The Asia Popular Music King –Jay Chou


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Presentation transcript:

The Asia Popular Music King –Jay Chou

Jay Chou (January 1979 18 - Chinese Taiwan mandarin pop singer), a famous musicians, music creators, producer, one of the boss of Jewell music company, director. In recent years , Chou is the most revolutionary and indexes of creation in Asian pop music since 2000 years,. He break through original Asian music theme, form, the integration of music material, create various songs style, especially in the fusion of western and eastern hip hop or R&B, is the most famous Chinese pop music Pioneer of "Chinese wind". Jay Chou breaks through Asian pop old situation, turning over a new page for the Asian pop music!

Music style Jay Chou's music style is very diversiform. Including traditional Chinese classic, European, and American music style classical rural style, and so on. And he Particularly adept at R&B and Rap ,and his unique music material, singing skills, issues and Fang Wenshan’s lyrics, and become a strong personal style. British pop star Craig David (Craig David) had been saying: “Jay Chou's music has dominated, may even change all the Asian music."

The complex tunes ( 复杂多变的曲谱)

我很忙 魔杰座

传唱千里 只为中国风话 Jay and fang is talking about details in the workspace .

兄弟情长 更能相濡以沫 The best partner

In 2004, Jay firstly performed on CCTV1 stage, deduce "dragon fist " which is aimed at Publicize Chinese martial arts.

素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡 Dark to thin immerges the blue and white 瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆 Peony profiles on that reflect your dressing by 冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然 Understanding your secrect over perfume 宣纸上走笔至此搁一半 What makes me lay the brush down I sigh 釉色渲染仕女图韵味被私藏 In glaze covering hides the charm of paints 而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放 While your smile blossoms like breeze 你的美一缕飘散去到我去不了的地方 Regretting to leave it gone till the untouchable space

色白花青的锦鲤跃然於碗底 Fish carving down a moment, vivid, how's that 临摹宋体落款时却惦记著你 Signature there I cann't get rid of the missing thought 你隐藏在窑烧里千年的秘密 Your legendary has being passed down over thousands of years 极细腻犹如绣花针落地 In my eyes still it's so visible, obvious hits 帘外芭蕉惹骤雨门环惹铜绿 The shower meets my outdoor trees and patina fills the old days 而我路过那江南小镇惹了你 Aged waiting in the north town tells out my stay 在泼墨山水画里你从墨色深处被隐去 Splashing of ink is my last choice to conceal the replay

天青色等烟雨而我在等你 Sky blue needs the rain as I need you 炊烟袅袅升起隔江千万里 Mist rises I find miles away distant to 在瓶底书汉隶仿前朝的飘逸 Only have to devote in artical carving 就当我为遇见你伏笔 As I drunk in the first meeting with the love 月色被打捞起晕开了结局 Drawing down the moonlight it reveals the move 如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽你眼带笑意 Lonely but pride the porcelain shines as the love

这三者叠加至一处,《青花瓷》一曲正如其名, 恰似那“自顾自美丽”的青瓷极品,洗尽铅华,古朴典雅,清新流畅。 When it comes to prospect, it is as beautiful as landscape painting, which leaves audience to imagine as much as possible. 论意境,《青花瓷》宛然一出烟雨朦胧的江南水墨山水, 水云萌动之间依稀可见伊人白衣素袂裙带纷飞 When it comes to the lyrics, it is as moving as the Poems of song dynasty. 论词句,《青花瓷》却是一幅笔端蕴秀临窗写就的素心笺, 走笔曲折只因心似双丝网,中有千千结 When it comes to tune, it is as lovely as spring water . A these up to this popular song, it bring out the classical beauty. 论曲调,《青花瓷》仿佛微风中静静流淌石上的山泉溪涧, 清泠透亮而又蜿蜒回环多有不尽之意 这三者叠加至一处,《青花瓷》一曲正如其名, 恰似那“自顾自美丽”的青瓷极品,洗尽铅华,古朴典雅,清新流畅。


In Spring Festival gala of this year ,Jay Chou bring the Chinese style song -“LAN ting prologue”, reproduced the Wang Xi zhi's famous model practice running more than 1,700 years ago, showing the great Chinese culture. As the famous host Zhou Tao said ,” Changing is the trend, constant is passing on”. .

Far-reaching influence on To this generation of young people, Jay Chou have a deep influence on them. In the Peking University independent examination it appears the “blue and white porcelain” word analysis, influence for now many singers, as the example, for example Hou Xian imitation, and the network singer Vae and so on. But Jay has been constantly imitated all the time., but he has an enormous advantage over others. Nobody can keep up with him, at least it is for the moment.

Jay Chou achieves his dream through his constantly efforts Jay Chou achieves his dream through his constantly efforts. As the people often said .You don’t get something for nothing. Faith will move mountains. In the end, we wish Jay can bring about more excellent works. In the same time ,we hope that it can well up more talents in the Chinese music field.

Thank you for listening.