Writing a report on growing pains


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Presentation transcript:

Writing a report on growing pains project Writing a report on growing pains

1. Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through. (Line 1) You are not alone----every adult has gone through adolescence, and your friends are going through it right now along with you.(Line7) 1.We are not alone; we have friends all over the world. 2. She went home alone. 3. I was alone, but I did not feel lonely. 4. They went to a lonely place in the mountains. 归纳:alone adj. __单独的________________ adv. ____独自_______________ lonely adj. _孤单的________________, _偏远的_______________ 我不能忍受一个人在荒岛的孤单寂寞。 I cannot tolerate the loneliness on this lonely island. 单独的 独自_ 单独的, 孤单的 偏远的

He talks as if he is drunk. 从他说话的样子看起来像是 喝醉了。 用陈述句语序,该用什么时态就用什么时态 He talks as if he is drunk. 从他说话的样子看起来像是 喝醉了。 It sounds as if it is raining. 听起来像是在下雨。

用虚拟语气,原有时态向前推一格原则 as if B. 从句内容为不真实的或是极少有可能发生和不存在的。 a. He talked about it as if he had known everything. 他说的好像什么都知道一样。 b. She always commands others as if she were a queen. 她老是命令别人,好像自己是个女王。 c. would/could/might + do The sculpture of the goddess opened her mouth as if she would say something.

as if 省略情况:当as if/ though 主从句主语一致时,可以省略as if 从句中的主语(和be动词) + n: He acted as if a thief. + adj.: He rushes out of the classroom as if starving. + to do: He watched around in the exam as if to cheat. + doing: Mona Lisa looks so mysterious as if smiling. +prep. phrase: He looked around as if in search of something.

2. day by day 天气一天天暖和起来了。 day after day 日复一日地 day and night 日日夜夜

4. Go through Go through your exam papers carefully before handing in 4. Go through Go through your exam papers carefully before handing in.________________ My grandma has ever gone through the Second World War. _________________ He has gone through his driving lessons. __________________________ While the star was going through the crowds, the fans’ face lit up.__________ The declaration of independence went through in 1776._________ ___ 仔细检查 经历 通过 穿过 通过(法律、法案)

I failed in the _monthly exam, yet I am not discouraged._ 5. Yet a. 还(否定) Are you ready? Not yet. b. 不过 but/nevertheless Although we have made some progress, yet we still have a long way to go. although不能与表示转折的but连用,但是却可以与 yet连用 这次月考我失败了,但我不气馁。 ___________________________. I failed in the _monthly exam, yet I am not discouraged._

6. go out of control keep sth. in control 7. it is common/normal for sb. to do have something/ little/ much in common with… 8. think of sth. as =be considered /regarded as/to be

9. Normal/common/ordinary/regular辨析 强调:正常/普遍/没特点/ 常规标准 恢复正常 Return /get back to normal 高/低于一般: above / below normal/average 长途旅行过后感觉累是正常的。

10. become confused with/about/by v. confuse ~sb. /sth. with sth. Adj 10. become confused with/about/by v. confuse ~sb. /sth. with sth. Adj. confused/confusing N. confusion in~ 11. Here comes the Halloween! 表示方位的词、地点状语放句首全部倒装 On the wall hangs a picture. 12. tend to do 趋向 tend to sb. 照看 have a tendency to do sth.

13. in this regard 在这方面 with/in regard to 关于 You need to write your report in regard to growing pains. 14. balance A with/and B keep/lose one’s balance a balanced diet

15. desire The teacher desires an immediate answer 15. desire The teacher desires an immediate answer. I desire to sit close to my close friends. We desire that she (should) type the letter at once. I have a strong desire for success. I have a strong desire to succeed. 归纳:desire 的用法 desire +n./to do/that-clause(should+v.原)/ have a strong desire for(to do sth.)_______

16. have difficulty balancing是have difficulty (in) doing sth 16. have difficulty balancing是have difficulty (in) doing sth.句型,意为“在做某事方面有困难”,difficulty前可加some, little, much, a lot of, no, any修饰,可用trouble来代替difficulty。

知识拓展 含有… in doing sth.的常用句式 be busy (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事 2. spend…money (time) (in) doing sth. 花…钱(时间)做某事 3. waste…money (time) (in) doing sth. 浪费…钱(时间)做某事 4. have…luck (in) doing sth. 做某事时有…运气 5. have…trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有…困难 6. There is no point (in) doing sth. 做某事没有意义

17. in society/nature/space 表示一个世界上独一无二的空间的词不加冠词。 In hospital/in the hospital 住院/在医院(地点)里 In society 涉身社会,亲身实践有关的东西 In china’s society

18. last These shoes will last. The hot weather lasted until September. How long will the meeting last? The food will last us a few more days. 知识归纳: last v. 持久;持续, 维持

知识拓展 last adj. 最后的;最新的 adv. 最后地 n. 最后的人(或物) I thought her last book was one of her best. He came last in the race. He was the last to arrive.

=It turns out that everything is OK. 19. In the end everything turns out OK.=Everything turns out to be OK. =It turns out that everything is OK. The party turned out (to be )successful. =The party turned out (to be )a ____________. =It turned out that the party ________________. turn out 结果是,证明是,常用结构:__turn out (to be)+n./adj. It turned out that…__注意:此短语常不要被动语 态___ 20. trade A for B Vs. exchange

Psychological changes Kinds of growing pains Physical changes Psychological changes How to fit in society Grow taller Voice get deeper Boys: take/run risks (doing sth.) Girls: deal with their strong feelings Badly want and need love Question themselves

Part 3: para 6 : Growing pains do not________________. (持久) Structure Part 1 : paras 1-2: Many teenagers feel _______________ and are _______________ (经历) many challenges. These changes are part of ___________________ Part 2: paras 3-5: P______________ and p_________________(身心)changes happen inside teenagers. They became c_________ and want to ______________(融入社会) Part 3: para 6 : Growing pains do not________________. (持久) lonely going through adolescence hysical sychological onfused fit in society last long

Just do it! Planning: Which kind of growing pain causes teenagers the most anxiety? Why? Are there any other things that can be called growing pains?

Just do it! Preparing: 4 students a group: 1 leader 1 writing organizer 1 e-poster material (素材) collector 1 presenter

Just do it! Producing: Produce an e-poster which is aimed at appealing to give more understanding to teenagers who are in their adolescence period. Apply your confusions and expectations to your poster to make it more impressive.

My version As our teenager, it is a struggle for us to get used to all the changes happen inside us. Apart from the physical changes, we suffer much from the psychological ones. We wish to be focused on and approved. Adults may take it for granted that we are still too young to make our own decisions. Therefore, many things are not allowed. And it is so confusing that sometimes the stronger we need to be trusted, more things are messed up. Then, parents would be the target of our bad mood. We want to be better. But we really need understandings.

Polish up your writing and finish the e-poster. Homework Polish up your writing and finish the e-poster. Review the language points.