Isaiah, Chapter 18 – 24 以賽亞書 18 – 24章 The Rise (and fall) Of Nations 列國的興起(與衰落)
Outline of Isaiah 18-24 以賽亞書 18 – 24章大綱 God's care for His people and the increase of the church. 神對祂子民的看顧與及教會的增長。 Outline of Isaiah 19 以賽亞書 19章大綱 Judgments upon Egypt. (vs. 1-17) 審判臨到埃及(1-17節) Its deliverance, and the conversion of the people. (v. 18-25) 她的拯救和轉變(18-25節)
Outline of Isaiah 18-24 以賽亞書 18 – 24章大綱 The invasion and conquest of Egypt and Cush (Ethiopia). 侵略與征服埃及和古實(埃提阿伯) Outline of Isaiah 21 以賽亞書 21大綱 The taking of Babylon. (vs. 1-10) 佔領巴比倫(1-10節) Of the Edomites. (vs. 11-12) 佔領以東(11-12節) Of the Arabs. (vs. 13-17) 佔領亞拉伯(13-17節)
Outline of Isaiah 22 以賽亞書 22章大綱 The siege and taking of Jerusalem. (vs. 1-7) 圍攻與佔領耶路撒冷 (1-7節) The wicked conduct of its inhabitants. (vs. 8-14) 其中居民的邪惡行為(8-14節) The displacing of Shebna, and the promotion of Eliakim, applied to the Messiah. (vs. 15-25) 取代舍伯,提拔以利亞敬;應用在彌賽亞身上(15-25節) Outline of Isaiah 23 以賽亞書 23章大綱 The overthrow of Tyre. (vs. 1-14) 推翻推羅(1-14節) It is established again. (vs. 15-18) 被獲重建(15-18節)
Outline of Isaiah 18-24 以賽亞書 18 – 24章大綱 The desolation of the land. (vs. 1-12) 地變為荒涼(1-12節) A few shall be preserved. (vs. 13-15) 少數被存留(13-15節) God's kingdom advanced by His judgments. (vs. 16-23) 神的國度因衪的審判而推進(16-23節)
Consider This 細想這些 What is your World View? Ancient Vs Modern 你 的世界觀是甚麼? 遠古對現代 What is your response to God? 你 對神的反應又是如何? How do these two points affect your life? 這兩點怎樣影響你 的生命? How does Your life impact others? 你的生命怎樣影響其他人?