Men Women and the Loss of Faith in “young Goodman Brown” 9653026 姜婉婷 Men Women and the Loss of Faith in “young Goodman Brown”
霍桑刻畫的女性 違背他的時代的 不只是善良的象徵 掌握知識 比大多數的作者寫實且有深度
霍桑影響其他作家 為寫實主義和自然主義的發展鋪路 影響了 Henry James William Dean Howells Edith Wharton Theodore Dreiser
Faith Not a heroic or three-dimensional character. Small role in the action of the story 容易被忽略 但是故事的的中心是Brown rejection of her
The tale maybe read as a psychosexual parable of the rejection of the feminine in favor of a father-figure symbolized by the Devil. 好VS壞以這樣的特性在這故事
Brown’s pre-Oedipal period 霍桑同情Faith而不是Brown Brown放棄了Faith=放棄了adult sexuality 退化成嬰兒時害怕父親的pre-Oedipal period
Devil 造出Goody Cloyse Snakv staff Brown’s grandfather
Women and “Sivilization” in Huckleberry finn For a boy’s book For a book Overall theme of freedom
Twain and women Women bad for Twain and Twain Bad for women. Women as essential to Twain’s Creative process Femininity still neglected by most of his critcs.
Jim Most feminine trait. The moral touchstone of the book. Huck begins to develop “female virtues”
Judith loftus Schooled in appearance of gender Male and female behavior Sex can be put on or taken off through behavior
Turn women in to mother, keep sex out of the picture