Translation II Instructor : Pei-Lun Tsai Students: Yan-Jeng Huang 90401232 Shu-Jui Chiu 90401946
1.藕斷絲連 : have not cut off relations completely (p.68-17) 當查爾斯王子與黛安娜結婚時,他仍和卡蜜拉藕斷絲連。 Indeed, when Prince Charles married Diana, He had not cut off relations with Camille completely.
2.保密 : keep sth under one’s hat (p.69-39) 查爾斯王子無法對黛安娜保密他的戀情。 Charles couldn't keep his love story under Diana’s hat.
3.孤立無援 : isolation and helplessness (p.70-45) 英國女王以及輿論的反對使他孤立無援。 The queen and the public voice were not on his side which sent him into isolation and helplessness.
4. 把好壞分清楚 : separate the sheep from the goats (p.72-62) 英國女王要求查爾斯王子應該把好壞分清楚。 Queen asked Charles should separate the sheep from the goats.
5.稱心如意 : be after one’s own heart (p.62-9) 現在,查爾斯王子可稱心如意了!他即將在四月迎娶卡蜜拉。 Now, Charles is after his own heart. He is going to marry Camille in April.
6.大發雷霆 : hit the ceiling, fly into a rage (p.63-28) 女王在聽到這項消息後大發雷霆。 Queen flew into a rage when she heard the news.
7.惡事傳千里 : ill news travels fast (p.63-34) 惡事傳千里!女王擔心王子的再婚將動搖王室的名聲。 Ill news travels fast. Queen was afraid Prince’s remarriage will shake the reputation of royal house.
8.一觸即發 : touch-and-go (p.62-16) 女王與王子間的爭執一觸即發。 The argument between queen and Charles is touch-and- go.
9.水深火熱 : in deep water (p.62-13) 查爾斯和卡蜜拉相戀一直處於水深火熱中長達三十多年。 Charles and Camille have love for each in deep water for more than three decades.
10.皇天不負苦心人 (p.63-39) 對查爾斯王子而言,皇天不負苦心人。 For Charles, everything comes to him who waits finally.