(as attributive and predictive)


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Presentation transcript:

(as attributive and predictive) Grammar Past Participle (as attributive and predictive)

Step 1: Discovering grammar Guess what the story is

Tip 1: Written by the famous Danish writer Andersen, the story describes a poor girl and her poor life.

Tip 2: Dressed in rags, the girl earns her living by selling things to rich people in cold winter.

Tip3: To make matters worse, she has her shoes lost and can only lights a match to keep warm. The little match girl

Step 1: Discovering grammar the Past Participle (过去分词) Written Dressed Lost What’s the similarity(相似点) among the words?

Step 2: Summarizing grammar 1.The girl didn’t wear any shoes because she had her shoes_____(丢失). lost

2.She looked very ________(担忧的) because there were lots of matches____(剩下). worried left 3.She wished all her matches ____(卖掉)but nobody bought a single one. sold

4. She was so cold that she sat in a corner with her legs ________ (huddle) up. huddled

5.She lit a match and saw a Christmas tree ________ (装饰)with many gifts. decorated

6.The ______ (light) match was burning brightly and she seemed very ________(delight). lighted delighted

7. The next day, people saw the girl ______ (freeze)to death 7. The next day, people saw the girl ______ (freeze)to death. What a poor girl ! frozen

1、动词-ed形式作______ Step 2: Summarizing grammar 定语 1.The lighted match was burning brightly. 2.She looked very worried because there were lots of matches left. 3.She saw a Christmas tree decorated with many gifts. 1、动词-ed形式作______ 定语 过去分词可用来修饰_______(动词/名词),作______(表语/定语/宾补),单个单词放所修饰词_____,分词短语放在所修饰词______,表___________。 名词 定语 之前 之后 被动和完成

过去分词作定语相当于一个定语从句 1.The lighted match was burning brightly. The match _______________was burning brightly. 2.She looked very worried because there were lots of matches left. She looked very worried because there were lots of matches_____________. 3.She saw a Christmas tree decorated with many gifts . She saw a Christmas tree ____________________ many gifts. which was lighted which were left which was decorated with

1.…she looked very worried… 2…she seemed very delighted… Step 2: Summarizing grammar 1.…she looked very worried… 2…she seemed very delighted… 表语 2、动词-ed形式作_______ 过去分词放在________(名词/系动词)之后,作______(表语/定语/宾补) ,表示主语的____________(动作/感受或状态),相当于一个__________(动词,形容词,名词) 系动词 表语 感受或状态 形容词

常见的系动词还有: be, become, seem , look, feel, smell, taste, sound , get, grow, turn , stay, remain

Step 2: Summarizing grammar 1.She had her shoes lost… 2.She wished all her matches sold… 3.She sat in a corner with her legs huddled up. 4.People saw the girl frozen to death… 3、动词-ed形式作___________ 宾语补足语 宾语 过去分词紧跟在______(谓语/宾语) 之后作__________,用于补充完整 宾语的含义,过去分词与宾语存 在_____(主动/被动)关系。 宾语补足语 被动

__________get, have, make, keep, leave 等后, 可用过去分词做宾语补足语. 需用过去分词作宾语补足语的情况 __________get, have, make, keep, leave 等后, 可用过去分词做宾语补足语. 使役动词 I speak loudly to make myself heard. 2.过去分词用在“with+宾语+宾补”这一结构中, 过去分词与宾语之间是_______关系。 动宾 With all the homework finished, I had a rest.

Step 3: Practicing grammar I threw a vase which was broken. = I threw a ________ vase. broken We often clean leaves which are fallen. = We often clean _______ leaves. fallen

Step 3: Practicing grammar We saw a play which was written by Bernard Shaw = We saw a play _______ by Bernard Shaw written This is a bridge which was built in 1937 = This is a bridge _______ in 1937 built

Step 3: Practicing grammar The people in the office are_______. excited The engineer felt________. confused The audience in the theater looked _________. shocked

Step 3: Practicing grammar robbed We saw the store _______by two men. 我们目击了这家商店被两个歹徒抢劫。

Step 3: Practicing grammar The beautiful girl had her hair _____last night. 这个漂亮女孩昨晚把头发剪了。 cut

Step 4: Applying grammar 在老师们和同学们的辛勤努力下,上学期由学校举办的新概念比赛完美地落下帷幕。在场的每一位学生都很兴奋。因为受到老师们的激励和鼓舞,超过50位学生积极参与节目并且勇敢上台表演。总的来说,这次比赛是一个很大的成功。同时,我们也真正明白了一个古谚语的真正含义,团结则存,分裂则亡。

Step 4: Applying grammar 1.在老师们和同学们的辛勤努力下, 上学期由学校举办的(V-ed as the attribute)新概念比赛完美地落下帷幕。 2.在场的每一位学生都很兴奋(V-ed as the predicative)。 3. 因为受到老师们的激励和鼓舞(V-ed as the adverbial) ,超过50位学生积极参与节目并且勇敢上台表演。 4. 总的来说,这次比赛是一个很大的成功。 5. 同时,我们也真正明白了一个古谚语的真正含义,团结则存,分裂则亡( V-ed as the adverbial) 。

Step 4: Applying grammar With the hard efforts of teachers and students, the New concept competition __________________ _________(上学期由学校举办的) drew a perfect ending. ____________________________(在场的每个人都很兴奋). ___________________ _____________(受到老师们的激励和鼓舞), more than 50 students took an active participation and performed bravely. In conclusion, the competition was a big success. Meanwhile we understood the true meaning of the old saying: United, we stand;_______________.(分裂则亡) held by our school last term Everyone on the spot was excited Inspired and encouraged by teachers Divided, we fall

The difference between -ed form and –ing form Step 5: Comparing grammar The difference between -ed form and –ing form

1. I found my apple ______ by a worm. 2. I found a worm _______ my apple.(eat) eaten eating washed 3. The blouse ____ by the girl looks very clean. 4. The girl ____ the blouse is very pretty.(wash) washing

4 Given 5. ____ a present, the girl is very happy. (give) 6. ____ the present, the girl is very happy.(see) Seeing

Find out the rules 被动 过去分词(-ed)表示_______ 现在分词(-ing)表示______ 主动 1. I found my apple eaten by a worm. 2. I found a worm eating my apple. 3. The blouse washed by the girl looks very clean. 4. The girl washing the blouse is very pretty. 5. Given a present, the girl is very happy. 6. Seeing the present, the girl is very happy. Find out the rules 被动 过去分词(-ed)表示_______ 现在分词(-ing)表示______ 主动

interested frightening excited arriving broken embarrassed mended Tom went to the cinema one night. It was a horror film, but he was ___________(interest) in it. Although the film was_________ (frighten), he felt _________(excite). After the film, Tom came back home. On_______ (arrive) home, he found one of his windows ________(break) and a man _____ (lie) in front of the door. The man knocked at the door very hard. Tom recognized that the man was his neighbour --the“frequently drunk”. Tom opened the door and made a cup of tea for the drunk. Later the man became sober(清醒). When he realized what had happened, he felt ________ (embarrass). He promised to have the window _______ (mend) and give up ________ (drink). interested frightening excited arriving broken lying embarrassed mended drinking

Conclusion 1. 过去分词在句子中可以充当 ____ 和 ____成分。 定语 2. 过去分词(-ed)与现在分词(-ing)的区别: 过去分词一般表示_____的动作; 现在分词一般表示_____的动作。 定语 表语 被动 主动