Parenting Workshop 子女养育讨论会


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Presentation transcript:

Parenting Workshop 子女养育讨论会

Peace in the Family 家庭里的平和

What do you understand by the word Peace? 您对“平和”的理解是什么?

Recall a time in your childhood when your parents were angry with each other or had a fight. How did you feel? 回忆一次童年时您父母亲闹矛盾或打架的经历,当时您的感觉是什么样的?

How does peace at home help your children? 家庭里的平和是如何帮助你的孩子的?

“The parents established in inner peace radiate this to family members in their various interactions. Thus, family time is the vehicle for conveying peace from the parents to the children.” 内心平和的父母将把此状态辐射到家庭成员之间的各种相互影响中去。因此,家庭时间是父母向孩子传达平和的一种工具。 ~ Dr. Pal Dhal

Peace is a process that the family generates when the family members spend time together in a relaxed atmosphere. 平和就是当家庭成员在轻松的氛围中一起享受一段时光时家庭所产生的一个过程。

Share a recent event in your family when you felt close to each other. 分享在您家庭中最近发生的一件让您感到彼此之间十分亲近的事情。

“We should develop peace within ourselves “We should develop peace within ourselves. Such peace should be fostered in the family. From family, it should spread to the community; from community to the State and then to the Nation. If there is no peace in the individual, how can there be Peace in the Nation and in the world?” ~ Sathya Sai Baba 我们应该在自己的内心深处培养平和,并且这种平和应该在家庭中得到强化。应该从家庭扩散到社区,从社区扩散到整个洲乃至全国。倘若个人心中没有平和,国家和世界又怎么会有平和呢! ——赛斯亚·赛·巴巴

How can we help children achieve inner peace? 我们应该如何帮助孩子实现内心的平和呢?

How can we cultivate peace within? 我们如何才能培养内心的平和呢?

Positive Attitude. 积极的态度。 “Be good, see good, do good”. 做好人,看好事,做好事。 Ceiling on Desires. 限制欲望。 Speak softly and lovingly 轻柔地、细心地说话。

Breathe slowly, deeply and rhythmically . 缓慢地、深深地、有节奏地呼吸。 Control anger. 控制脾气。 Cultivate and practice human values in all aspects of daily life. 在生活的每一方面都培养和践行人文价值。

The most effective, direct method to control the mind, develop peace and inner strength is silent thinking. 调控思维、培养平和和内部力量的最有效、最直接的方式就是静思。

Benefits of Silent Thinking 静思的好处 Improves memory 改善记忆 Helps find solutions to problems 帮助寻找解决问题的途径 Calms the mind 平静心灵 Improves concentration 增强注意力

Benefits of Silent Thinking 静思的好处 Saves energy (personal energy) 节约能量(个体能量) Sharpens intuition 锐化直觉 Builds inner strength 建立内部的力量 Happy and cheerful disposition 开心和愉悦的性情

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Right Conduct 正当行为 “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” 己所不欲勿施于人。

“It is the duty of the parents to set children on the right path from their early years. They should not hesitate to correct them or even punish them when the children take to the wrong ways. The best way they can show their love for their children is to do everything necessary to make them follow the right path. It is only when the parents show firmness in dealing with their children that they will develop along the right lines. It is because the parents and the teachers fail to enforce discipline that students behave in the most irresponsible ways and indulge in disorder and violence.” 当孩子年幼的时候,为他们设计好一条正确的人生之路是为人父母的职责。当孩子走错路的时候,父母应该毫不犹豫地纠正他们甚至予以惩罚。父母表达对孩子的爱的最好方式其实是引导孩子走上正轨,并为之不惜一切。只有父母严格地要求子女,他们才会沿着好的方向健康成长。现在很多孩子完全没有责任心,终日沉溺于骚乱和暴力,原因就是由于父母和教师在纪律约束上的失职。

Empowering Through Right Conduct 正当行为 When have you felt empowered? 您在什么时候感到自己被赋予能量?

Empowering Through Right Conduct 正当行为 What is the value of punishment? 惩罚的价值是什么?

Empowering Through Right Conduct 正当行为 Describe one incident when you as a child felt empowered by your parent. 描述一件儿时您父母让您感到充满力量的事情。

Empowering Through Right Conduct 正当行为 What are the negative signals parents can give to their children? 父母传递给孩子的消极信号可能有哪些?

Empowering Through Right Conduct 正当行为 How do we teach our children to take responsibility for their actions?

Empowering Through Right Conduct 正当行为 What did you learn as a child from doing chores around the house? 您小时候从做家务中学到了什么?

Empowering Through Right Conduct 正当行为 What are the excuses you have come across in your children to get out of doing chores? 当您的孩子想逃避做家务时,他的借口是什么呢?

Empowering Through Right Conduct 正当行为 Do you sometimes accept the excuses of your children to get out of doing chores? 您有时候会接受孩子逃避做家务的借口吗?

Empowering Through Right Conduct 正当行为 Share how your child has demonstrated in the last year or so a unique sense of self-direction or responsibility? 分享您的孩子在过去的一年多里,是如何表现他的独特的自主能力和责任感的?

Empowering – Role Play 角色扮演 Mr. & Mrs. Smith have noticed Johnny is a computer fanatic. He spends long hours with the computer. But he consistently obtains poor marks in Mathematics and English at school. At the midterm parent/ teacher meeting Mr. Fox has expressed concern that Johnny is not handing in his homework regularly. 史密斯先生和夫人已经注意到强尼是一个电脑迷。他把大量的时间都花在电脑上。此外,在学校里他的数学和英语成绩一直很差。在学期的期中家长会上,老师福克斯先生对强尼不定期上交家庭作业表示了担忧。

Enabling parents enable the child to have personal control over actions and emotional states. The parents temper their love with discipline and appropriate control. 父母应该让孩子自主分析、解决问题,并且主动控制自己的行为和情绪状态。父母则可以通过适当的约束和控制来表达对子女的爱。 • Level of responsibility increases as the child becomes more and more mature. 随着孩子变得越来越成熟,他们的责任心也将随之增强。 • Freedom is the result when children accept responsibility – this freedom is not freedom to indulge but a better control over anger, worries, fear guild and anxiety. 自由是孩子承担责任的结果。这种自由不是放纵,而是对愤怒、忧虑、恐惧和焦虑的控制。 • Chores are one of the important ways of teaching a child responsibility. 做家务是让孩子学会责任感的最重要的方法之一。

Empowering Through Right Conduct and Peace 正当行为与平和 Insights 反思: What have I learnt? 我学了什么?

What am I going to work on? Action Plan 行动计划 What am I going to work on? 我将要继续做什么?