PTE听力分数全解析 如何擒获SST Presented by Titan 陪伴这个时代最有梦想的人,和你一起终身学习!
如何擒获SST 1. Listening 题型分数构成分析 2. Listening复习及应试建议 3. SST 怎么拿下 contents
1 信心+努力 confience +efforts 通关第一秘诀
Listening 题型分数构成分析 题型类别 题目数量 所考核的其他技能 评分方式 1 单选 2-3 2 多选 错选扣分,漏选不扣分 3 Summarize Spoken Text (SST) · Writing · Content (0/1/2分) · Form (50-70 字 2分) · Grammar (0/1/2分) · Vocabulary (0/1/2分) · Spelling (0/1/2分) 4 Highlight Correct Summary ·Reading 5 Highlight Incorrect words · 错选扣分,漏选不扣分 6 Select Missing Words 7 Fill in Blanks ·Writing 8 Write from Dictation 3-4 每对一个核心词得一分
SST 怎么拿下 2-3题,每题10分钟,单独计时 播放录音长度 约1分半,做笔记 会给writing贡献分数 播放录音长度 约1分半,做笔记 会给writing贡献分数 Content,必须有分。Key elements or words Form ,送分项,都可拿2分,必须拿2分(50-70words) Grammar/Vocabulary/Spelling 注意留检查时间,容易拿分 Tips: spelling, 尽量统一用英式或者美式 summerise summerize color colour
写 SST 怎么拿下 时间分配,总计10分钟 检查: 听力播放,同时记笔记 key elements or words Gramar Vocabulary Spelling 听力播放,同时记笔记 2min 1.5-2min 2min 整理笔记, 回顾要点,组织语言 4min 写
Main points/key words/repeated words Examples or supporting details SST 怎么拿下 抓三点(重点听第一句话) Main points/key words/repeated words Examples or supporting details Conclusion 抓好逻辑关系 课程内容版权归BT学院所有
SST 怎么拿下 请 听 音 频 并 记 笔 记 课程内容版权归BT学院所有
SST 怎么拿下 farmer suicide seed-destroyed ,high cost debt seed banks save seeds ,distribute grow food crops ,climate change 课程内容版权归BT学院所有
SST 怎么拿下 Today a hundred and fifty thousand farmers in India have committed suicide in areas where seed has been destroyed where they have to buy the seeds from Monsanto and by very very high cost and that high-cost seed is getting him into debt and the debt is pushing them to suicide. What we've done is create community seed banks places where we collect and save seeds rescue them from disappearance multiply them and then distribute them according to farmers needs. and about 40 community seed banks have been created across the length and breadth of India places where these have been created farmers are not in distress because the biggest cost today is seeds and chemicals. These seed banks are now being a new place where we can respond to the new crisis of globalization on the one hand and climate change on the other globalization has led to farmer suicides we are able to take seeds to the suicide zones and distribute the seed so that farmers can bring out of that dependency grow food crops get out of debt we've been able to create community see banks to deal with climate change for the extreme flooding the new and routes the Cyclones the Hurricanes that lead to salinization and today for us the work on seed has become the place from where we are responding to the worst tragedies and the worst crisis of our times. 课程内容版权归BT学院所有
SST 怎么拿下 The lecture mianly talks about the suicide of a few Indian farmers, causing by the debt of purchasing expensive seeds.In order to prevent this,the seed banks very created to preserve seeds and protect seeds from extreme climate change.Then the farmers could get seeds from the banks for free and grow food crops, avoding suicide related to debt. 课程内容版权归BT学院所有
SST 怎么拿下 精听练习 泛听练习 阅读法 课程内容版权归BT学院所有
SST 练习音频及参考文本 PTE听力复习建议(精听泛听方法) 9月17日前有效 课程内容版权归BT学院所有
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