UNIT 10 Marriage By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. — Socrates 婚姻 王守仁.


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Presentation transcript:

UNIT 10 Marriage By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. — Socrates 婚姻 王守仁 泛读教程 第二册 创思英语:http://www.tronest.cn 英语专业泛读课件 英语阅读课件

Dictation 恢复,重新开始,履历 阻塞,妨碍 不充分的,不够格的 (人工)呼吸 按摩,推拿 骨折,破裂,分裂 水疱,长水疱 使隔离,使孤立,使绝缘 半岛 步行者,行人,平淡乏味 resume obstruct inadequate respiration massage fracture blister insulate peninsula pedestrian 前一单元单词听写 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn Andy原创!

Word Pretest Keys: 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. C 1. 汗水从额头流到了眼睛里,模糊了他的视线。 1. Sweat ran … into his eyes, blurring his vision. 2. 我们对他的损失深表同情。 2. We condole with him on his loss. 单词与测试 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn Andy原创! 3. 她没能克制住自己,起身走向电话。 3. Unable to ~ herself, she rose and went to the phone.

Reading Comprehension Keys: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. A 1. 深深的祝福 1. deep-felt wish 2. 善意,心意 2. good will 3. 随着时间的流逝 3. with the passage of time 阅读理解答案 短语 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn Andy原创! 4. 任务在身 4. on a mission 5. 着火 5. catch fire

Word Match quotation artificial anguish anniversary superstitious heedful escort concealment consent vow 引文,报价,(股票)挂牌 人工的,不自然的,假装的 (精神)悲痛,(身体)剧痛 周年纪念(日) 迷信的,有迷信观念的 注意的,留意的,小心的 护卫(者),陪同(者),护航舰 隐藏,隐瞒,遮住 准许,赞同,同意 誓言,誓词,起誓,发誓 找词 查词 单词与释义匹配 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn Andy原创!

Use of English 1. keep sb company 1. 陪伴,与…为伍 2. keep a straight face 2. 板着脸,一本正经 3. keep sb in the dark 3. 不让某人知道 4. keep an open mind 4. 不抱成见,虚心听取 5. keep away from 英语知识运用 惯用短语搭配 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn Andy原创! 5. (使)远离、不靠近 6. keep one’s head 6. 保持冷静,泰然处之

Stems 1. astronomy 1. astronaut, starry, astrology 2. brevity 2. brief, abridge, abbreviate 3. confusion 3. fuse, diffuse, fusion, defuse extraterrestrial 外星人 词根词缀 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn Andy 4. consent 4. resent, dissent, sense, sentiment

Synonyms & Cloze Keys to Synonyms: 1. mischievous 2. heavenly 3. shatter 4. deliver 5. capture obedient naughty disciplined earthly outstanding divine construct break organize give receive retain seize lose miss 同义词 反义词 完形填空 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn Andy原创! Keys to Cloze: wrong dislike midnight standard homelife convinced meantime capital

Section B & C Keys to Section B: 1-4 TFTF 5-7 BCC 8-10 DCD 11-13 FTF 14-16 ACB Keys to Section C: 1-5 TFTTF 6-10 FTFFT 快速阅读 补充阅读 答案 创思英语 http://www.tronest.cn Andy原创!