研究生英语综合教程 Integrated Course for Graduates.


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研究生英语综合教程 Integrated Course for Graduates

Unit 7 Life and Environment

Part I Suggested Teaching Plan Unit 7 Life and Environment Part I Suggested Teaching Plan Objectives 1. understand the cultural background related to the content. 2. grasp the main idea of the text. 3. master the key language points, especially the usage of the key words and phrases, and learn how to use them in contexts. 4. express themselves more freely on the theme of Life and Environment after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking activities. 5. Study “Writing Skills: Expository Essays (1)” carefully and then write an expository essay.

Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part I Suggested Teaching Plan Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part I Suggested Teaching Plan Time Allotment 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 5th period Step 1 Warming up Step 2 Global analysis of Text A Step 3 Language/ culture study and practice Check on homework Step 4 Discussion based on the video clip Further reading: Text B Step 5 Study the writing skills and write an essay

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Activities Language Study 1.hit vt.打击,使受严重影响; 突然想起 1)The plan to charge motorists £75 a year to use the motorway is going to hit me hard. 向汽车驾驶员每年收取75英镑高速公路使用费的计划将对我大为不利。 2)Then the answer hit me. It had been staring me in the face. 然后我突然想到了答案,原来它一直就明摆在我的面前。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 2.bereft of 失去…,被剥夺… The place seemed to be utterly bereft of human life. 这个地方似乎根本没有人烟。 3.claim vt. 动词(战争、疾病、事故)夺去(生命),导致(死亡) The civil war claimed the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday. 昨天,内战夺去了一位联合国译员的生命。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 4.settle on 选定,看中 1)We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。 2)At first, Chang settle on house, transport facilities is the biggest reason. 当初, 张成看中这套房子, 交通便利是最大的原因。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 5.a swathe of 一长条,一股 1)On May 1st the army took over another swathe of territory. 军队在5月1号又接管了另一长条领土。 2)Year by year great swathes of this small nation's countryside disappear. 年复一年,这个小国家的乡村面积正在一片片地大量消失。 6.inject … into … 注入 The technique consists of injecting healthy cells into the weakened muscles. 该技术是把健康细胞注射到衰弱的肌肉里面。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 7.prosecute v.控告,起诉 The police have decided not to prosecute because the evidence is not strong enough. 由于证据不足,警方已决定不起诉。 8.account for 应对…负责 The President and the President alone must account for his government's reforms. 总统必须为他的政府改革负责,而且是负全责。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 9.clean up 清理,打扫 1)Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation. 该市警察一直在清理一天的暴力冲突后留下的碎石残砖。 2)Under pressure from the public, many regional governments cleaned up their beaches. 迫于公众压力,许多地区政府对各自海滩进行了清理。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 10.broadly ad.完全地; 普遍地 1)The new law has been broadly welcomed by road safety organizations. 这部新法律受到了道路安全机构的普遍欢迎。 2)This gives children a more broadly based education. 这使孩子们受到了内容更广泛的教育。 11.parallel 导轨,类似点 Readers familiar with English history will find a vague parallel to the suppression of the monasteries. 熟悉英国历史的读者会发现这与镇压修道院略有相似之处。 It's an ecological disaster with no parallel anywhere else in the world. 这是一场在世界其他地方都没有出现过的生态灾难。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 12.taint 污染,毁坏(食品、药品) Rancid oil will taint the flavor. 变质的油会破坏味道。 13.trigger vt.引发,触发 1)The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house. 盗贼肯定是故意触发了报警器,然后躲在房子里。 2)The one thousand pound bomb was triggered by a wire. 那颗重达 1,000 磅的炸弹是由一根导线引爆的。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 14. access n.入口,接近…的机会(或权利) 1)The facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users. 这些设施已经改造过以方便轮椅使用者进入。 2)His ex-wife deliberately sabotages my access to the children. 我的前妻蓄意阻挠我见孩子。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 15.Severe though China’s problems with water, soil and air are, they are different in kind from those of other nations in the past. 该句的前半句为倒装句,实为一个由though引导的让步状语从句。英语中有些让步状语从句有时也有倒装的情况,如:as, though 在表达“尽管”的含义时,从句的一部分谓语,表语部分或被强调的部分或应提前置于句首。例如:Published as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 16.bully … into doing …胁迫…,迫使…做… 1)We think an attempt to bully them into submission would be counterproductive. 我们认为试图迫使他们屈服会适得其反。 2)She used to bully me into doing my schoolwork. 她过去总是强迫我写作业。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 17.abide by 遵守 They have got to abide by the rules. 他们必须遵守规则。 18.have an impact on 对…有影响 They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country. 他们称他们预期会议对国家的未来会产生显著影响。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Key to the Exercises of Text A Ⅰ. Reading Comprehension 1.The turning-point event for the American environment occurred in 1969 when Cuyahoga river in Ohio caught fire, while for Japan, it was the poisonous mercury spill of bay of Minamata in the 1970s that led to strict environmental laws. . 2.The air was worse than in an airport smoking lounge. The concentration of PM2.5 was 40 times the level of WHO deems safe.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 3.The airpocalypse generated a green agenda for both central and local governments. Local officials have been held accountable for air-quality in their areas. The government would spend $275 billion over the next five years cleaning up the air. 4.Yes. For instance, farmland is contaminated with heavy metals, wildlife is under particular threat, and water shortage is exacerbated by pollution. 5.No, similar problems have occurred in the 1960s in Japan.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 6.These efforts include reducing carbon intensity, making enterprises sign a contract with the central government agreeing to meet efficiency targets, generating energy more efficiently, and investing in renewables. 7.Chinese investment in renewables amounted to $67 billion in 2012. 8.Answers may vary. I think the air will be cleaned up, and with strict environmental laws, pollution will be curbed.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Vocabulary meet 2. Settled 3. issued 4. Established 5. faltering 6. Degradation 7. conflicting 8. Prosperity 9. deteriorates 10.backwardness

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom III. Translation (E-C) 高灰煤在未来相当长的时间仍将是中国最重要的能源。煤炭不仅便宜还是一种“基载电力”,它能不受太阳和风的影响持续供能。尽管有大量的水力发电项目,但大部分的能源来自于大规模火力发电。中国目前使用了世界煤炭供应的二分之一。2006年超过了美国的二氧化碳排放量。到2014或2015年中国的碳排放量将会是美国的两倍。1990到2050年间,碳排放总量将会累积达到5000亿吨,大体相当于全世界从工业革命到1970年碳排放量的总和。排放量的总和最为关键,因为气候是因为总和而发生变化而不是年度增长。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom IV. Translation (C-E) A new study links heavy air pollution from coal burning to shorter lives in northern China. Researchers estimate that the half-billion people alive there in the 1990s will live an average of 5 years less than their southern counterparts because they breathed dirtier air. The researchers collected data for 90 cities, from 1981 to 2000, on the annual daily average concentration of total suspended particulates. In China, those are considered to be particles that are 100 micrometers or less in diameter, emitted from sources including power stations, construction sites and vehicles.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Unit 1 Animals and Plants Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom The researchers estimated the impact on life expectancies using mortality data from 1991-2000. They found that in the north, the concentration of particulates was 184 micrograms per cubic meter—or 55 percent-higher than in the south, and life expectancies were 5.5 years lower on average across all age ranges. The study also noted that there was a large difference in particulate matter between the north and south, but not in other forms of air pollution such as sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom V. Discussion Script of the video clip Global Warming All of the events of the past decade—all of our memories—have something in common. They all took place during the hottest decade ever recorded since humans began keeping temperature records about 150 years ago. 

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom In the last decade, the Earth's temperature rose roughly a third of a degree Fahrenheit. Since 1880, it's risen about one and a half degrees. You might say the Earth's running a fever. And scientists predict it's going to get much worse. Already, we can tally the signs. Global sea level rose by over an inch during the decade, almost twice as fast as the average during the twentieth century. Arctic summer sea ice declined by over 300,000 square miles—enough ice to cover the states of Texas and Kentucky. The vast majority of climate scientists say evidence for human-caused warming is clear. But less understood is exactly how this warming will change the complex interactions between our planet's land, water, sky, and the living the organisms that inhabit our world.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom As NASA scientists improve their understanding and predictions about climate change, NASA satellites provide critical data about what's happening on our planet today... real-life observations scientists use to hone their predictions. And NASA gets a global view of three major pieces of the climate puzzle: how much of the sun's energy is hitting the Earth, how much of that energy is reflected back out into space, and how much is being trapped, heating the planet.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom NASA satellites measure the sun's energy, which fluctuates due to a ten to twelve year cycle. Could increased solar activity be causing global warming? Satellite evidence shows that the solar cycle has only a slight impact on our planet's temperatures. In fact, even though the last few years have been some of the warmest on record, the sun has been in a deep lull in activity. That means slightly less solar energy is reaching Earth. And when the solar cycle ramps up again, scientists expect temperatures will rise even a little more.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom A second piece of the temperature puzzle is our planet's brightness. All other things being equal, a brighter, more reflective planet bounces more energy back to space. Some of the brightest, most reflective areas of our planet are those covered with ice. NASA imagery shows those areas shrinking, especially in the Arctic. As sea ice vanishes into darker ocean, our planet becomes less reflective and warms even further. Clouds also reflect a lot of sunlight. As our planet warms, more water evaporates, potentially creating more clouds. More cloud cover increases the Earth's brightness, possibly helping to cool the planet. But clouds, and the small particles called aerosols that help them form, are climate wild cards. Many current climate models predict some cooling due to increased cloud cover. Will it be enough to significantly slow global warming? Scientists are using NASA data to look for the answer. 

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Further complicating the issue is that water vapor is actually the world's most abundant greenhouse gas. That's right, the same molecules that might cool the planet in cloud form actually warm it when they're in the form of a gas. They help create a blanket around the Earth, catching heat radiating from the planet's surface and trapping it within the atmosphere. As the planet warms, more water evaporates from the ocean, creating more of this heat-trapping greenhouse gas. Humans can't directly control the amount of water vapor in the air, but we can have a much greater impact on other major greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas, and it's our biggest contribution to global warming. Fossil fuel burning releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the air.

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom NASA satellite instruments capture the infrared signature of carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere. They show a rise throughout the decade. NASA also monitors other greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxides and CFCs. In recent years, CFC have decreased. Methane and nitrous oxide are on the rise. Greenhouse gas is most likely the main contributor to current global warming. It's the key piece in the temperature puzzle, and it's unlocked the door to higher and higher temperatures. 2010. It marks the end of the hottest decade we've recorded...so far. What will the next ten years hold for the Earth's climate? Computer models predict an even warmer planet, with more extreme weather, less ice, and higher seas. The severity of those changes will depend partly on how our planet's complex system responds, and, more importantly, on what choices we make. 

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Key to the Exercises of Text B Reading Comprehension 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.F II. Use of English (omitted)

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Text A参考译文 重见天日 所有的工业国家都曾面临环境承受能力的临界点—承担人口过度增长导致的生态后果。1969年,美国发生了此类事件—位于俄亥俄州的凯厄浩伽河堆满了垃圾,鱼虾死绝,河面甚至起火燃烧了。第二年就成立了美国环境保护局。日本因为水俣湾附近成千上万的人死于塑料工厂排出了的毒汞所以在上世纪70年代通过了严格的环境法。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 2013年1月北京上空挥之不去的雾霾可能成为这些改变现状的环境污染事件之一。几周内,北京的空气质量比机场的吸烟室更糟糕。中国首都被一股暖空气像一床羽绒被包裹着,并且被困在该地区200个燃煤电厂和500万汽车产生的污染中。PH2.5达到了900ppm,超出世界卫生组织声明的安全标准40倍。 有一件事中国明显是对的,在历史上的确有国家和中国的环境问题相似。除了最大的直辖市重庆,中国大部分的城市污染情况并不比1960的日本糟糕。将今年的北京排除在外,空气质量的改善大体和1970年代的日本相当。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 但是,其他的环境指标更糟,而且并不清楚情况是否在迅速改善。一份2006年的调查报告指出10%的耕地被重金属污染,比如镉。最近全国范围内的土壤调查是否显示这些情况有所改善还很难说,因为国家环保部长声明调查结果属于国家机密。今年广东大米含有镉事件触发了购买泰国大米的恐慌。 中国野生动植物正受到威胁。中国物种红色名录,一份官方文件,于2004年指出大约40%的哺乳动物受到威胁。各种动植物的栖息地(在这方面中国非常多样化)由于工业发展正遭受破坏。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 最糟糕的问题是水。中国的图画经常展示些美丽的江南水乡景色。但是大部分中国北方像秸秆一样干旱。“严重的水资源压力”通常定义为每人每年可用水少于1000立方米。在中国,这个数据是450立方米。国家的用水平均值已经够低了,此外水资源分布还极不均匀。五分之四的水资源分布在南方,主要在长江流域。但一半的人口和三分之二耕地在北方,主要在黄河流域。北京每人每年仅有100立方米的可用水。地下水位在20年里下降了300米。前总理温家宝曾毫不夸张的说过,水资源短缺威胁着中华民族的存亡。 这引起了大量的公众关注。在中国非常活跃的微博上,仅一月份就发表了250万条关于雾霾的评论。一所商学院的校长称,数以千万的中外商人因为污染离开了这座城市。北京是中国最富有的城市之一。在2008年奥运会之前,北京把排放难闻气味的工厂迁到了周边省份。如果有任何地方应该更整洁干净,首都应首当其冲。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom “空气末日”给当地有关环境的争论注入了新的紧迫感,并且在几个月之后引发了绿色政策狂潮。从六月中旬起的三周内,政府发布了一系列旨在限制空气污染的改革。这开启了中国首个碳排放市场,使起诉环境犯罪更加容易,也让地方官员对所管辖地区的空气质量问题更富有责任感。据称,中国(包括企业和政府)将在接下来的五年内斥资2710亿美元于空气污染治理。以中国的标准来看,这是很大一笔钱。它相当于香港的GDP,或者说年度国防预算的两倍。 这是中国的转折点吗?许多国内外的环保人士担心这些努力太少太晚了。美国国家科学委员会于7月份发布的一项研究表明,中国北方的空气污染使平均寿命减少了五年半。河水很脏,土壤污染,这些问题政府早就知道,也尝试过治理,但雾霾还是来了。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 这种水资源短缺数世纪以来一直是个严重的问题,现在因为污染变得更加严重。黄河保护委员会,一家政府机构,曾调查中国的“母亲河”,发现三分之一的流域内水资源污染太严重以至于不适合用于农业生产。住建部水安全首席工程师指出城市内只有一半的水适合饮用。 尽管中国的水资源,土壤,空气问题非常严重,但是这些和过去的其他国家没有什么不同。正如中国社会科学院的潘家华所说,我们追随了美国,日本和英国,而因为惯性我们不能迅速停下来。 为了既保持经济增长又能改善环境,中国致力于降低碳浓度——单位GDP的碳排量。过去五年内,碳排量降低了20%。至2020年,实现降低碳排量为2005年的40-45%。中国取得诸多进步得益于一项政策,即—千家国有企业必须提高能源利用率。可以说,这是目前全球唯一且最重要的气候政策。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 这些国有企业与中央政府签订合同,合同规定公司必须达到节能标准,必须符合新建筑规范,必须安装污染控制设备。得益于此,中国水泥生产商(生产水泥量占世界总和的一半)节约了大量能源,这些能源足以生产1999年至2009年间总水泥量的30%。日前,该政策已覆盖到万家国企,囊括了大部分制造污染的企业。 此外,中国产能更加高效。世界银行称,淘汰高耗能落后产业,提高运营效率推动中国燃煤电站的平均热效率从2000年的31%升至2010年的37%;美国则一直停留在33%。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 另一个重大的改变则是中国庞大的可再生能源项目。中国政府提出了同富裕的欧洲一样的可再生能源发展规划:即到2020年实现可再生能源占全国能源消费的20%。其中水力发电比重最大,2012年约占总能源的15%(核能占2%)。但上升最快的是风能和太阳能:2011年-2016年间,政府投资将达2006-2010年的两倍。中国在可再生能源方面的投资使其他国家望尘莫及。21世纪再生能源政策组织(REN21:一家全球性政策网络)的报告显示,2012年,中国在可再生能源方面的投资高达670亿美元,是德国的三倍多。中国的目标是在2015年,风能装机容量达10万兆瓦,太阳能容量达3.5万兆瓦。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 中国不仅是全世界最大的环境污染者也是最大的绿色能源生产者。中国的崛起对环境,世界经济和政治都将会有巨大的影响。目前的中国比以往任何时候都明白气候变化带来的挑战,或许还是全球最清醒的国家。中国现任领导人善于优先处理重要问题。中国发展较晚,更能吸取他国的教训,避免建设高耗能城市。中国国内市场庞大,资本廉价,沙漠风大、日照充足,是建设零碳能源系统的理想地。这是黑暗中的一丝希望。除了中国,没有哪个国家能够做到。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Text B参考译文 美国环保运动 美国环保运动也许是美国规模最大、时间最长,而且复杂的社会运动。1970年4月22日,是美国的第一个地球日庆祝活动,它经常被援引为现代环保运动的开端。当天,2千万美国人涌向公园和上街进行全国范围地宣教和申明美国和全球面临的重大环境问题。 1969年9月20日,来自威斯康星州的民主党参议员盖洛德·尼尔森,在西雅图作了一个轻松的公开讲话,他说:“我相信,这个国家的青年将会对环保问题给予同样的关注,就像他们在对越南战争和民权问题上优先事项的关注一样。这就是为什么我一定要做这个全国性的宣讲。”尼尔森一直推动环境问题已经有些年头了,起初担心水被污染会伤害渔业,皮划艇运动,和他所在的州的其他形式的户外娱乐。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 1963年,作为一个新生参议员,他说服约翰·F·肯尼迪总统筹划了国家“节能之旅”来谈这个问题。肯尼迪在他遭暗杀仅仅两个月前,在5天内走访了11个州,但此行没有成功:无精打采的人群,很少的关注,从肯尼迪本人来说也没有多少明显的激情。 但尼尔森的关于一个全国性的宣教的想法开始了,从某种程度上甚至让他自己吃惊。1970年4月22日,在他西雅图演讲之后仅有7个月,被称作地球日的宣教,通过超过35000个扬声器,在全国引起了超过1200场活动,其中许多是在高中和大学。 “今天”栏目致力于用10小时播出这个活动。国会放了一天假,和三分之二的国会议员在地球日活动中讲话。总之,数以百万计的人参加。这项活动大多没有协调人员。地球日活动有微少的全国性工作人员,即少数青年积极分子,在他们身后并没有大的环保团体。工作人员在各地的活动施加最小的集中指挥,并不选择放在一个主要活动上,比如在华盛顿的游行。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 地球日活动的结果是:它导致了1970年清洁空气法案、1972年清洁水法案和1973年濒危物种法案,并在这个活动仅仅八个月后,成立了环境保护局。在整个1970年代,主要是在理查德·尼克松和吉拉德·福特的共和党政府期间,美国国会通过一个又一个的环保法案,对空气和水污染构建起国家管理权。而大部分熟悉的绿色和平组织,就其目前的形式,是地球日的产物。数十家大学院校设立了环保研究专业,甚至很多小报创立了专职的环保采访区。 许多其他人通过这部雷切尔·卡森1962年出版的具有开创性的著作《寂静的春天》而参与支持最初的环保运动。这部书阐明了杀虫剂DDT的危险,唤醒了在美国和其他地方许多人对在农业中使用功能强大的化学品的环保和健康的潜在危害的认识,并导致了对DDT的禁令。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 在1962年6月,当《寂静的春天》的摘录首先开始出现在《纽约人》杂志,他们引起了轩然大波,并得到了化工行业的“嚎叫愤慨”。农药行业的支持者争辩说,她的书给了一个不完整的图片,因为它并没有说使用农药的好处是什么。美国氰胺公司的执行官抱怨说:“如果男人都忠实地遵循卡森小姐的教导,我们将回到黑暗时代,而昆虫、疾病和害虫将再次得到地球。”化学品制造商则开始进行一项更积极的公关活动,教育公众知晓农药使用的好处。孟山都(农业生物技术公司),例如,出版和分发了5000份宣传手册的“戏仿”《寂静的春天》题为《荒凉的年》,这解释了化学农药如何在很大程度上对疾病,如疟疾、黄热病、昏睡病和斑疹伤寒进行了事实上的根除,而且在美国和世界各地,在农业生产没有农药的帮助,全世界数以百万计的人们将营养不良或被饿死。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 还有一些人可能指向1892年5月28日,认为这天是美国环保运动开端。塞拉俱乐部的第一次会议在这天举行。这个俱乐部是由著名的保护主义者约翰·缪尔成立,被公认为是在美国的第一个环保组织。缪尔和塞拉俱乐部的其他早期成员主要是负责维护在加利福尼亚州的约塞米蒂山谷和说服联邦政府设立约塞米蒂国家公园。 1892年,缪尔和他的一些支持者成立了塞拉俱乐部,用缪尔的话来说,“为环境做工,让山川高兴。”缪尔曾担任俱乐部的主席,直到他于1914年去世。 1901年,缪尔发表《我们的国家公园》,这本书使他得到了西奥多·罗斯福总统的关注。 1903年,罗斯福访问了在约塞米蒂的缪尔。在那里,他们一起在树下奠定了罗斯福的富有革新精神的著名的节能计划的基础。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 缪尔和塞拉俱乐部身经百战,以保护约塞米蒂和内华达山脉,最引人注目的是阻止在约塞米蒂国家公园内的赫奇赫奇峡谷的筑坝活动。 1913年,多年努力之后,这场反对斗争还是失败了,被缪尔比作自己的约塞米蒂山谷注定要成为一个水库,以支持旧金山日益增长的用水需求。次年,缪尔在看望了女儿万达后,经过一场急病,在洛杉矶的一家医院去世。 约翰·缪尔也许是这个国家最有名的和最有影响力的博物学家和环保人士。他教育他所处时代的人民亲身参与保护自然遗产的重要性。他的话已经提高了我们对自然的认识。他致力于当今重大环保问题中个人决心和毅力,曾经鼓舞着并且现在仍然鼓舞着所有环保人士。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom 不管是什么引发的美国环保运动,也不管它到底何时真正开始,可以肯定地说,环保主义在美国文化和政治界已经成为一股强大的力量。人们正在努力地去探索如何使用自然资源、而不是用尽它们,享受自然之美、而不是破坏它,这启发了我们要走可持续发展之路,使我们能够在不破坏地球环境的同时安居地球之上。

Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Unit 7 Life and Environment Part II Detailed Study of the Texts and Classroom Writing Skills: (略)