英语口语与演讲 教法新探 厦门大学英文系 纪玉华.


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Presentation transcript:

英语口语与演讲 教法新探 厦门大学英文系 纪玉华

语流教学之隐喻疏导法 开除坏蛋图省心 控制自己莫发火 联合起来效率高 善于应变都省事 六六六

开除坏蛋图省心 只要/ t, d /的前后都是辅音,就把它们开除掉。 Next month, last Sunday, send them out, recommend them, behind the door 如果后面跟着半元音,也可以开除。 Last week, next year, want you to go 某些短语中,即使前面没有辅音也可以开除 That was, it was, what was the matter?

控制自己莫发火 He slept soundly last night. I looked at the man. 六个爆破音的后面只要有辅音,千万别发火 He slept soundly last night. I looked at the man. Workshop, lipstick, meatball, canned food, cab driver, dog food, a big wolf, a white cat

联合起来效率高 只要意义相关,统统把它们联合起来 I am afraid of speaking in front of a large audience. The aim of a hotel is to create a home away from home. I did not enjoy the party. I got angry. He said angrily.

善于应变都省事 被开除的两个家伙变乖了,不过也太乖了,完全没有了个性。 Credit card, football, a good girl, a good cook, a good man, ten boys, ten girls, a thin girl, read poems, write books, private conversation, kind man, send money, send me

重音教学之汉英对比法 表意重音:实词重读虚词轻读 In general we emphasize a word as we stress a syllable by giving it more force, long duration and higher pitch. 一般来说,我们强调一个词的方法是:把某个音节读得重一点,时间长一点,声音高一点。

重音教学之汉英对比法 表意重音:实词重读虚词轻读 I believe the course I’ve followed with China is the one that’s best for America, disagreeing where we have serious disagreements and pursuing our common interest where I thought it was in the interest of the United States.

逻辑重音:强调啥就突出啥 I suggest you talk to her this evening.

重音教学之汉英对比法 She was trying to lose weight.

口语演讲之表演背诵法 Last week, I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors.

口语演讲之表演背诵法 I turned round and looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end I could not bear it. I turned round again. “I can’t hear a word,” I said angrily. “It’s none of your business,” the young man said rudely, “This is a private conversation. ”

口语演讲之表演背诵法 Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, a special moment to express the gratitude, respect and love we feel all year round. Our mothers give us life; they offer us unconditional love, strong guidance and the sense that we can grow up to do anything we can dream of.

口语演讲之表演背诵法 From our first moments, mothers are our best teachers and most selfless friends. And, like my own mother, whom I miss very much, especially on Mother’s Day, they rarely ask for thanks. A mother’s main wish is to see her children grow up healthy and happy.

口语演讲之表演背诵法 Mothers hold a special place in our hearts. In return, we owe them the respect and love they’ve given us. On Mother’s Day, we do so with cards, flowers and gifts, but today and every other day we should also do everything in our power to give our mothers the peace of mind they deeply deserve.

口语演讲之表演背诵法 If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

口语演讲之表演背诵法 It’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, and that their voices could be that difference.

Kill five birds with one stone. 朗读背诵一举五得 Kill five birds with one stone. 开口轻松,语流顺畅 自读自听,自然顺耳 语法是啥?就是语感 常做默写,写作不难 表演背诵,口译不难

演讲训练三大步骤 表演讲故事 模拟演讲 自选题演讲

A story for you The wise old man

THIS IS THE END OF MY TALK. Thank you very much.