Unit 4 Earthquakes Warming Up & Reading.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 Earthquakes Warming Up & Reading

课时1:Warming Up and Reading 单元教材课时安排: 课时1:Warming Up and Reading 课时2:Language Study (26页Learning about Language, 63页Using Words and Expressions) 课时3:Grammar 课时4:Reading and Speaking 课时5:Listening, Speaking and Writing (Workbook, Listening Task, Speaking Task, Writing Task) (课时6:Reading and Listening (31页Listening, 65页Reading Task))

一. 教材分析 二. 学生分析 三. 设计思路 四. 教学过程

文本 Warming Up: 整个单元及本课的热身 引入话题 准备词汇

篇幅较长 典型的记叙文 文体特征鲜明,写作脉络清晰 按照时间线索记叙 三大部分: 1)震前预兆 2)地震过程及带来的破坏 --人员伤亡 -- 房屋路桥等设施损毁 -- 动物受影响 3)震后救援 在语言特征和写作手法方面: 过去时态叙事 大量动词及数据 多种修辞手法 内容、语言带动读者情感: 悲天灾无情,感人间有爱; 从沉重中透露积极乐观。

1)从词句、语言的角度读懂课文,理解课文内容; 2)通过文本分析,了解本文的语篇特征,学习记叙文的写 作方法; 3)通过这篇课文的学习,获得一些地震知识,了解地震的 破坏力,同时也感受坚强乐观、有序救灾的精神力量。

学生 地震知识 --- 具备一些常识 话题词汇 --- 有一定困难 本班学生 --- 具有一定挑战性的问题和任务

思路 3. 阅读课文,多维解读文本。 1. 观看视频引入单元话题,以挑战性任务吸引注意、准备词汇。 (Option 2: 看图引入单元话题,激活已有知识、准备词汇。) 2. 预测课文主题,激发学生的阅读兴趣。 3. 阅读课文,多维解读文本。 4. 概括本课;布置作业。

【活动1】 (Option 1) 观看视频,抓取词汇。 步骤一:热身Warming Up ( 教材第25页,时长:3分钟) 【活动1】 (Option 1) 观看视频,抓取词汇。 ——有一定难度,适合听力和词汇水平都比较好的学生,视频的 画面和语言能迅速吸引学生的注意力;适度的挑战性能激发 学生的学习欲望。

I. Warming Up Watch a video clip. v. adj. 通过 引入话题; 视频 通过 抓住注意力; 任务 通过 引入话题; 通过 抓住注意力; 从 做好学习准备。 视频 任务 词汇 Watch a video clip. strike, kill, survive, shake, burst, destroy, fall down, burn, erupt, .... v. earthequake adj. sudden, unexpected, most destructive, terrifying, deadly, ....

步骤一:热身Warming Up ( 教材第25页,时长:3分钟) 【活动1】 (Option 2) 看图引入话题,激活已有知识、准备词汇。 ——难度降低,适合英语水平稍弱的班级;通过图片画面营 造情境氛围,引起学生的共鸣。

看图回答问题 引入话题 带出词汇

It is always calm before a storm. peaceful It is always calm before a storm.

People? Facilities(设施)? Animals? But … 情感铺垫 线索连贯 What would happen in an earthquake? People? Facilities(设施)? Animals? -- An earthquake can be really destructive.

步骤二:读前活动 (教材第26页,时长:2分钟) 【活动1】 看标题预测

II. Pre-reading --Prediction: A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep 1. What is the text probably about? ——预测课文内容 2. Why does the writer say “the earth didn’t sleep”? So, who slept? ——进一步思考题目的含义 3. Does the earth sleep? ——分析标题运用了拟人的修辞手法,为后续活动作铺垫。 吸引注意,激活思维,激发对课文的学习兴趣; 培养关注标题的意识,训练读前预测的能力。

步骤三:阅读课文(教材第26页,时长33分钟) 【活动1】 Reading for gist and structures

Task 1. signs/ early warnings Para 1 (before) (during) (after) Divide the passage into 3 parts and try to get the main idea of each part. 整体理解大意,关注结构和脉络 训练在skimming阅读中归纳的能力 Time Order signs/ early warnings Para 1 Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: (before) (during) (after) strange things/ paid no attention to them damage / destructions Para 2&3 destroyed Tangshan/ people suffered rescue Para 4 came to help/ brought hope

步骤三:阅读课文(教材第26页,时长33分钟) 【活动2】 Reading for details 细读课文,理解细节情节 通过思维导图进一步梳理文章脉络 在完成思维导图和汇报的过程中,关注句子的动词。

Task 2. What happened to them? water cracks wells gas chickens & pigs 1.老师布置任务:细读课文,理解细节内容,完成思维导图。 2.示范:学生阅读第一部分,师生共同完成该部分思维导图。 老师带领学生说出每个细节的原文句子。 water  6 strange things? cracks  wells gas  chickens & pigs mice  Before the earthquake Signs fish  light  sound  What happened to them? ---关注动词

Before the earthquake .... Strange things happened but people thought little of them.

3.学生独立阅读第二、三 部分,完成思维导图。 4.学生汇报(要求用完整 的句子);师生共同确 定思维导图第二、三部 分内容。

补充课文第二部分关于唐山地震的更多信息: damage and destructions depth? Paragraphs 2&3: Complete the graph strength? Tangshan earthquake 补充课文第二部分关于唐山地震的更多信息: size of the crack? time? damage and destructions number of victims? to facilities (设施)? to animals?

Depth: It happened 11 kilometres below the city. Strength: It was one of the greatest earthquakes of the 20th century. (7.8 magnitude) It was felt in Beijing which is over 200 km away. One-third of the nation felt it. Size of the crack: A huge crack which was 8 kilometres long and 30 metres wide cut across the earth. Time & Lasting time: 1) 2) In 15 seconds, the city lay in ruins.

Paragraph 4: Who brought hope to the victims there and what did they do? the army/soldiers workers All hope was not lost. The city began to breathe again.

步骤三:阅读课文(教材第26页,时长33分钟) 【活动3】 Analytical reading Discussion 1 Discussion 2 Discussion 3

Task 3 Discussion 1: Why do you think the earthquake caused so much damage? 1. People thought little of the signs before the earthquake. 2. The earthquake happened at night when people were asleep. 3. It was one of the greatest of the 20th century. 4. Two big earthquakes happened. 5. Help couldn’t come in time. (Trapped) 激活思维,引导学生回顾课文内容,综合考虑唐山地震的各种因素去找到问题的答案; 引导学生小结唐山地震的教训,从历史教训中学习。

How does the writer successfully describe this Discussion 2: How does the writer successfully describe this big/destructive earthquake? --How is the passage developed? --What writing techniques are used? --What rhetorical devices are used? Underline examples and explain their function. 通过问题启发学生思考; 引导学生归纳文章的语言特征、写作手法和修辞手法。

Rhetorical devices: For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. repetition(重复)to make a deeper impression on the reader It seemed that the world was at an end! exaggeration(夸张)to draw people’s attention to the disaster Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. No wind, however, could blow them away. simile(明喻)to form a vivid image Slowly, the city began to breathe again. personification(拟人)to form a vivid image

Why does the writer say so? What happened? What have you learned? Discussion 3: All hope was not lost. Why does the writer say so? What happened? What have you learned? 一方有难 八方支援 天灾无情 人间有爱 有序救灾 各司其职 各尽所能 引导学生再读最后一部分课文,思考震后救援所体现出来的意义和精神,领会课文的情感升华;学会在阅读中领会作者所持的态度、所想传达给读者的思想和教育意义。

步骤四:总结和布置作业(时长:2分钟) 【活动1】 Summary 【活动2】Assigning Homework

IV.1. Summary: -- About the Tangshan Earthquake Before the earthquake: signs/ early warnings During the earthquake: damage / destructions After the earthquake rescue -- About the Tangshan Earthquake 理解课文内容, 了解唐山地震。 分析文本特征, 学习记叙文写作。 Narrative Past tense Time order Description, data/numbers Rhetorical devices: repetition, exaggeration, simile, personification -- About writing a narration 承接上一步的分析,简要归纳本节课的要点,也是点睛式地对学生起到一个提点的作用。

2.Homework: Retell the text with the help of the mind-map. Do the vocab exercises on 金版 and preview the language points. 在实际教学中,可采用连堂课把阅读和语言学习连在一起,复述在第二课时一开始时进行,起到回顾旧课,加强词汇,并引入新课的效果。
