Comprehensive Reading Program 全方位的閱讀引導 Shin Chi Fame Kao 高實琪 K-12 Chinese Outreach Coordinator at the University of Utah Confucius Institute 猶他大學孔子學院 對外協調員 Utah Chinese Bridge Course Curriculum Developer 猶他州 大學中文銜接課程 教材教案編輯小組成員 Adjunct Professor of Chinese Bridge Program at the University of Utah 猶他大學 大學中文銜接課程 講師
Today’s PPT
Utah Chinese Immersion 2018-19 32 Elementary Schools (k-6) 32 Secondary Schools (7-10) 1 Charter School (1-6) about 14,000 students
7th Grade DLI Students’ Reading Proficiency Level in Average 中文沉浸式項目七年級學生普遍的閱讀程度
今天的學習目標 1.我能夠清楚說出全方位閱讀引導的三個基本要素是什麼,並能說出為什麼要有這三個要素。 2.我能夠從全方位閱讀引導的十二個執行步驟中 找出兩個適用在我自己班上的方法,然後跟我的 夥伴分享為什麼這兩個方法對我的學生有好處, 以及我會怎麼應用在我的課程裡。
Chinese Reading Research 关于中文阅读的一些研究 Current Research Chinese immersion students score lower in reading and writing than in speaking and listening (Fortune & Song, 2016) Why? Little sound to script relationship with Chinese characters Difficult to remember the visual/phonological forms and word boundaries (例:下雨天留客天留我不留) Chinese speaking countries - students do extensive practice How do we provide extra practice in US settings? Possible Solution Shen and Jiang (2013) suggests repeated readings done in pairs to develop automatic character recognition and text fluency Give Examples? Engaging/interesting/differentiated learning
Theory of Automaticity 重複練習到自動反射 Reading Fluency is a link between word identification and reading comprehension Repeated readings increase the automaticity of lower level processes freeing up cognitive resources for higher-level processes (LaBerge & Samuels 1974; Samuels, 1979) Instructional Hierarchy: Acquisition; Automaticity; Application (AAA) 習得、重複練習到自動反射、應用
Comprehensive Reading Program 全方位閱讀指引的三要素 Based on our findings in this research, we suggest that a comprehensive Chinese reading program should include three important components: Guided reading lesson with Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS)(運用同伴互助策略的閱 讀指導課程) Meaningful repeated reading exercises(有效的重 複閱讀練習) Timed reading fluency exercise (一分鐘閱讀流利 練習)
Protocol of Comprehensive Reading Program 全方位閱讀指引的步驟 1. Pre-reading activities (閱讀前的話題討論活動): Concept talk based on pictures/video clips, answer essential questions, and 30 seconds expert (small group discussion; think-pair-share; class discussion) 2. Think aloud (針對話題的複習與提問): Guide students to review what they have learned, come up wondering questions, and predict answers. (K-W-L Chart) 3. Listening to the text & answering some main idea questions (聽力問答練習) 4. Skimming and scanning(速讀掃描): underlying learned/known words and circling important but unfamiliar words.
Protocol of Comprehensive Reading Program 全方位閱讀指引的步驟 5. Segmenting words(斷句練習) 6. Teaching vocabulary through activities (4 square chart; tasks; small group discussion) (用各種方法教 詞語) 7. Meaningful repeated reading exercises (有效的 重複閱讀練習) 8. Expressing opinions (Think-pair-share with clock partner; jigsaw; 4 corners) (運用各種討論方法,讓學生精讀課文內容)
Protocol of Comprehensive Reading Program 全方位閱讀指引的步驟 9. Summarizing & making a connection (daily starter; asking meaningful questions, project/task for application) (運用各種方法讓學生總結並將話題與自己的生活聯繫) 10. Sharing “My thoughts” (daily summary; answering questions on the KWL chart; pair-share; “In & Out” circle, gallery walk) (讓學生分享自己對課文和話題的看法) 11. Class discussion (fishbowl; Socratic Seminar; debate)(課堂討論) 12. Doing Timed Reading Fluency reading exercise everyday (每天都做一分鐘閱讀練習)
Meaningful Repeated Reading Exercises 有效的重複閱讀練習 Using different strategies to increase the opportunities of reading aloud to connect characters with pronunciation and meaning: e.g. Echo Read Whole group choral read Whole group cloze read Partner cloze read Group popcorn read Individual popcorn read Partner choral read
Benefits of Comprehensive Reading Program 全方位閱讀指引對學生的好處 1. Improve student’s reading fluency, pronunciation, tones, tone of speech as well as comprehension (增進學生閱讀的流利程度、發音、語感和理解能力) 2. Increase interest and motivation of reading (增進學 生對閱讀的興趣和動力) 3. Increase opportunities to respond (OTR) (給學生大量 用中文表達的機會)
Benefits of Comprehensive Reading Program 全方位閱讀指引對學生的好處 4. Increase Depth of Knowledge (DOK) (讓學生思考能力加深) 5. Apply these reading strategies to any new text (讓 學生把學習到的閱讀技巧應用到閱讀新文章上) 6. Improve students’ reading proficiency through Instructional Hierarchy: Acquisition, Automaticity, Application (AAA) (透過習得、重複練習到自動反射、進而應用等步驟增 進 學生的語言能力)
How to Implement Timed Reading Fluency Exercise 怎麼做一分鐘閱讀流利練習 Pair students with strategies: High & Mid; Mid & Low (按學生程度分為兩人一組) A/B take turn to read a text for one minute: While A is reading, B records down A’s mistakes; give feedbacks afterwards; switch the role (A讀的時候,B聽並紀錄錯誤的地方和閱讀的字數,一分 鐘時間到以後,B給A反饋;反之亦然) Students record their own result on a chart with numbers of total characters read, number of wrong characters, and number of correct characters with a color-coded bar. (每天做完後,每位學生都要在表格上紀錄自己的進步狀況)
Benefits of Timed Reading Fluency Exercise 一分鐘閱讀流利練習對學生的好處 Students can track their own progress and be held accountable for their own learning (讓學生掌握自己的進步狀況、對自己的進步負責) Give feedback to each other (學生可以互相給予反饋) Improve on reading fluency, pronunciation, tones, tone of speech, word segments and listening ability. (讓學生在閱讀的流利程度、發音、聲調、語氣、斷句、甚至聽力各 方面都能進步)
檢測今天的學習目標 1.我能夠清楚說出全方位閱讀引導的三個基本要素是什麼,並能說出為什麼要有這三個要素。 2.我能夠從全方位閱讀引導的執行步驟中找出兩 個適用在我自己班上的方法,然後跟我的夥伴分 享為什麼這兩個方法對我的學生有好處,以及我 會怎麼應用在我的課程裡。
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