在一個新的文化裡,任何事都變得 困難了

Our own culture, or sub-culture, comes to us as naturally and unconsciously as our handedness. 我們很自然且不自覺地接受自身的文化或者次文化, 這就好比慣用哪一隻手一樣。 We generally don’t think about what hand we will use to write our names. 通常我們不會去考慮用哪一隻手寫名字。 Changing our cultural point of view is about as hard as changing our handedness. Both are possible, but neither is easy. 改變自身的文化觀點猶如改變我們慣用的那隻手, 雖然都有可能,但都不容易。

Handwriting exercise 書寫練習

Unconscious beliefs and values The Cultural Iceberg 文化冰山 Conscious behaviors 有意識的行為 1/8th above the surface 1/8的面積在水面上 Unconscious beliefs and values 無意識的信念與價值觀 7/8ths below the surface 7/8的面積在水面下

Advice often mistakenly given to American Outbound students (from an ethnocentric point of view): 美國的派遣學生被錯誤地給予建議 (從民族優越的價值觀點來看): Just be yourself! 做你自己!

Consider the new culture to be an iceberg 將新文化視為一座冰山

You are the Titanic!!! 你就是鐵達尼號!!! (Ship Outta Luck!)   (一艘運氣不佳的船)

Exchange student journal, 2 months 文化衝擊使我走出 我的「舒適領域」 “Culture Shock takes me outside my comfort zone.” Exchange student journal, 2 months 文化衝擊使我走出 我的「舒適領域」 交換學生期刊,二個月

Personal Examples 個人範例 Holding hands / 握手 Crossing the street /過馬路 Uneven floor surfaces / 不平整的地面

Culture Shock 文化衝擊 長途旅行或生活於與自身文化截然不同的國度裡,往往會感到深切的迷惑與不安。 The profound sense of disorientation and discomfort that comes with extended travel or living in a foreign culture markedly different from one’s own. 長途旅行或生活於與自身文化截然不同的國度裡,往往會感到深切的迷惑與不安。

Stages of Culture Shock: 文化衝擊的階段 Initial enthusiasm and excitement 最初的熱誠和興奮感 Irritability and negativism 易怒與否定論 Gradual adjustment and adaptation 逐步調整與適應 Integration and bi-culturalism 融合與雙文化論 Culture Shock.doc  The Middle Wave of Culture Shock.doc 

Typical Culture Shock Cycle 典型的文化衝擊週期 Rotary Youth Exchange / 扶輪青少年交換 Typical Culture Shock Cycle    典型的文化衝擊週期 Months/月份 Pre-Departure 預先啟程 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Return …... 歸國…... Normal Level of Feelings 正常感受水平 Adapted from a model by Robert Kohls /改寫自Robert Kohls的模型

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Stages of Culture Shock: 文化衝擊的階段 Initial enthusiasm and excitement 最初的熱誠和興奮感 Irritability and negativism 易怒與否定論 Gradual adjustment and adaptation 逐步調整與適應 Integration and bi-culturalism 融合與雙文化論

Stages of Culture Shock: 文化衝擊的階段: Initial enthusiasm and excitement 最初的熱誠和興奮感 Irritability and negativism 易怒與否定論 Gradual adjustment and adaptation 逐步調整與適應 Integration and bi-culturalism 融合與雙文化論

Stages of Culture Shock: 文化衝擊的階段: Initial enthusiasm and excitement 最初的熱誠和興奮感 Irritability and negativism 易怒與否定論 Gradual adjustment and adaptatio 逐步調整與適應 Integration and bi-culturalism 融合與雙文化論

Stages of Culture Shock: 文化衝擊的階段: Initial enthusiasm and excitement 最初的熱誠和興奮感 Irritability and negativism 易怒與否定論 Gradual adjustment and adaptation 逐步調整與適應 Integration and bi-culturalism 融合與雙文化論

Examples of Initial Enthusiasm and Excitement 最初的熱誠和興奮感的範例 Trying any food (once!)? 嘗試任何食物(僅此一次!)? Saying “yes” to almost any suggested activity 對於任何建議的活動幾乎都說「好」 Wanting to go and see as many places as possible 想儘可能到很多地方看看 Finding many similarities with things back home 發現很多與家鄉相似之處 Politely and pleasantly smiling and saying “yes” whether you understand or not 不論聽懂與否,先禮貌愉快地微笑並說「好」 Taking lots of pictures 拍很多照片 Frequently sharing your new and exciting experiences back home 經常與家人分享令自己激動不已的最新體驗

Examples of Irritability and Negativism 易怒與否定論的範例 Why don’t they ever hug or touch one another? 為什麼他們從來不相互擁抱或有肢體上的碰觸? Why do they always hug and touch one another? 為什麼他們總相互擁抱並有肢體上的碰觸? Why don’t they make their street signs easier to read? 為什麼街道上的路牌這麼難懂?

埃及阿斯旺 說的跟看起來一樣難懂。

Examples of Irritability and Negativism 易怒與否定論的範例 If they mean “no” why don’t they say “no”? 如果他們的意思是「不」,為什麼他們不說「不」? Why don’t they just tell me what something costs? 為什麼他們不直接告訴我要多少錢? Why can’t anyone stand in line? 為什麼沒人排隊? Why do they drive so fast? 為什麼他們開車開得那麼快? Forcing a smile with clenched teeth when you don’t understand what is going on. 當你還搞不清楚狀況時,露牙強作微笑。 Complaining about your discomfort to sympathetic people back home, or other inbounds in country 向家鄉那些瞭解你的人或者其他接待學生訴苦 Withdrawing 離開

如果對於易怒與否定論階段的最直接的回應是向其他接待學生或以電子通訊方式向家鄉的朋友親人尋求慰藉,那麼這位學生可能會反覆經歷此這一階段。 If the easiest response to the Irritability and negativism stage is to find comfort with other Inbounds or electronically with friends and family at home, the student may get stuck going back and forth from stage one to two, back and forth 如果對於易怒與否定論階段的最直接的回應是向其他接待學生或以電子通訊方式向家鄉的朋友親人尋求慰藉,那麼這位學生可能會反覆經歷此這一階段。

Stages of Culture Shock: 文化衝擊的階段: Initial enthusiasm and excitement 最初的熱誠和興奮感 Irritability and negativism 易怒與否定論 Gradual adjustment and adaptation 逐步調整與適應 Integration and bi-culturalism 融合與雙文化論

Examples of Gradual Adjustment and Adaptation 逐步調整與適應的範例 Learning the language. 學習語言 Finding yourself dreaming in the host language. 發現自己在夢中以接待地區的語言交談 Finding yourself unable to precisely explain a concept you have learned to someone back home using English. 發現自己無法用英文確切地向家鄉的友人解釋你剛學習到的概念 Insisting people speak to you in the host language rather than English 堅持他人以接待地區的語言與你對談,而非用英文 Going to host parents and local Rotarians with problems rather than people back home. 遇到問題會尋求接待父母與當地扶輪社社員的協助,而非家鄉的親友 Speaking with other Inbounds in the host language rather than English 與其他接待學生以接待地區的語言交談,而不是用英文 Becoming involved in school or community activities 參與學校或社區活動

Enculturation: 文化適應: The successful adoption of the behavior patterns and customs of the surrounding culture. 成功適應周遭文化的行為模式與習俗。 (also called acculturation, immersion, assimilation, adaptation) (也稱為融合、融入、同化、適應)

Examples of Integration and Bi-Culturalism 融合與雙文化論的範例 Not having to translate in your head first. 無須在腦海中先翻譯一遍 Traveling across town by bus, making a purchase, meeting friends in the host language and no one asks “where are you from”? 使用接待地區的語言搭乘公車遊遍整個城鎮、購物並與朋友小聚,沒有人會問「你是從哪兒來的?」 Engaging in host culture practices without thinking: 接受接待地區的文化習慣,不要多加考慮: - Eating with fingers, or a knife and fork or chop sticks 用手、刀叉或筷子直接吃飯 - Standing close, or distant, in line with host customs and feeling comfortable. 配合接待地區的風俗習慣與可接受的程度,可以相互站得近一點或保持一定的距 離。 Accepting and appreciating fundamentally different cultural values as just that – different not right or wrong. 試著接受並欣賞在基本上相異的文化價值,亦即:只是不同,沒有對與錯 Telling people back home – I’m not ready – you can’t make me come back! 告訴家鄉的親友 - 我還沒準備好 - 你不能讓我回去!

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Culture Shock Cycle 文化衝擊週期 Rotary Youth Exchange / 扶輪青少年交換 Culture Shock Cycle 文化衝擊週期 Months/月份 Pre-Departure 預先啟程 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Return/歸國… Normal Level of Feelings 正常感受水平 Adapted from a model by Robert Kohls /改寫自Robert Kohls的模型

What are the Stages of Culture Shock? 文化衝擊的階段有哪些? Initial enthusiasm and excitement 最初的熱誠和興奮感 Irritability and negativism 易怒與否定論 Gradual adjustment and adaptation 逐步調整與適應 Integration and bi-culturalism 融合與雙文化論

Most people anticipate some degree of culture shock Most people anticipate some degree of culture shock. Very few people believe they will experience reverse culture shock. 大多數的人預期會遇到某些程度的文化衝擊,極少數的人認為他們會經歷逆向文化衝擊

Reverse Culture Shock (Re-entry Shock) 逆向文化衝擊(歸國衝擊) The often unexpected and difficult period of disorientation and readjustment experienced after returning to one’s own culture after an extended period of living abroad. 在國外長期居住後,返回原來國家時,經常會經歷一段非預期的迷惑與重新適應時間。 So You Think You're Home Now.doc  Going Home.doc 

The Stages of Reverse Culture Shock are almost the same as those of Culture Shock 逆向文化衝擊的階段幾乎與文化衝擊的階段相同 Initial Euphoria (may be very brief or not happen at all) 最初的興奮期(可能很短暫或不會發生) Irritability and Negativism ( may be very lengthy) 易怒與否定論(時間可能較長) Gradual Adaptation 逐步適應 True Bi-Culturalism 完全的雙文化論

The Wizard of Oz - revisited 綠野仙蹤 – 舊地重遊


Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock are not just unpleasant side effects of international living. 文化衝擊與逆向文化衝擊並非只是居住國外而衍生的不愉快副作用。 They are the necessary ingredients that bring about quality intercultural education. 它們是高品質跨文化教育 的必要構成要素。

What did you learn today? 你今天有什麼收穫?

Click here to view CSRCS. The entire presentation is accessible at Dropbox at the following link: 可透過以下的網路連結,前往Dropbox獲取完整的簡報內容。 Click here to view CSRCS. 點選此處觀看CSRCS。

如需更多資料,請前往。 Dennis White, Ph.D. 207 S. 4th Ave. Sturgeon Bay, WI. 54235 Telephone 920-746-1346 Fax 920-746-1347 Email 丹尼斯  懷特博士 美國威斯康辛州54235 斯特金灣第四大道南207號 電話:920-746-1346 傳真:920-746-1347 電子郵件 For more information, visit 如需更多資料,請前往。