基于课程标准的校本课程教学研究 乐清中学 赵海霞
实施课程标准以来的问题和困难 新课程发展的核心是新课程理念的落实(刘硕情:2011) 调查发现:城市重点中学学生、实验班学生相对比农村学校学生、普通班学生,各项均值显著地高于后者。 《课程标准》的主旨是提供选择权,也就是要培养决策能力,
教学的三种取向 基于教师个人经验的教学 基于教科书的教学 基于课程标准的教学 教师所能教给学生的只有自我。(王尚文,2007) 教科书是教材的权威,是教学方案的心脏。应该教什么?如何教?几乎完全取决于教科书。(Chambliss & Calfee, 1999) 基于课程标准的教学
基于课程标准的教学程序1 ——学段、学期、课时的一致性 学段内容标准 学期课程纲要 单元、课时教案 目标链
基于课程标准的教学程序2 ——备课、上课、作业的一致性 (1)我要把学生带到哪里去? (2)我怎么知道学生已到那里了? (3)我如何安排学习活动才有利于 学生产生更好的表现? (4)实施教学即评价:收集—解释 —反馈 (5)作业:检测目标达成的工具 和下一步学习的基础
基于课程标准的教学不是 基于课程标准的教学是 要求所有教师教学标准化 一种具体的教学方法 教学内容和课程标准的简单对应 目标源于课程标准 指向学生学习结果的质量 学段、 学期、 课时 从备课、上课到作业都要关注学习结果的质量,而不是自己的表演。
二、校本课程 1、课程纲要: 2、有效课堂 1)生活性: 2)趣味性: 3)时代性: 4)本土性: 5)真实互动性: 6)灵活性:
3、课外资源 1)校园英语环境 2)初高中衔接 3)外教资源 4)选修课 5)丰富的活动
4、校本教研 1)主题教研 2)学科素养提升 3)发展个性化
Thank you for your attention!
何为《课程纲要》? ——以大纲的形式回答一门课程的四个基本问题(即目标、内容、实施与评价) 目标:我要把学生带到哪里去? 内容:基本的素材或活动是什么? 实施:我怎样带他们去? 评价:我怎么知道他们已经到哪里? 为什么说《教学进度表》不是《课程纲要》?因为 只见进度,不见教学; 只见课文,不见课程; 只见教师,不见学生。
How much is it worth? A Game 趣味性1 游戏 Students who guess the closest price can get a prize.
It is worth about 4 million Yuan How much is it worth? A jade sculpture 玉雕
窑址在江西吉安,盛于南宋。产品以木叶、剪纸贴花以及兔毫釉最为名贵。 It’s worth 80,000-90,000 Yuan A bowl (Jiangxi Song Dynasty) 窑址在江西吉安,盛于南宋。产品以木叶、剪纸贴花以及兔毫釉最为名贵。
趣味性2 Boring, How can we solve this problem? 做操的理想境界 Explore his potential Happiness Download What is his goal? How will the school deal with him?
生活化 M3U2 Healthy eating Talk about your own diet and give suggestions.
Using language Listening Speaking & writing
Do you find English hard to learn? What is your problem? I have some difficulty in -----
1. Listen for main idea What are they talking about exactly?
2. Listen and fill in the blanks. WT: No, I often listen to_______ _____ and learn them. It’s an easy way to learn some idiomatic English____________. CP: I sometimes do that. I like watching the ____ and the interviews on________.---- I find that very useful. WT:-----. Why don’t you also listen to the _____ ________ and improve your listening skills? English songs 1 expressions 2 news CCTV9 3 native speakers
How can we learn English well? Can you come up with some good suggestions? You are expected to --- Native speaker face to face
Would you please----? Make full use of frequently Could you please --- Fluent standard English Can you ---? A great number of books
My experience of learning English My problems What I’ve done My present plan Listening& speaking 1.Make full use of mornings 2. Speak to native speakers face to face 3. Frequently visit the library to enlarge my vocabulary. Go on working on English
My experience with English learning English plays a very important part in my life. However, I had some difficulty in speaking and listening when I was your age. My rapid progress was based on my hard-work. I made full use of every early mornings to practise reading, such as English expressions& a great number of short stories. Besides, I tried to talk to native speakers face to face as frequently as possible. What’s more, I visited the library with the purpose of enlarging my vocabulary. Gradually, I could understand and speak English fluently. At present, I get on well with my English. I will go on working on it because of the famous saying: practice makes perfect. I expect you will find my experience useful.
Speaking: (group work) Can you come up with some suggestions to help each other? S1: I have some difficulty in ---- Ss give suggestions. Ss: You are expected to ---- Would you please--? Could you please---?
Writing – Write a passage: Title: Ways of improving --------- Paragraph 1. Why English plays a very important part in our life. It is expected to serve many purposes. However, --- has some difficulty in ---- Paragraph 2. Suggestions on how to solve Paragraph 3 Conclusion Based on the hard work, I hope she/he will