O God, Our Help in Ages Past 千古保障 O God, Our Help in Ages Past
1. 真神是人千古保障,是人將來希望,是人居所抵禦風暴,是人永遠家鄉。 1 O God our help in ages past Our hope for years to come Our shelter from the storm-y blast And our eternal home
2.在主寶座蔭庇之下,信徒一同安居,惟賴真神膀臂保護,永遠平安無慮。 2 Under the shadow of Thy throne Still may we dwell secure Sufficient is Thine arm alone And our defense is sure
3. 山川尚未立定以先,大地尚未形成,遠自太初你便是神,亙古直到永恆。 3 Before the hills in order stood Or earth received her frame From everlasting Thou art God To endless years the same
4. 在神眼中,億千萬年恍若人間隔宿,恍若初聞子夜鐘聲,轉瞬東方日出。 4. A thousand ages in the Sight Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night Before the rising sun
真神是人千古保障,是人將來希望,是人居所抵禦風暴,是人永遠家鄉。 在主寶座蔭庇之下,信徒一同安居,惟賴真神膀臂保護,永遠平安無慮。 山川尚未立定以先,大地尚未形成,遠自太初你便是神,亙古直到永恆。 在神眼中,億千萬年恍若人間隔宿,恍若初聞子夜鐘聲,轉瞬東方日出。 時間正似大江流水,浪淘萬象眾生,轉瞬飛逝,恍若夢境,朝來不留餘痕。 真神是我千古保障,是我將來希望,是我今生的保衛者,是我永遠家鄉。
5. 時間正似大江流水,浪淘萬象眾生,轉瞬飛逝,恍若夢境,朝來不留餘痕。 5 Time like an ever rolling stream Bears all its sons away They fly forgotten as a dream Dies at the opening day
6. 真神是我千古保障,是我將來希望,是我今生的保衛者,是我永遠家鄉。 6 O God our help in ages past Our hope for years to come Be Thou our guide while life shall last And our eternal home