郴州市2014届高三英语学科研讨会 郴州市教育科学研究院.


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Presentation transcript:

郴州市2014届高三英语学科研讨会 郴州市教育科学研究院

英语阅读填空解题技巧 郴州市一中高三英语备课组

Step I 湖南高考英语阅读填空分析 考纲解读 阅读填空题是一道任务型阅读理解题,主要是考查考生理清文章脉络、把握整体结构,以及获取、转述、整理、归纳与概括信息的能力。要求查找出针对性较强的信息,概括部分句子和段落大意,并准确表达出来。一般短文填空设题部分采用的是文章结构框架图,在试题设计上更加注重新课程改革下对学生能力考查的要求,更加注意试题设计的科学性,注意直接获取信息和归纳总结信息的试题的比例。

Step I 2013湖南高考英语阅读填空分析 1.MOOCs 信息概括题 2.no requirement 信息转换题 3. cannot afford 4. no formal qualifications 5. Potentials 6. providing 7. Challenges 8. particularly difficult delivery 9. evaporating 10. considering 信息概括题 信息转换题 直接信息题

体裁 说明文 话题 教育 表格特征 框架式 题目类型 直接信息题 归纳概括题 信息转换题 数量 2 3 5

考题设置,热点考向: 1. 直接信息题(2) 2. 信息概括题(3) 3. 信息转换题(5)

Step II 解题步骤 文章 表格 (简单 明了 准确) 抓住文章的框 架及每段大意 分析表格结构和内容 准确定位填空的要求 理解文章内容 正确获取信息 直接信息题 信息转换题 信息概括题 查读 转换信息 正确表述 归纳概括

Step III 实例展示 1.直接信息题。 2.信息概括题。 3.信息转换题。

experience and wisdom 一 直接信息题 People in some countries value the aged as a source of experience and wisdom. Being valued as a source of _____________________ 2. With the constant distraction(使人分心的事) of video games, the Internet and television, it is important to make time to promote a love of reading among children. Factors distracting children from reading ◆video games ◆_____________ ◆television experience and wisdom the Internet

3. In addition, homeschooling allows parents to dictate(指定) the academic course of their children. ◆Dictate the _________________ by themselves 4. In addition, another drawback to homeschooling could be implementation(实行) of an educational plan. ◆It’s hard to ensure the implementation of _________________. academic course an educational plan

二 信息概括题 1. Reading helps children a lot. Children who love to read begin to develop both communication and thinking skills at a much younger age and are generally more creative and curious about the world around them. __________of reading 2. Drones are used extensively by the military. There are killer drones, attack drones, spy drones and surveillance(监视) drones used in the military. ____________ : ●killer drones ●attack drones ●spy drones ●surveillance drones Benefits kinds / types

3. Drought is a period of unusually dry weather within a geographic area that usually has not enough rainfall. ____________: A period of unusually dry weather within a geographic area that usually has not enough rainfall. Definition

4. There are many advantages and disadvantages to homeschooling 4. There are many advantages and disadvantages to homeschooling. Before you begin a homeschooling plan, make sure you have evaluated your ability to properly instruct your child and provide a quality teaching experience. If you do not think you can handle it, you might as well send your child to school. ____________ ●Make sure you have teaching ability ●Otherwise, send your child to school instead of homeschooling Conclusion

常见归纳性词语: 1)原因: 2)目的: 3)历史、发展: 4)问题: 5)方式、手段: reason (for), cause (of) purpose, aim, goal history, development issue, problem, question, difficulty, challenge means, way, method, measure solution,

6)特点: 7)建议: 8)益处、不利: 9)来源、起源: 10)影响、结果、后果: 11)方位: feature, characteristic tip, advice, suggestion benefit, advantage, disadvantage source, origin, root effect, influence, result, consequence, finding position, location

12)概括、总结: 13)用途、功能: 14)相同,不同: 15)定义、含义: conclusion, summary usage, function similarity, difference definition,meaning

三 信息转换题 意义转换。 词形转换。

意义转换(同义、反义、词组、从句转换) 1.Let children read books that they like best. ◆Let children read their __________ books. 2. Maybe you get into an argument with others, or perhaps your work goes badly. ◆Your work not going on _________ 3. A dry spell is usually more than 14 days without precipitation, whereas a severe drought may last for years. A dry spell : is usually _______________ without precipitation. favorite well over 14 days

4. As a result, they are likely to be more successful when they grow up. ◆Children are likely to be more successful when becoming __________. 5. It can also help you get along better with others. ◆Helping one improve ____________ with other people 6. Behavior modification refers to establishing appropriate behaviors in individuals and discouraging those that are not desirable. ●Definition: Establishing appropriate behaviors and ____________________________ adults. relationships discouraging undesirable ones

词形转换 1. Homeschooling is an option that is becoming more attractive to parents as time goes on. Homeschooling is an _________ way to educate children. 2. It is the process of improving employee’s skills and abilities to increase the company’s productivity. ◆The process of improving employees’ skills and abilities to make the company more ___________. optional productive.

3.Whatever the cause, the result is the same: you end up feeling bored, stressed out and unhappy. ◆ Signs of a bad day: Boredom, stress, and _______________ 4. Being humble is of great importance, and it can help you be more satisfied with your life. ◆Giving one more ___________ of life unhappiness satisfaction

5. Shortages of certain goods result in the costly importation of necessary goods from outside the affected area. Economy: ●Make people unemployed and government lose tax income ●Costly ________________________ from outside the affected area 6. Great neighbors are a great contribution to great neighborhoods. ◆Great neighbors ____________________ great neighborhoods. import necessary goods contribute to

7. This writing style gives you the freedom to describe all you observe through your understanding and senses. ◆Describing your ____________ through your understanding and sense 8. Thirdly, be humble(谦虚的) when you perform brilliantly in the competition. ◆Don’t brag(吹嘘) for your _____________________ in the competition observation brilliant performance

9. Finally, learn to face differences in a correct way. Learning to face differences __________ 10. Weed(除杂草) your garden on a regular basis. ◆Weed your garden __________. correctly regularly

11.Kids in middle school are still at a learning phase of life, in which it’s possible to widen their scope(范围) of imagination, and develop the art of expression through writing. ◆Making students’ scope of imagination _______________ 12. To be a good motivational speaker, you must be able to communicate an idea that the audience is interested in: a better job, a better family life, a better financial situation, a better life all around. ◆Trying to communicate an idea that _____________ the audience . wider/widened interests

Step IV 解题五个原则 1.简洁性原则。(每空不超过3个词) 2.语法形式一致性原则。 3.概括针对性原则:概括词在最大限度上覆盖行和列的信息。 4.信息一致性原则:纵横栏目内的表达信息要一致。 5.忠于原文原则:答案不唯一,但要忠于原文,即如果能够在原文中找到相关信息表达要点,应直接采用该信息词。

Step V 巩固练习

… One of the major advantages is that they help control the occurrence of certain diseases. It is also said that these foods grow faster than the foods that are grown in the traditional manner. Due to this, productivity increases, providing the population with more food. Apart from this, … 71. GM Foods 72. certain diseases 73. producing

Though the seeds for such foods are quite expensive, their cost of production is said to be lower than that of the traditional crops. The main reason for this is that these foods have natural resistance towards pests and insects. Another reason for people choosing genetically engineered foods is that they have an increased shelf life and so there is less fear of foods going bad quickly. 74.lower cost 75. longer

The biggest threat caused by this food is that they can have harmful effects on the human body. It is believed that consumption of these genetically engineered foods can cause the development of diseases which are immune to antibiotics(抗生素). Moreover, according to some experts, people who consume such foods have high chances of developing cancer. 76. Disadvantages 77. immune to antibiotics 78. develop cancer

Though the advantages of genetically engineered foods sound promising, the disadvantages cannot be ruled out completely. 79. Conclusion 80. rule out
