Ⅰ.重点单词聚焦 1.What I like about the book is that the characters are all very ________(可信的). 答案: believable 2.The company said the newly designed aircraft.


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Presentation transcript:

Ⅰ.重点单词聚焦 1.What I like about the book is that the characters are all very ________(可信的). 答案: believable 2.The company said the newly designed aircraft had experienced no problems during its first 18­minute f________. 答案: flight 3.When the police arrived he had already destroyed the e________that showed he was guilty. 答案: evidence

4.If you’re going to write a film r________,make sure you have something interesting to say. 答案: review 5.I’m pleased to meet you—I’m a great f________of your songs. 答案: fan 6.They said goodbye to him as he got a________the train at Union Station. 答案: aboard 7.She has played an important________(角色) in this drama. 答案: part/role

8.Mickelson won his first major golf tournament while still a(n)________(业余的) golfer. 答案: amateur 9.He had never thought he would get such a great________(成就) in his teaching career. 答案: achievement 10.—Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the________(宇宙)? —I’ve no idea. 答案: universe

Ⅱ.重点短语扫描 1. 拍摄 2. 总共;合计 3. 被分成 4. 集中于 5. 和……相似 6. 在太空 7. 起飞 1.   拍摄 2. 总共;合计 3. 被分成 4. 集中于 5. 和……相似 6. 在太空 7. 起飞 8. . 很高兴做某事 9. 既然 10. 快点;得了;来吧 take photographs of in total be divided into concentrate on be similar to in space take off be delighted to do sth now that come on

Ⅲ.课文原句突破 1.Amateur astronomer David Bates ________ ________at the moon through his telescope last night ________ he got a big surprise. 昨天晚上业余天文学家大卫·贝茨用天文望远镜观看月球,突然他有了一个惊人的发现。 答案: was looking;when

2.When Yang________ ________from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday,China became the third nation________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 昨天上午9点,杨利伟在中国西北部的酒泉起飞,中国成为世界上第三个把人送入太空的国家。 答案: took off;to send a man into space

3.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ he’s seen aliens landing on the moon? 这是他第一次看见外星人登陆月球吗? 答案: Is this the first time 4.The Sun,________ in 1964,is the most successful of the popular newspapers.太阳报,成立于1964年,是流行报纸中最成功的。 答案: founded 5.________ ________I have made this first visit,I hope I can come many more times. 既然我已经访问了第一次,我希望我能经常来。 答案: Now that

6.You________ ________joking!你一定在开玩笑! 答案: must be 7.You________ ________serious!你一定不是认真的! 答案: can’t be 8.Around four million people read it every day and it ________ more than any other daily newspaper.它每天大约拥有400万名读者,其销量在所有日报中独占鳌头。 答案: sells

congratulation n.祝贺,道贺;(pl.)贺词;祝贺的表示 (1)Congratulations!恭喜恭喜!祝贺你! offer/send one’s congratulations to sb.on sth. 为某事向某人祝贺 express one’s congratulations表示庆贺 accept one’s congratulations接受某人的祝贺 (2)congratulate v.祝贺,庆祝,恭喜…… congratulate sb.on (doing) sth.向……祝贺…… congratulate oneself on...为……庆幸,感到自豪

①We offered Mr Wang our congratulations on his success in business ②—I’ve just passed my driving test! ——我通过驾驶考试了! —Congratulations!——向你祝贺! ③We congratulated our monitor on being elected chairman of the Students’ Union.我们祝贺我们的班长被选为学生会主席。 ④He congratulated himself on having survived the air­crash. 他庆幸自己在空难中幸免于死。

辨析:congratulate与celebrate (1)congratulate是指对某人取得的成就或喜庆之事表示“庆贺,祝贺”,其宾语是“人”,常与介词on搭配。 We congratulated him on having passed the examination. 我们祝贺他考试及格。 (2)celebrate是指对某一节日、生日、胜利和成功等的“庆祝”,其宾语是物。 We celebrated the New Year with a dance party. 我们举行舞蹈晚会庆祝新年。

1.(上海高考)The two sportsmen congratulated each other ________winning the match by shaking hands. A.with         B.on C.in D.to 解析: 句意为:这两名运动员通过握手彼此祝贺赢了球赛。congratulate sb.on (doing) sth.为固定搭配,意为“祝贺某人(做了)某事”。 答案: B

2.(2009·山东卷)—John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month. A.cheer up B.well done C.go ahead D.congratulations 解析: 本题考查交际用语中单词(短语)的区别,根据题意可知这儿应用一个表示祝贺的词(短语)。故选D项。 答案: D

3.We not only________him on having passed the interview but also held a party to________it. A.celebrated;congratulate B.congratulated;celebrate C.congratulation;celebration D.celebration;congratulation 解析: 句意为:我们不仅向他祝贺通过了面试,而且举办了聚会来庆祝。两空都缺少动词,故选B。 答案: B

aboard prep.在(船、飞机、火车)上;上(船、飞机、火车);adv.在船(飞机、火车)上;上船(飞机、火车) (教材原句P43)While he was travelling in space,Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station,... 当杨利伟在太空中飞行时,他与两位登上国际空间站的宇航员讲话,……

(1)go aboard (the plane) 登(机) All aboard!(口)请大家上船/车/飞机! Welcome aboard!欢迎乘坐! (2)on board搭乘(船、飞机等),相当于aboard

①They were the last two to go aboard the ship. 他们是最后两位上船的。 ②The plane crashed killing all 200 people aboard. 飞机失事,机上200人全部遇难。 ③The plane is taking off.All aboard! 飞机就要起飞了,请大家登机! ④We travelled aboard the same flight. 我们搭乘同一班机旅行。

abroad adv.在国外,到国外,去国外 go abroad出国 return from abroad从国外回来 at home and abroad国内外

巧学助记 He went aboard the plane and just a few hours later he arrived abroad—far away from his parents. 他上了飞机,仅几小时后,就到了国外——远离父母了。

4.The ship left the port as soon as all the passengers were________. A.abroad B.aboard C.board D.broad 解析: 考查词形相近的词。abroad在国外,aboard是副词、介词,表示“在船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上”。board是动词,表示“上船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)”,broad是形容词,表示“宽阔的”。句意为:所有的乘客一上船,船就离港了。 答案: B

5.It’s reported that a plane with five people________crashed into the mountain several days ago. A.on board B.on the board C.abroad D.on the aboard 解析: 考查介词短语。on board意为“在船上,在飞机上”为固定短语,没有B、C、D这样的搭配。 答案: A

replace v.取代,接替,更换,更新;把……放回原处 (教材原句P44)In the first sentence,the word when can be replaced with as soon as. 在第一句中,单词when可用as soon as代替。

①John is ill and I want to know who is going to replace him. 约翰病了,我想知道谁要替他。 ②It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with snacks.不吃正餐,改吃点心,这不是什么好主意。 ③You have to replace the books on the shelves before you leave.你离开之前必须把书放回书架上。 ④It would be difficult to find a man to take the place of the present manager.找一个人来代替现在的经理是不容易的。

6.完成句子 ①他不适合这项工作,我们另雇了个人代替他。 He is not fit for the job.We’ve hired a new one_________ _______________. ②就我个人而言,课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。 As far as I’m concerned,____________________________by computers in the classroom. 答案: ①in place of him ②teachers will never be replaced

(教材原句P45)...I’d be delighted to sign your arm. 我很乐意在你的胳膊上签名。delighted adj.高兴的;快乐的 我很乐意在你的胳膊上签名。

①I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.我很高兴应邀前来贵校,跟大家讲述有关奥运会的历史及其意义。 ②I was delighted to accept the invitation.我欣然接受了邀请。 ③We are delighted that he has returned safely. 我们很高兴他安全归来。 ④Much to my delight,he has passed the exam. 令我非常高兴的是他已通过了考试。 ⑤The child takes delight in making fun of others. 这个孩子以取笑别人为乐。

7.完成句子 ①听说他的小儿子被北京大学录取了,他很高兴。 He________________that his youngest son got admission to Peking University. ②________________________________(令我们非常高兴的是),he passed the exam and would be sent abroad for further education. 答案: ①was delighted to hear ②Much to our delight

divide...into...把……分开 ①As we all know,a year is divided into four seasons. 众所周知,一年分四季。 ②Let’s divide these students into small groups for oral practice. 让我们把这些学生分成小组做口语练习。

辨析:divide into与separate from

③England is separated from France by the English Channel. 英国和法国被英吉利海峡分开。 ④As we joined the big crowd,I got separated from my friends. 当我加入一大群人时,我和朋友们走散了。

8.完成句子 我们把这份工作分为五份,每一个人做一份。 We____________________five parts,and each man did one part. 答案: divided the job into

in total合计,总计 (教材原句P43)In total,these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space. 这些宇航员总共在太空中待的时间已经超过了26 000天。 (1)total adj.整个的;全部的;完全的 a total failure完全失败 (2)a total of总共…… in total加起来 (3)totally adv.全部地;完全

①In total,over 250 employers completed the safety training. 总共有超过250名员工完成了安全培训。 ②China has a total land area of over 9.6 million km2. 中国土地总面积超过960万平方公里。 ③A total of 100 teachers will attend the meeting. 总共100名老师参加了会议。 ④As a result I totally changed my shape. 结果我的外形完全改变了。

9.完成句子 这些宇航员总共在太空中逗留了26 000多天。 ________________,these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days ________________. 答案: In total;in space

(教材原句P45)Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise.昨天晚上业余天文学家大卫·贝茨用天文望远镜观看月球,突然他有了一个惊人的发现。 when在此作并列连词用,意为“正在这时;那时”。

be doing...when...正在……这时…… be about to do...when...正打算做……这时…… be just going to do...when...正要……这时…… be on the point of doing...when...正要……这时

①I was walking along the stream when I met my English teacher ②I was about to go out when the telephone rang. 我正打算出去,这时电话响了。 ③I was on the point of calling him when he came in. 我正要给他打电话,这时他进来了。 ④We was about to leave when a big noise came from the next room.我们正要离开时隔壁发出了巨大的响声。 ⑤We were discussing the problem when there was a power failure.我们正在讨论那个问题,这时停电了。

10.She opened her eyes with a start and was about to cry out ________she heard her father urgently telling her to keep quiet. A.while B.when C.before D.after 解析: 句意为:她猛地睁开眼睛,刚要哭,这时她听到她父亲急忙告诉她要保持安静。be about to do sth.when...为固定句型,其中的when为并列连词,相当于and at that time。 答案: B

11.—Where’s that report? —I brought it to you________you were in Mr Black’s office yesterday. A.if B.when C.because D.before 解析: 句意为 :“那份报告在哪里?”“昨天在布莱克先生办公室的时候我给你了。”根据语意判断,此处应为时间状语,故选when。 答案: B

(教材原句P45)Now that I have made this first visit,I hope I can come many more times. 既然我已经访问了第一次,我希望我经常来。 now that表示“既然”,相当于since,在此引导原因状语从句,其中that可以省去。 ①Now (that) you don’t understand it,why not ask for help? 既然你不明白,为什么不请求帮忙呢? ②Now (that) they’ve got to know each other a little better,they get along just fine. 由于彼此之间有了进一步了解,他们相处得不错。 ③Now you have grown up,you can make up your mind by yourself.你已长大了,可以自己作决定了。

12.________you’ve got a chance,you might as well make full use of it. A.Now that B.After C.Although D.As soon as 解析: 句意为:既然你有这么一个好机会,你不妨充分利用它。 答案: A

13.(2011·绍兴模拟)Chen Yunlin said that the two sides across the Taiwan Straits would overcome the difficulties________they joined hands to find solutions and help each other. A.as long as B.if only C.in case D.now that 解析: as long as只要;if only要是……多好啊;in case万一;now that既然。句意为:陈云林说只要海峡两岸携起手来寻求解决方法,互相帮助,就能克服困难。 答案: A

14.(北京高考)—Did you return Fred’s call? —I didn’t need to________I’ll see him tomorrow. A.though B.unless C.when D.because 解析: 句意为:——你给Fred回电话了吗?——我没必要回,因为明天我要去见他。though虽然;unless除非;when当……时;because因为。 答案: D

(教材原句P45)Is this the first time he’s seen aliens landing on the moon? 这是他第一次看见外星人登陆月球吗?

①It is the first time that an African­American has been elected the president of the United States. 这是第一次一位非裔美国人被选为美国总统。 ②It was the first time she had ever left her motherland. 这是她第一次离开她的祖国。

(1)与the first time一样可用做连词的常见词(组)有:the moment,the minute,the instant,directly,instantly,immediately,the+序数词+time,each time,every time等。 (2)It’s (high) time that sb.did sth..到了某人做某事的时候了。

It’s (high) time that sb.should do sth.. 到某人应该做某事的时候了。 ③The first time I saw the dress,I decided to buy it. 第一次看见这件连衣裙我就决定买它了。 ④It’s (high) time that we did something to stop pollution. 该是我们做些什么制止污染的时候了。

15.I thought her nice and honest________I met her. A.first time B.for the first time C.the first time D.by the first time 解析: 句意为:我第一次遇到她的时候认为她既漂亮又诚实。the first time引导时间状语从句,表示“第一次……的时候”。 答案: C

16.—It’s the second time that I________to Shanghai. —What great changes!It’s ten years since I________it last time. A.have been;left B.had been;left C.am;had left D.come;had left 解析: 在表时间的句式It be+time+since从句中出现了时间状语last time,故从句应用一般过去时,排除C、D两项,结合It be+the+序数词+time (that)从句时态特殊要求,可知A项为最佳选项。 答案: A

17.(陕西高考)This is the first time we________a film in the cinema together as a family. A.see B.had seen C.saw D.have seen 解析: 在This/It is the first/second...time that从句中,that从句谓语动词用现在完成时态。句意为:这是第一次我们全家人一起到电影院看电影。 答案: D

Ⅰ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Allow me to express my hearty________on your success. (congratulate). 答案: congratulations 2.Many important________documents were destroyed when the library was bombed.(history) 答案: historical

3.They were________that the date of the tour of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai had been fixed.(delight) 答案: delighted 4.Don’t be so innocent as to believe everything the________tell you.(politics) 答案: politicians 5.She shook her head in________when I told her the news.(belief) 答案: disbelief

6.The children are taught to respect different________(cultural). 答案: cultures 7.I think the state government,as well as society,will give________support.(finance) 答案: financial 8.________ in 1935 in Ohio,Alcoholics Anonymous is now a worldwide organisation.(found) 答案: Founded

Ⅱ.根据括号内所给提示翻译下列句子 1.既然这是你最后的一次机会,你应该抓住它。(now that) ________________________________________________________________________ 答案: Now that this is your last chance,you should take it. 2.毫无疑问他将很乐意照顾你的女儿。(be delighted to do sth.) 答案: No doubt he will be delighted to take care of your daughter.

3.男孩正在睡觉,这时他妈妈叫他起床。(when) _______________________________________________ 答案: The boy was sleeping when his mother called him to get up. 4.很多学生在会上受到了表扬,包括汤姆。(including) ______________________________________________ 答案: Many students were praised at the meeting,including Tom. 5.我们需要很长时间才能完成这部词典。(before) ___________________________________________ 答案: It will be a long time before we finish this dictionary.

本单元语法——时间状语从句和原因状语从句 Ⅲ.语法专练 本单元语法——时间状语从句和原因状语从句 1.(2011·成都毕业班诊断性检测)I had no idea of the exact address of Xinhua High School________I was outside its front gate. A.when        B.after C.until D.because 解析: 考查状语从句。根据语意“当我到新华中学的前门时才知道这所学校的准确地址”可知,C项正确。 答案: C

2.(2011·合肥教学检测)Several years had passed________I finally realized the true value of friendship. A.when B.that C.before D.until 解析: 考查状语从句的引导词。before引导时间状语从句,意思是“……才……”。 答案: C

3.(2011·济宁检测)—________when has the country been open to international trade? —1978,I suppose. A.Since B.In C.From D.After 解析: 句意为:——这个国家从什么时候向国际贸易开放的?——我想是从1978年。 答案: A

4.(2011·西安质检)Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,________this was a memory she especially treasured. A.as B.if C.when D.where 解析: 考查连词用法。根据所给语境可知表示原因。句意为:珍妮因丢失了在加拿大拍摄的相片感到非常伤心,因为那是她倍加珍惜的回忆。 答案: A

5.(2011·日照检测)How can you expect to learn anything ________ you never listen? A.in case B.even if C.unless D.when 解析: 考查 状语从句连接词的用法辨析。句意为:既然你从没有听又怎么能够期望学到东西呢?when引导原因状语从句,表示“既然”,相当于since。 答案: D
