台灣師範大學英語系張武昌教授 台北市高中英文科教師研習


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Presentation transcript:

台灣師範大學英語系張武昌教授 台北市高中英文科教師研習 高中英文科命題原則與示例 台灣師範大學英語系張武昌教授 台北市高中英文科教師研習

詞彙題示例 1. The dictionary is very _______ to a language learner. (86.工.4) (A) funny (B) angry (C) useful (D) harmful (E) nervous 2. A: Did you see the baseball game last night? B: Yes, it was really _____. (A) exciting (B) excited (C) interesting (D) interested

詞彙題示例 3. He will forgive you because he is a very _____ man. (A) persuasive (B) realistic (C) reasonable (D) sensitive 4. To me, Mandarin songs just sound like very, very sincere emotional expressions, and my _____ include Lo Ta-yu’s “Love Song 1980” and Chang Hung-liang’s “Do You Know I’m Still Waiting for You?” (A) likeness (B) dislikes (C) favorites (D) primers

詞彙題示例 5. Movies, sports and reading are forms of _____. They help us relax. (A) entertainment (B) advertisement (C) tournament (D) commitment 6. Michael Jackson’s albums are _____ here in Taiwan. You can get them at many bookstores and record shops. (A) available (B) reliable (C) sensible (D) adoptable

詞彙題示例 7. Jonathan had qualified as a doctor but later gave up the _____ of medicine for full-time writing. (A) treatment (B) diagnosis (C) practice (D) consumption 8. He made his instruction ______ and direct so that everyone could follow easily. (A) tentative (B) explicit (C) plausible (D) informal

詞彙題示例 9. Children don’t learn their native languages ______, but they become fluent in them within a few years. (A) previously (B) variously (C) consciously (D) enviously 10. People believed in the _____ of the judge, so they were shocked to hear that he was involved in the bribery scandal. (A) inferiority (B) integrity (C) intimacy (D) ingenuity

詞彙題示例 11. Mr. Lin’s comments were very difficult to follow because they were ______ related to the topic under discussion. (A) loosely (B) specifically (C) anxiously (D) typically 12. Although he is a chef, Roberto _____ cooks his own meals. (A) rarely (B) bitterly (C) naturally (D) skillfully

片語題示例 1. Most people _____ the saying that honesty is the best policy, but very few can put it into practice. (86.商.12) (A) are family with (B) are familiar with (C) is familiar with (D) are familiar to 2. _______ him, it now takes minutes to receive a copy of a document in the distance. (88.商) (A) Thanks to (B) Thanks for (C) Coming up with (D) Referring to

片語題示例 3. How did the traffic accident ______? (A) come about (B) come around (C) come off (D) come over 4. The scientist’s project to build a modern laboratory was _______ on account of its huge budget. (A) taken for granted (B) started out (C) got into difficulty (D) called into question

片語題示例 5. With over fifty teams competing in the tournament, all the games will be played ________. (A) eye to eye (B) head to toe (C) hand to mouth (D) back to back 6. Did I say “a lot of dime”? Oh, I’m really sorry. I meant to say “a lot of time.” It was a ________. (A) slip of the tongue (B) thorn in my side (C) penny for your thoughts (D) leap in the dark

詞彙題:命題適切性檢查表 ______1.所測試之詞彙(含選項)是否為常用之 實詞? ______2.題幹的上下文語意是否明確?是否提供 充分的解題線索? ______3.題幹長度是否適中(在20字以內)? ______4.正答及各選項字母數及難易是否相近? ______5.正答與各選項詞類是否相同? ______6.正答及各選項難易度是否相近? ______7.選項誘答力是否平均?

綜合測驗示例 People in different countries look at time differently. In some countries being on time and 1 everything by exact time is very 2 . In other countries people are more 3 about time. It doesn’t matter if someone is late. 4 fact, people might 5 it rude if you are exactly on time. (87.商) 1. (A) organizing (B) organization (C) organ (D) organize 2. (A) importance (B) importantly (C) important (D) import 3. (A) relax (B) relaxed (C) relation (D) relaxation 4. (A) To (B) At (C) On (D) In 5. (A) consider (B) considerable (C) considerate (D) consideration

綜合測驗示例 Today’s robots are like babies 31 with future generations. It is impossible 32 imagine what the next generations will be like. It is possible that they will 33 change life in 34 societies. The students of today must be sure that these changes are good. Robots must improve, not harm, the 35 of human life. (87.商) 31. (A) compare (B) compared (C) comparison (D) comparative 32. (A) for (B) in (C) at (D) to 33. (A) complete (B) completed (C) completely (D) completion 34. (A) industry (B) industrialize (C) industrial (D) industrialist 35. (A) quality (B) qualify (C) quit (D) qualified

綜合測驗示例 Teachers of English who want to be responsible yet realistic about teaching usage and mechanics to today’s writing students face a chronic 11 . What should our priorities be? Should we insist that we distinguish between lie and lay or sit and sat, and that we use a singular pronoun after everybody? If we do, we risk 12 as if we 13 the posture of the protectors of pure English 14 the barbarians who will corrupt the language if we relax our 15 . On the other hand, if we take the attitude that 16 students to generate content and organize it in a coherent pattern should be our major goal 17 surface features are comparatively unimportant, we open ourselves 18 from readers who are genuinely 19 good English. There are people who claim that we are not doing our job. And they imply that in their day English teachers were a different breed who had standards and 20 no one left their classrooms without being able to write.

綜合測驗示例 11.(A) matter (B) instruction (C) dilemma (D) failure 12.(A) looking (B) to look (C) in looking (D) for looking 13.(A) presume (B) regard (C) are assuming (D) are having 14.(A) turning off (B) holding off (C) calling off (D) taking off 15.(A) care (B) watch (C) vigilance (D) attention 16.(A) help (B) helping (C) be of help to (D) in helping 17.(A) and which (B) that (C) which (D) and that 18.(A) for attack (B) with attack (C) to attack (D) on attack 19.(A) concerned about (B) concerned to (C) concerned in (D) concerned on 20.(A) saw that (B) saw to it that (C) took it that (D) had it that

綜合測驗示例 A good teacher is many things to many people. I suppose everyone has his definite idea about 1 a good teacher is. As I 2 back on my own experience, I find the teacher that I respect and think about the most are those who demanded the most 3 from the students. I think of one teacher in 4 that I had in high school. I think he was a good teacher because he was a very strict person. He just 5 no kind of nonsense 6 all in his classroom. I remember very vividly a sign over his classroom door. It was a simple sign that 7 , “laboratory--in this room the first five letters of the word 8 , NOT the last seven.” In other 9 , labor for him was more important than 10 .

綜合測驗示例 1.(A) how (B) that (C) who (D) what 2.(A) figure (B) figured (C) look (D) was looking 3.(A) discipline (B) disciprine (C) dissepline (D) disipline 4.(A) peculiar (B) particular (C) curio (D) curiosity 5.(A) endure (B) intoliet (C) tolerated (D) toils 6.(A) at (B) after (C) in (D) to 7.(A) told (B) spoke (C) said (D) talked 8.(A) is stressed (B) put stress (C) emphasize (D) are emphasized 9.(A) mind (B) words (C) opinion (D) hands 10.(A) absords (B) library (C) auditory (D) oratory

綜合測驗示例 Suppose __1__ some morning you __2__ awake in a place you have never __3__ before; everything is new __4__ you. Around you __5__ a strange field, __6__ unfamiliar creatures __7__ in __8__. You see objects which you do not recognize, and hear sounds which you __9__ interpret. __10__ would you do? 1. (A) why (B) about (C) what (D) that 2. (A) might (B) could (C) would (D) should 3. (A) gone (B) been (C) to (D) went 4. (A) to (B) on (C) in (D) over 5. (A) are (B) have (C) is (D) has 6. (A) have (B) with (C) as (D) being 7. (A) moving (B) having moved (C) moved (D) move 8. (A) it (B) there (C) where (D) them 9. (A) would not (B) need not (C) cannot (D) should not 10. (A) When (B) Where (C) Who (D) What

綜合測驗命題適切性檢查表 ______1.是否符合測驗目標? ______2.各選文是否有不同主題、風格、體裁?  ______1.是否符合測驗目標? ______2.各選文是否有不同主題、風格、體裁? ______3.選文是否兼顧教育性、知識性及趣味性,並配合學生的生 活、學習經驗與認知能力? ______4.選文的難易是否適中? ______5.是否避免以首尾句命題? ______6.每個空格是否有足夠解題線索? ______7.測試重點是否整體理解與局部理解並重,並兼顧語意及語 法? ______8.選項是否避免拼字、用詞或文法錯誤? ______9.選項是否避免爭議性或不適當的誘答? _____10.選項誘答力是否平均?

文意選填示例 People in the United States 61 tell stories a lot more than they do today. In earlier days, people were 62 by the stories they told and the stories that were told 63 them. Storytelling was a 64 of passing on family history, of giving meaning to experience, of understanding 65 happens in people’s lives and of passing that 66 on. 67, television, movies, and books have taken over the once personal and 68 activity of storytelling. We have 69 believe that storytelling is just for children. However, recent studies have shown 70 interest in storytelling for adults is returning. (A) come to (B) knowledge (C) Today (D) Therefore (E) that (F) about (G) interested (H) what (I) used to (J) intimate (K) known (L) way

文意選填:命題適切性檢查表 1.___ 選文是否配合學生的生活、學習經驗與認知能力? 2.___ 選文難易是否適中? 1.___ 選文是否配合學生的生活、學習經驗與認知能力? 2.___ 選文難易是否適中? 3.___ 選文內容及組織結構是否清楚合理? 4.___ 是否避免以選文首句命題? 5.___ 每個空格是否有足夠解題線索? 6.__是否避免不依據句意或上下文意,而是僅憑大寫字 母、單詞的詞類、名詞單複數、動詞是否加詞尾-s 、局部性的片語等即可對號入座之題目? 7.___ 是否避免答案間詞性各異,語法、語意、語用功能 相去太遠而欠缺誘答力? 8.___ 詞類、句法等基本屬性相似之選項是否每種各有 三、四個?

篇章結構示例 Fiction is the name we use for stories that are make-believe, such as Harry Potter or Alice in Wonderland. __41__ It can be so close to the truth that it seems as real as something that happened to you this morning. Or, fiction can be as fantastic as the most unbelievable fairy tale. Not everything in a fictional story has to be made up. __42__ You, of course, are real, and the moon is real, and many of the things that you could describe, such as the stars, the wind, and the pull of gravity, would be real. __43__ It would be a trip you took in your imagination. Nonfiction, on the other hand, is all about true things. __44__ Someone’s biography is nonfiction; so is your autobiography. So are articles in your local newspaper, and school reports on science. __45__ Imagine writing history about the 1989 San Francisco earthquake, or a report about a high school sports team. An old proverb says, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” Do you think that’s true?

篇章結構示例 (A) Nothing is made up. (B) History is nonfiction, too. (C) But your trip through space would be fiction. (D) You could write a story in which you fly to the moon. (E) But fiction isn’t always different from the way things usually are.

篇章結構 :命題適切性檢查表 1.___ 是否符合測驗目標? 2.___ 選文是否文意完整,且邏輯結構明確、無爭 議性? 3.___ 選文詞彙與句法是否難易適中? 4.___ 選文是否有十五句左右,並適當分段? 5.___ 選項是否涵蓋各種不同篇章功能? 6.___ 選項是否避免爭議? 7.___ 每個空格是否有足夠解題線索? 8.___ 若設計多餘選項,則多餘的選項是否具有誘 答力? 9.___各選項之語意和篇章功能是否清楚區隔?

閱讀測驗示例 For two thousand years, Confucius was canonized as China’s First and Supreme Teacher. This is a cruel irony. Of course, Confucius devoted much attention to education but he never considered teaching as his first and real calling. His true vocation was politics. He had a mystical faith in his political mission. (88.商.54-56)

閱讀測驗示例 54. According to the passage, what might Confucius be most interested in? (A) Politics. (B) Teaching. (C) Faith. (D) Vocation.  55. The word “calling” in the third sentence is synonymous with ______ (A) attention. (B) vocation. (C) education. (D) mission.

閱讀測驗示例 56. What does the cruel irony in the passage refer to? (A) Confucius devoted himself to education; therefore, he was canonized as China’s First and Supreme Teacher. (B) Although Confucius was concerned about education, he didn’t devote much attention to it. (C) Teaching was not considered a good job, so Confucius chose politics as his real occupation. (D) Confucius has been recognized as a great teacher in spite of his full devotion to politics.

閱讀測驗示例 Every month we receive several boxes of books from our main office in Hong Kong. At the same time, they send us a list describing what they have sent us. We examine the contents of the boxes to see whether we have received all the books on the list. If everything is correct, we simply sign the list and return it to Hong Kong. If there is any difference between the description on the list and the books actually received, we write a letter explaining the difference and ask for confirmation of the list. (87.工.41-45)

閱讀測驗示例 41. Books are received ______ (A) daily (B) weekly (C) monthly (D) yearly. 42. One thing we have to do with the books when we receive them is ______ (A) read them (B) list them (C) sign them (D) examine them. 43. The list is probably made ______ (A) in the main office (B) in the letter (C) in the boxes (D) in the books.

閱讀測驗示例 44. The contents of the boxes are probably ______ (A) books (B) the main office (C) letters and lists (D) a bookstore. 45. If no list were received, we would probably ______ (A) send the books back (B)write to Hong Kong (C) praise the main office (D) forget the whole thing.

閱讀測驗示例 Oct. 6, 1996 Dear Tom, It seems only yesterday that Jack and I were helping you learn your ABC's--and now you have finished high school and been accepted at Taipei University. We are both very proud of you, Tom. We have followed your high-school career with joy and pleasure and know that your four years at college will be even more rewarding. A word of congratulation just doesn't seem enough, so I am sending you a gift that I'm sure you will find useful--an unabridged dictionary. Jack says you'll not only find it handy in your studies, but a great argument-saver when playing Scrabble with your friends. Mom and Dad are coming here for a weekend next month. Please try to take a few days off and come to join us. We are looking forward to seeing you. Love, Sally

閱讀測驗示例 41.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for writing the letter? (A) To congratulate Tom on his wonderful achievement. (B) To tell Tom of his parents' planned visit. (C) To invite Tom to join a weekend family get-together. (D) To ask Tom to go home for the weekend. 42.“ Scrabble” is (A) an argument-saver. (B) a big dictionary. (C) a game. (D) a gift. 43.On the basis of the letter, what is the most likely relationship between Sally and Tom? (A) Mother and son. (B) Sister and brother. (C) Grandmother and grandson. (D) Niece and nephew.

閱讀測驗命題適切性檢查表 ______1.選文內容是否具教育性、知識性、趣味性? ______2.選文內容是否符合考生的生活經驗和認知範疇? ______3.選文選文是否難易適中? ______4.選文長度與問題數目是否相配合? ______5.選文內容是否提供足夠新資訊,做為設計題目的依據? ______6.問題是否避免太常識性,不用閱讀選文即可作答? ______7.問題的設計是否以對文章的理解為考量? ______8.問題是否除一般理解外,還能測驗考生引申、推理的能力? ______9.各問題(及選項)的文字是否重新設計,而非與選文文字完全相 同? _____10.各選項長度是否相近? _____11.各選項之難易度是否接近? _____12.各選項是否具有誘答力?

大考中心寫作能力測驗目標 搭配不同的題型,評量考生是否具備高中階段之基本及進階之拼寫、文法能力,主題則與考生日常生活與學習範疇密切配合: 一、評量考生依提示字詞合併或改寫句子的能 力。 二、評量考生能將中文提示句子譯成句法正確、 通順、達意之英文能力。 三、評量考生依據提示或所提供之主題(句), 運用所學詞彙、句法寫出切合主題,並具有 連貫性短文的能力。

98學年度學科能力測驗翻譯題 說明:1.請將以下兩題中文譯成正確而通順達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。2.請依序作答,並標明題號,每題僅能譯成一個英文句子。每題4分,共8分。 1. 大部分學生不習慣自己解決問題,他們 總是期待老師提供標準答案。 2. 除了用功讀書獲取知識外,學生也應該 培養獨立思考的能力。

翻譯試題命題適切性檢查表 1. 中文句子應合乎語法、通順達意。 2. 可依情況需要提供考生英文詞彙或結構 作為提示。 3. 試題的詞彙與結構應有變化,相同類型 的字詞不宜重複出現。 4. 詞彙以高中英文參考詞彙表所列為主。

98學年度學科能力測驗英文作文試題 Picture Writing 請根據圖片的場景,描述整個事件發生的前因後果。文章請分兩段,第一段說明之前發生了什麼事情,並根據圖片內容描述現在的狀況;第二段請合理說明接下來可能會發生什麼事,或者未來該做些什麼。


請仔細觀察以下三幅連環圖片的內容,並想像第四幅圖片可能的發展,寫出一個涵蓋連環圖片內容並有完整結局的故事。 99學年度學科能力測驗英文作文試題 請仔細觀察以下三幅連環圖片的內容,並想像第四幅圖片可能的發展,寫出一個涵蓋連環圖片內容並有完整結局的故事。 說明︰ 1.依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。 2.文長至少120個單詞(words)。


英文作文命題適切性檢查表 1. 圖片的內容應符合考生生活範疇。 2. 圖片須清晰易懂。 3. 文字說明應清楚明確,並能引導考生作 答。 4. 圖片涉及之內容,務必避免偏頗特定考 生(如避免「城鄉」、「社經背景」等 可能造成之差異)。