人生對的地方 Suitable Place of life


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Presentation transcript:

人生對的地方 Suitable Place of life 1

何謂天才,就是放對地方的人才;反過來說, 你眼中的蠢材,很可能也只是放錯地方的人才。 He is one who has been put in the right environment is viewed as a genius and conversely he may look like a fool in your eyes if his talents are misplaced.

例如:你和一位土著被困在非洲叢林,既無食物,也無水喝, 那麼你將把這位土著當作「天才」,因為他懂得各種求生的技巧。 For example: You and a native are trapped in the jungles of Africa with neither food to eat nor water to drink, then you would treat this indigenous person as a "genius" because he knows all kinds of survival skills there.

相反地,如果把他帶到辦公室要他使用電腦, 那麼情況將會完全不同,你可能會認為他是「白癡」。; On the contrary, if you lead him to the office to use a computer, then the situation would be entirely different, you might think that he is an "idiot". 4

everyone for something. 的確,天生我材必有用。 Indeed, God has created everyone for something. 5

but they “put themselves in the right place”, 有些科學家連音階都抓不準; 有些畫家連一封信都寫不好, 可是他們「把自己放對地方」,所以成就非凡。 Some scientists even can not catch the scales of music; some artists even can not write a letter properly, but they “put themselves in the right place”, and therefore their achievements are extraordinary.

史蒂芬.史匹柏就是個例子, 他因為高中的成績非常差, 沒有任何電影科系願意准許他入學。 相反地, 他走進電影工作室, 認真學到了他所需的技能。 今天,他不但製作了許多評價極高的影片, 更成為家喻戶曉的大導演。 Stephen Spielberg is an example. He had very poor high school’ scores, no film schools were willing to accept him. Instead, he went into the film studio, where he meticulously learned the skills needed to make movies. Today, he is a widely known director and has produced many highly acclaimed and extremely successful movies.

結果他的詩被極具鑑識力的絲泰茵夫人評得一文不值, 他因而回心轉意。 幸好有這位貴婦的提醒, 否則這世界不就少了一位大畫家了嗎? 畢卡索剛出道時原本想當詩人, 結果他的詩被極具鑑識力的絲泰茵夫人評得一文不值, 他因而回心轉意。 幸好有這位貴婦的提醒, 否則這世界不就少了一位大畫家了嗎? Picasso had originally wanted to be a poet. However, Madam Stein very poetically commented that Picasso’s poem were extremely worthless. He thus changed his mind. It is fortunate that the lady reminded him of this; otherwise this world should be short of a big painter.

In fact, everyone and everything are fine in the original state. 其實,所有的人、事、物原本都是美好的, 只是所屬的地方適不適合而已。 In fact, everyone and everything are fine in the original state. But what makes a difference is what kind of environment they are placed in.

When delicious soup drops onto the shirt, it becomes "dirty". 如美味的湯汁 滴到襯衫上即變「骯髒」, 床第間的私密用語 到了街上即成「髒話」。 是不是很有趣! When delicious soup drops onto the shirt, it becomes "dirty". Sweet swords spoken in the bedroom, when uttered in public, can appear to be “bad words”. Don’t you think this is so funny?

原本含在口中的食物,只要吐出來就變得「嘔心」, Food that is spitted out becomes “vomit”, 把它吞下去反而「有營養」。 Food that is spitted out becomes “vomit”, but when swelled becomes “nutrition”. 11

即便是骯髒污穢的垃圾,只要放對地方(埋在土裡), 也能滋養大地,開出美麗的花朵, 長出能夠帶給我們健康的食物。 Even the dirty contaminated trash, when buried in the soil, can eventually nourish the earth, and allow for growth of beautiful flowers, and even healthy food for us.

No one person or thing in this world is useless or meaningless. 這世上沒有任何一個人或一件東西, 是沒用或卑賤的, 任何人或物,只要放對了地方 ,都會成為有用的「可造之材」。 No one person or thing in this world is useless or meaningless. If placed in the right situation, the person will be a talent and the thing can become a useful material. 13

生命的最高境界,即是選對舞台,走出自己的路, 然後盡情地發揮獨特的才華與能力。 The highest goal of life is to properly select your own stage, find out your own way and apply your unique talents and abilities. 14

Hope that you will find out your most suitable stage, 希望你也能找到最適合自己的人生舞台, 並且盡情歡唱生命之歌。 Hope that you will find out your most suitable stage, and enjoy singing the songs of life.。 15