Xikan [The Constant Sink Hole] (Kan Below Kan Above ) 《周易》上經第二十九 習坎 坎上坎下 坎為水 Xikan [The Constant Sink Hole] (Kan Below Kan Above )
釋卦名 「坎」字,本義作「陷」解,《說文》:「坎,陷也。从土,欠聲。 」乃高而入於下之意,因謂陷阱為砍,常指土下陷而言,故從土,又以欠為張口嘆息,土陷成穴,有地面開口意,故坎從欠聲。 坎既有土陷成穴之意,而水性下流,水皆陷於地之低平處,是水常在之處,為湖、為泊、為海,故坎取象為水。 此外,「水」字之彖文作 ,似坎經卦 之形,《周易集解》引宋衷注:「坎陽在中,內光明,有似於水」,疏曰:「坎一陽在二陰之中,其內光明,有似於水。尋《說文》曰:『 ,準也』。即 之縱文也。 」
卦辭 Judgment 習坎:有孚,維心亨,行有尚 The Constant Sink Hole is such that if there is sincerity, then the heart and mind should prevail, and one’s actions will enjoy esteem.
彖辭 Commentary On The Judgments 彖曰:習坎,重險也。水流而不盈,行險而不失其信,維心亨,乃以剛中也。行有尚,往有功也。天險不可升也,地險山川丘陵也,王公設險以守其國。險之時用大矣哉! The Constant Sink Hole signifies multiple dangers. The reason “the heart and mind should prevail” is that one fills one’s middle with hardness and strength, and the reason “one’s actions will enjoy esteem” is that when one sets forth, he achieves merit. and strategic conditions on Earth consist of mountains, rivers, hills, and high ground. Kings and dukes provide themselves with strategic conditions to protect themselves. The conclusion is that from Heaven and Earth on down nothing can do without strategic conditions. When the time comes for strategic conditions to play their role, their usefulness is indeed great!
釋彖辭 Commentary On The Judgments 「習」字有重而不斷之意,《周易》八純卦卦名中唯有此卦以兩字名之,即強調自然界中水流不斷之貌。 水性向下,往地之險陷凹穴處而行,雖往險處而行,卻毫無猶豫,不改其行,故曰「行險而不失其信,維心亨,乃以剛中也。行有尚,往有功也 」。 水之聚集處為湖、泊、海,但日夜被傾流灌注,仍然不會滿溢,故曰「水流而不盈」 世界處處有險,人處天地之間必然遇險,然而遇險必之如何用險,時時戒慎,切勿安逸驕盈,亦勿一遇險就慌亂恐懼,需取法水流而因時用險,故曰「險之時用大矣哉」。
象辭 Commentary On The Image 象曰:水洊至,習坎;君子以常德行,習教事。 Water keeps coming on: this constitutes the image of the Constant Sink Hole. In the same way, the noble man consistently practices virtuous conduct and constantly engages in moral transformation .
釋象辭 Commentary On The Image 「洊」字有相重之意,故以其釋習坎之習。水流不絕,故曰「水洊至」,即亟言自然界中水相踏而來,盈科而進之貌。 水的常性是人類修己、治人的範例,修己本於「常德行」、治人本於「習教事」,修己治人是日就月將、溫故知新,真積力久則入,一如水流日夜不息,積而後進。
爻辭-初六 First Yang 習坎,入于坎窞,凶。 Here in the Constant Sink Hole one falls into the drain hole at the bottom, and this means misfortune.
小象-初六 First Yang Commentary On The Image 象曰:習坎入坎,失道凶也。 Here at the Constant Sink Hole one falls into it, and to have so lost the Dao [one’s way] means misfortune.
釋爻辭-初六 First Yang 初六居於全卦之初,以陰柔之質居於陽位,於上無應。 初六是坎卦的第一爻,是初入重重之險,而以陰柔之質居於陰位,居非其位,又於上無應無援,無力出險,故曰「習坎入坎,失道凶也」。王弼注此爻曰:「習坎者,習為險難之事也」。也就是說一個人想要過大河,首先必須熟悉水性,學會游泳,若如初六本質柔弱,還沒學會游泳就想泗水渡大河,自然一入水就沉入水底而遭凶。
爻辭-九二 Second Yang 坎有險,求小得。 Here in the Sink Hole, where there is danger, one may only strive for small attainments.
小象-九二 Second Yang Commentary On The Image 象曰:求小得,未出中也。 “This one may strive for small attainments” but has not yet found his way out from inside [of the Sink Hole and danger].
釋爻辭-九二 Second Yang 九二以陽剛本質居於陰位,夾於上下二陰之中,居於下卦中爻,又是下卦經卦坎之中。 九二夾於上下二陰之中,又居於陰位,象徵其居於險難,故曰「坎有險」九是陽、二是中,以剛中之才,雖未能出險,亦能求小得。君子處險難而能自保者,剛中而已。然而陷於經卦坎中,又一時不能出險,只能小得而不能有大獲,故曰「求小得,未出中也」。
爻辭-六三 Third Ying 來之坎坎,險且枕,入于坎窞,勿用。 Whether one comes or goes, there is a Sink Hole before him. In danger and stuck here too, it would not do to fall down the Sink Hole drain.
小象-六三 Third Ying Commentary On The Image 象曰:來之坎坎,終無功也。 “Whether one comes or goes, there is a Sink Hole before him, so in the end there can be no meritorious outcome.
釋爻辭-六三 Third Ying 六三居於下卦之上、上卦之下,以陰柔之質居於陽位,乘於九二之上,居六四之下,於上無應。 六三居於下卦之上、上卦之下,是在內外卦兩險之間,進退都是險,故曰「來之坎坎」、「入于坎窞」。六三本質陰柔,又不中不正,於上無應且無陽能承,下乘於陽剛,是倚靠奸邪之人不知親近有道之士,故曰「險且枕」。如此情境,無所施用,故曰「勿用」
爻辭-六四 Forth Yang 樽酒,簋貳,用缶,納約自牖,終无咎。 For a cup of wine and food bowls two, use plain earthenware. Provide this frugal fare through the window, and in the end there will be no blame.
小象-六四 Forth Yang Commentary On The Image 象曰:樽酒簋貳,剛柔際也。 “A cup of wine and food bowls two” signify the affiliation of the hard and the soft [or strong and weak---Fourth Yin and Fifth Yang].
釋爻辭-六四 Forth Yang 六四以陰柔之質居於陰位,上承九五陽剛。 「樽」,酒器;「簋」,竹器,用以裝食品;「貳」,代替;「缶」,瓦器,可以裝酒;「納約」,儉約的進納。六四上承九五當習坎重險之時,四以柔居柔,五以剛居剛,皆得位履正,剛柔各得其位,相尚以誠,相處以約,故其占為「終无咎」。 古代男子行祭神之禮可以走正門,女子祭神,只能從窗戶走入而不能走正門,故曰「納約自牖」六四、九五剛得剛位、柔得柔位,一如男女謹守分際,故曰「剛柔際也」。
爻辭-九五 Fifth Yang 坎不盈,祇既平,无咎。 The Sink Hole is not filled up, but here only when one is level with the top will there be no blame.
小象-九五 Fifth Yang Commentary On The Image 象曰:坎不盈,中未大也。 “The Sink Hole is not filled up”: because what is in the middle [the ruler] is not great enough.
釋爻辭-九五 Fifth Yang 九五以陽剛之質居於陽位,又居於中位。 「祇」是剛好的意思,九五居於五位,將要脫離險境,又以陽剛之質居於陽位尊位,陽剛中正,有才有位,可以濟險,但僅僅浮於水面上與水面保持平衡,所以曰「坎不盈,祇既平」。 雖然將要出險,但實仍在險中,故「祇既平」實是不滿不盈,不見惡於小人,故曰「坎不盈,中未大也」以此求得无咎。
爻辭-上六 Top Ying 係用徽纆,寘于叢棘,三歲不得,凶。 Here it is as if for bonds two- and three-ply cords were used or as if one were put inside a bramble wall stockade. Such a one is not successful for three years, which means misfortune.
小象-上六 Top Ying Commentary On The Image 象曰:上六失道,凶三歲也。 Top Yin has lost the Dao, so his misfortune will last three years.
釋爻辭-上六 Top Yang 上六居於全卦之末,以陰柔之質居於陰位,乘於陽剛九五。 「係」,繫縛;「徽纆」,繫縛罪人的墨繩。「寘」,同置;「叢棘」,牢獄。上六居坎險之中,本有出險之道,但其以陰乘陽為逆,又本質陰柔,陰居陰位,反而設險阻九五出險,處在至險之地而失其道,所以遭凶。 上六如阻九五出險之小人,小人本性亦善,只因後天環境而未能習善,自暴自棄,自縛自束,受惡人薰染而居於險地,如用繩捆之,終將必亡,白沙在涅,與之俱黑,能不慎乎?
六爻逐釋 初六:是愚而又習於愚之坎。 九二:是剛而不知習善之坎。 六三:是柔而只知習惡之坎。 六四:是柔而能習善之坎。 九五:是陽剛中正平和出險之坎。 上六:是柔而不習終惡之坎。
六爻時位變化吉凶 本卦闡釋突破艱險的原則,爻不分陰陽皆有險陷,而陽剛處險而能出險,陰柔反而能出險。初六涉險入險而遭凶,九二陷入重險之中,努力奮鬥只能有「小得」而未出險,六三前後是險而倚靠小人不能有成,六四投靠九五保護而不險,九五陽剛中正平和出險,上六本性愚柔又不習善終遭凶。
易學萬花筒-離卦的應用 婚姻:成,親上結親之意。 願望:以反覆難成,我進彼退,我退彼進。 買賣:坎水雙重,如水之流,買賣不宜,大抵難 成。各爻之變,皆不可用。 訴訟:可是土地之爭,後在吉。 運氣:得此卦之人,住居不安,多憂患,又是病難、盜難 等,遇非常災難之意。又進是固為險、退亦險,困 上加困之義者,要在十分戒慎,又有死喪之事。有 破敗之意。為私欲詐欺於人,一旦事成,亦是不保 其末,反卻損失自求艱難也。或是與親友爭論,或 是關於卑婦有麻煩事。卦之大旨,以孚誠在涉險難 者,體此意,以孚誠為可功成志遂之時。