词形转化 Transition of Words


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Presentation transcript:

词形转化 Transition of Words

tomatoes running quickly I am not tall, but I’m very strong. I like ______________(tomato) very much. I like __________(run) and I can run ________(quick). tomatoes running quickly

词形转换的主要考查点 ★ ★ 名词(nouns) 动词 (verbs) 形容词和副词 (adjectives and adverbs) 数词(Numerals) 代词(Pronouns) ★

我复习 我总结 我能行 中考名词大集合: 练一练: 我复习 我总结 我能行 中考名词大集合: 练一练: 1. They bought some __________(potato) at the supermarket yesterday. 2. It’s March 8, It’s ________ (woman) Day. 3. A balanced diet can help us keep _______(health). 我看名词考查点是什么?(规律我来找) —————————— ———————————————— potatoes Women’s healthy 名词单复数 名词所有格 词性转换:名词变形容词(n.—adj.)

﹜ ﹜ 我复习 我总结 我能行 biggest careful difference happily 形容词对对碰: 练一练: 我复习 我总结 我能行 形容词对对碰: 练一练: 1. Shanghai is one of the ____________(big) cities in China. 2.Please be ___________(careful) when you go across the street. 3. Look! The boys are playing games ________(happy). 4. There is a _____________(different) between Lily and Lucy. 我看形容词考查点是什么?(规律我来找) —————————— biggest careful happily difference ﹜ 形容词最高级 形容词三级 形容词原级 ﹜ 形容词变副词 词性转换 形容词变名词

我复习 我总结 我能行 Discussion: Group 1: 名词单数变复数的规则和不规则变化 Group 2: 名词变形容词的规律 我复习 我总结 我能行 Discussion: Group 1: 名词单数变复数的规则和不规则变化 Group 2: 名词变形容词的规律 Group 3: 形容词变副词的规律

名词单数变复数 一.规则变化: 名词单数变复数,直接加s占多数 s、x、ch、sh来结尾,直接加上es 词尾是f或fe,加s之前变ve, 辅音加y在词尾,把y变i再加es 词尾字母若是o,常用三个已足够 要加es请记好,hero、tomato、potato 二、不规则变化: 男人女人a变e,牙齿脚oo变ee 老鼠特殊也好记,ous变ic 孩子加上ren,鱼鹿绵羊不用变

名词单数变复数: style________ story________ match _______ leaf_________ foot________ child ________ man________ sheep________ styles stories matches leaves feet children men sheep

我复习 我总结 我能行 y y y ny ful ful ful iful ly ly ly 名词变形容词(n.--- adj.): 我复习 我总结 我能行 名词变形容词(n.--- adj.): 1. cloud _____ rain ____ luck ____ sun _____ 2. help _____ care _____ use _____ beauty _____ 3. friend _____ love _____ live _____ y n.+ y: y y ny ful n.+ ful : ful ful iful ly ly n.+ ly : ly

我复习 我总结 我能行 adj.+ ly: ly ly ly ly ily ily ily 形容词变副词(adj.---adv.) 我复习 我总结 我能行 形容词变副词(adj.---adv.) 1. bad _____ final _____ polite _____ successful ________ 2. easy _____ heavy _____ unlucky _______ adj.+ ly: ly ly ly ly 辅+y,(变y为i) +ly: ily ily ily

我复习 我总结 我能行 Have a test: teeth heavily better Children’s lucky 我复习 我总结 我能行 Have a test: 1.Look! Her __________(tooth) are really beautiful. 2.___________(child) Day is coming. What should I get my little sister? 3.You’re ________(luck) to have such a good mother. 4.It rained _________(heavy) last night. 5.Don’t worry, Kitty. With our help, you’ll do much __________(well) next time. teeth Children’s lucky heavily better

sister’s sunny hobbies 名词 Do you know where my ________ (sister) toy car is? sunny 名词所有格 It’s ________ (sun) today, Let’s go swimming. 词性转换:n.—adj. 名词单复数 One of her _______(hobby) is collecting stamps. hobbies 名词

the tallest carefully funnier 三级 impolite Who is _____________(tall), Lily ,Tom or Lucy? Tom is _______(funnythan any cther student in my class. funnier We should listen to the teacher ___________(careful). 最高级: of in, A BorC carefully adj.—adv.(ly) 比较级: A or B ,than, 词性转换 adj.+ n. v.+adv. 原级 三级 adj.— n. It’s _______(polite) to ask a lady about her age in western countries. impolite 形容词 副 词

I can be an English teacher. stories Miss Liu likes telling _________(story).