服装设计原理 ——服装与性别信息
一、时装是图象化的性 性别关系是社会基本关系之一,服装担负着区分两性特征的重要作用。 任何阶层的服装及其作用,都带有性别的标签。 性本身是隐藏在时装样式背后的强大动力 ——这里说的性不是性诱惑,而是性别差异。
由服饰传达的性标识 装饰 vs 威仪
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Chuck Taylor All-Stars, or Converse All-Stars, also referred to as "Chuck's” are canvas and rubber shoes produced by Converse. They were first produced in 1917 as the "All-Star," Converse's attempt to capture the baseball shoe market. They were not particularly popular until baseball player Chuck Taylor adopted them as his preferred shoe. BACK
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