Unit 7 Lesson 20 九中分校 刘秀芬
诗的定义 文学体裁的一种,通过有节奏、韵律的语言集中地反应生活、抒发情感。
Poetry Features Poetry contains both literary and musical features. Significance Poetry has the power to move hearts, win minds, and inspire people to action. ------by Will Conley
英语诗歌 英语诗歌是人们喜闻乐见的一种文学形式。它的韵律优美,节奏感强,朗朗上口,适于朗诵,贴近生活,题材广泛,且经过长期流传,具有一定的思想性和艺术性。
《英语课程标准》对诗歌的要求 《英语课程标准》在课程目标总体描述和内容标准上都对中小学诗歌教学提出了具体要求,如:能理解和欣赏一些经典的英语诗歌,在语言的学习过程中,加强语音语调的训练,培养良好的语感,提高学生赏析英文诗歌的能力、启发学生的思维,进一步提高语言综合应用能力。
设计思想 对诗歌Life Is a Journey进行有感情的朗读,培养英语语感,并对学生进行美的熏陶。 在对诗歌的赏析中,对学生进行文化意识和德育渗透。 鼓励学生大胆写诗,让学生体验合作作诗的快乐。
教材分析 1. 本节课Lesson 20 Life Is a Journey是北师大版教材《义务教育教科书英语》初三年级(全一册)Unit7 Journeys的第二课时,是一节诗歌欣赏课。本课以生活是一段旅程行为主题, 主要讲的是如何面对人生旅行。通过对诗歌内容的学习,使学生在了解诗歌的同时,学会如何欣赏诗歌,如何面对生命的旅行。
教材分析 2 本课对教材做了以下的处理和拓展: 先从学生熟悉的话题“Journey”导入,之后了解诗歌的外在形式(诗歌的标题、作者、诗的小节等)然后再进行赏析,对诗歌深层意义内涵进行挖掘,最后合作编写一首小诗,达到语言综合应用的目的。
学情分析 学生在初中阶段很少接触英语诗歌,会让他们觉得很新鲜,对这首诗会很感兴趣,所以会有很高的学习热情。但同时也会存在不知道怎样去学习这首小诗,对诗歌的外在形式和意义内涵都会存在很大疑问,如何去仿写一首小诗也会有很大的挑战。
教学目标 能够在朗读中感受英语诗歌及语言的优美,体会英语诗歌中渗透的情感 。 能够正确分析诗歌的外在形式,体会生命是一次旅行的深刻含义。 能够谈论生活,并小组合作仿写一首小诗。 能用积极乐观的心态看待生活中的起伏。
重点和难点 重点: 能够正确分析诗歌的外在形式,体会生命是一次旅行的深刻含义。 难点: 能够谈论生活,并小组合作仿写一首小诗。
突破途径 从诗歌的外在形式,如标题、作者、诗的小节等到诗歌深层意义内涵进行挖掘来逐一分析。为学生提供一篇范文 “life is an adventure”,让学生小组合作进行仿写。
Have you ever taken a journey? What kind of feeling do you have about a journey ?
In which ways is life like a journey? Do you enjoy your life now? Life is often compared to a journey. In which ways is life like a journey? Do you enjoy your life now? What attitude do you have for your life?
Read the poem. What could another title for the poem be? The 1st Reading Read the poem. What could another title for the poem be? Enjoying the Journey of Life Going on a Trip The Past and the Future My Choices
Complete the table about the poem. The 2nd Reading Complete the table about the poem. Title Writer Number of verses Number of lines in each verse Metaphor Life Is a Journey Anonymous 匿名的 four three or four comparing life to a journey which goes left and right
Choose the summary for each verse. Write 1-4. The 3rd Reading Choose the summary for each verse. Write 1-4. 3 I need to make my own decisions. Our choices lead to different futures. It’s best not to worry and keep working hard. Life can be compared to a journey. 2 4 1
Answer the questions about the poem. (Activity 5) The 4th Reading Answer the questions about the poem. (Activity 5) 1. The path of a journey goes left and right and there are good things and bad things in life. 2. b 3. c 4. We should enjoy life and never give up.
The 5th Reading Read the poem aloud
What’s the theme of the poem? What do you think of the metaphor in the poem ? Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not?
Use other metaphors to describe life Life is a/an _________ because __________.
Life is … a tree a book a journey a race
Life is … riding a bicycle a game a movie climbing a mountain a race a book a box of chocolates a painting
Life is a leaf of paper white, there on each of us may write his word or two. —— A. Lowell 生活是一张白纸,每个人都在上面写 上自己的一两句话。 —— 洛威尔
Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. —— S. Butler 生活是一种艺术,要在不充足的前提 下得出充足的结论。 —— 巴特勒
Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think. 对于感受生活的人来说,生活是一场悲 剧,对于思考生活的人来说,生活是一场 喜剧 。
TO be a poet Work in groups . Use your ideas to write a short poem about life.
Sample poem: Life is an adventure ---By Andrew Mitchell
Enjoy a poem: Life is a journey --- by Jack London
Thank you !