談如何增進英語閱讀能力 演講者: 尚惠芳博士/義守大學應用英語系 副教授兼教學發展中心主任 Outline: 一、 引言


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Presentation transcript:

談如何增進英語閱讀能力 演講者: 尚惠芳博士/義守大學應用英語系 副教授兼教學發展中心主任 Outline: 一、 引言 二、 五種閱讀方法之應用 三、 範例 四、 結論

一、 引言 閱讀的目的: 興趣 獲得資訊 娛樂 考試 Quick Reading for Main Idea 1

生字處理法 (Vocabulary in Context) 理解力檢測法 (Comprehension Check) 二、 五種閱讀方法之應用 五種閱讀方法: 預覽法 (Previewing) 速覽法 (Skimming) 掃描法 (Scanning) 生字處理法 (Vocabulary in Context) 理解力檢測法 (Comprehension Check) 2

* 方法:閱讀摘要 (abstract) 、標題(title) 、副標題 二、 五種閱讀方法之應用(cont.) 1. 預覽法 (Previewing) : * 定義:閱讀前,預測文章的主旨 * 目的:對文章有初步的概念 * 方法:閱讀摘要 (abstract) 、標題(title) 、副標題 (subtitle) 、每段的首句(topic sentence) 、 圖片、圖 表或目錄等 3

* 目的:了解文章的大意 (Main Idea) * 方法:再次閱讀每個段落的首句,以了解作者所 欲傳達的訊息 二、 五種閱讀方法之應用 (cont.) 速覽法 (Skimming) : * 定義:快速瀏覽 * 目的:了解文章的大意 (Main Idea) * 方法:再次閱讀每個段落的首句,以了解作者所 欲傳達的訊息 (What is the article about?) (What is the writer telling you about?) 4

* 定義:快速閱讀 (The fewer the words, the greater the comprehension) 二、 五種閱讀方法之應用 (cont.) 3. 掃描法 (Scanning) : * 定義:快速閱讀 (The fewer the words, the greater the comprehension) * 目的:了解文章的細節 (Details) * 方法: -- 若閱讀文章:從題目中找答案,特別是是非題 (true or false)的練習 -- 若閱讀書籍:瀏覽目錄 5

4. 生字處理法 (Vocabulary in Context) : * 四種處理生字的方法: a. 從上下文猜字義 (Guess the Meaning from Context) b. 略過 (Skip) c. 使用字典 (Use the Dictionary) d. 拆字 (Divide the Words into Parts) 6

從上下文猜字義 (Guess the Meaning from Context) : e. g. i. Definition: Bill oscillated, went back and forth, before deciding to go to USC. ii. Situation: Her father was irate when she came home very late. iii. Comparison: He was as lanky as a giraffe. iv. Contrast: Unlike her sister who is shy and unfriendly, Jane is very gregarious. 7

方法:只可略過不重要的字,如形容詞、副詞等,不可略過動詞 二、 五種閱讀方法之應用 (cont.) b. 略過 (Skip) : 方法:只可略過不重要的字,如形容詞、副詞等,不可略過動詞 c. 使用字典 ( Use the Dictionary) : 缺點: i. 多重字義 ii. 費時 iii. 須重頭閱讀 iv. 喪失連續性 8

d. 拆字 (Divide the Words into Parts) : 方法:從字根、字首 二、 五種閱讀方法之應用 (cont.) d. 拆字 (Divide the Words into Parts) : 方法:從字根、字首 如:un, pre, intro, bi, non, anti, re, in 9

理解力檢測法 (Comprehension Check) : 方法: 二、 五種閱讀方法之應用 (cont.) 理解力檢測法 (Comprehension Check) : 方法: i. 口試:將書合起,口述文章大意 ii. 筆試:將書合起,撰述文章大意,或 透過各種練習,如是非題 10

* 角色 (Characters):主角、配角、英雄人物等 二、 五種閱讀方法之應用 (cont.) 閱讀小說類 (Fiction): * 角色 (Characters):主角、配角、英雄人物等 * 背景 (Setting) :時間、地點等 * 劇情 (Plot):內容、高潮等 * 主旨 (Theme) :作者所欲傳達的訊息等 11

b. Look at the chart and pictures 三、 範例 預覽法 (Previewing) : a. Read the title on page 3 b. Look at the chart and pictures 速覽法 (Skimming) : a. Read the first sentence of paragraph A -- What is one of the Americans and Canadians’ goals? b. Read the first sentence of paragraph B -- What do North Americans dream of? 12

c. Read the first sentence of paragraph C -- Are the numbers pleasant? 三、 範例 (cont.) c. Read the first sentence of paragraph C -- Are the numbers pleasant? d. Read the first sentence of paragraph D -- Is there only one reason for the population growth? e. Read the first sentence of paragraph E -- Is life better in cities? f. Check for the topic -- What is the article about? g. Check for the main idea -- What is the writer telling you about? 13

a. What are some reasons that many Americans and 三、 範例 (cont.) 3. 掃描法 (Scanning) : a. What are some reasons that many Americans and Canadians want to move out of a busy urban area? b. How many people did the world population reach in 1987? c. How many people will the population of world reach by the year 2025? d. What are some reasons for this enormous population growth? e. What problems does this overcrowding cause? 14

4. 生字處理法 (Vocabulary in Context) : a. mass-transit system: → buses, commuter trains, subways b. commute: → from their homes to their offices and back c. suburbs: → the areas just outside the city d. exodus: → moving e. survive: → not die soon after birth f. worsening: → not getting better 15

5. 理解力檢測法 (Comprehension Check) : a. Turn over the article 三、 範例 (cont.) 5. 理解力檢測法 (Comprehension Check) : a. Turn over the article b. Tell something about the article 16

不論 閱讀的目的為何,皆需要以“quick reading for main idea”為最終目標。 四、 結論 不論 閱讀的目的為何,皆需要以“quick reading for main idea”為最終目標。 根據以上所提的五種閱讀方法,再配合多次的練習,一旦養成習慣後,應能滿足大多數人閱讀的需求(quick reading for main idea),更能 增加字彙,提昇閱讀速度與理解力,以及發展和閱讀有關的技能。 17

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