Stages of Menopause 更年期的階段 Perimenopause


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Presentation transcript:

Stages of Menopause 更年期的階段 Perimenopause Irregular, short menstrual periods Uncomfortable symptoms include hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, and backaches May last four to five years or longer 更年前期 月經不規則,間歇性 潮熱、失眠、煩躁易怒、腰酸背痛等及其它不適症狀 可能持續四至五年或更長

Stages of Menopause 更年期的階段 Menopause 12 months after the last menstrual period Production of progesterone and eggs stops Normally happens between the ages of 45 and 55 Postmenopause 更年期 月經結束後的12個月 不再產生黃體素、不會再排卵 通常出現在45至55歲間 更年後期

Symptoms 更年期症狀 Irregular menstrual periods Hot flashes Irritability, depression, anxiety Insomnia, poor sleep quality Palpitations, night sweats Forgetfulness (in some women) Vaginal dryness Headaches, vaginal infections, joint aches and pains 月經不規則 潮熱 煩躁易怒、抑鬱焦慮 失眠、睡眠品質不佳 心悸、盜汗 健忘(某些女性) 陰道乾澀 頭痛、陰道感染、關節疼痛等

Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy 激素替代療法的危害 Gynecological tumors The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that long-term hormone replacement therapy increases incidence of gynecological tumors by 20% Risks surface within 2 years of use 引發婦科腫瘤 婦科腫瘤發病率提高20% 服藥2年內,風險便會顯示出來

Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy 激素替代療法的危害 Osteoporosis Risk of osteoporosis increases by 26% Prone to fractures in the hips, wrists and spine 骨質疏鬆症 罹患骨質疏鬆症的風險將提高26% 臀部、腕部和脊柱等部位易骨折

Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy 激素替代療法的危害 Cardiovascular disease Heart disease risk increases by 80% Heart attack risk increases by 29% Stroke Risk of stroke increases by 41% Endometrial growth Deep vein thrombosis 心血管疾病 罹患心臟病的風險將提高80% 心血管疾病的發作機率將提高29% 中風 中風風險將提高41% 子宮內膜增生 靜脈血栓

Animal Estrogens vs. Phytoestrogens 動物性雌激素 Phytoestrogens 植物性雌激素 Cancer-causing 致癌   Cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病 Stroke 中風 Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症

Phytoestrogens 植物性雌激素 Regulate the immune system Do not cause cancer Inhibit uncontrolled cell growth and activate rogue cell apoptosis 調節免疫系統 不會致癌 抑制癌細胞生長、促使腫瘤細胞凋亡

Phytoestrogens 植物性雌激素 By filling estrogen receptor sites on cells, phytoestrogens help to prevent cancer and reduce risk of estrogen-dependent cancers Coumestrol can reduce incidence of borderline ovarian tumors In a study of 51,823 women, those with high lignan intake had 17% lower breast cancer risk In a study of 383 women, high genistein levels in blood were related to lower breast cancer risk 搶先與雌激素受體結合,預防癌症降低激素依賴型癌症的患病率 香豆雌酚可以降低卵巢交界性腫瘤的患病率 對51,823名女性的研究顯示: 木質酚素攝入量高,患乳腺癌風險低17% 對383名女性的研究表明: 血液中染料木黃酮含量高,患乳腺癌機率低

Menopause Strategies 更年期對策 Quit smoking 戒煙 Avoid alcoholic drinks Reduce fat intake Fats store excess estrogens Minimize refined food intake Lower blood pressure Exercise, aerobics 戒煙 避免酒精飲品 減少脂肪攝入量 脂肪儲存多餘的雌激素 避免吃經過多重加工過的食物 降低血壓 鍛煉、有氧運動

Menopause Strategies 更年期對策 Nutritious plant foods 健康的植物性食物 Phytoestrogens Vitamin C—tissue repair and iron absorption Fiber—helps to regulate estrogen levels Menopausal women are 50% less efficient than adolescents in absorbing calcium Calcium—soy, broccoli etc. 健康的植物性食物 植物性雌激素 維生素C ——組織修復和鐵質吸收 纖維——調節體內荷爾蒙 更年期女性對鈣質的吸收率比 青少年低50% 鈣質——大豆、西蘭花等

Nutritious Plant Foods 天然健康的植物性食物 Chinese Yam Sage Raspberry Ginkgo Licorice 淮山/山藥 鼠尾草 覆盆莓 銀杏 甘草

Chinese Yam 淮山/山藥 May help support healthy blood pressure and the heart Boosts immunity; the polysaccharide YP-1 may help increase T-cells RDPS-I polysaccharide helps fight tumors Dioscorin has antioxidant effects that fight free radical damage Helps support the nervous system 降低血壓、呵護心臟 提升免疫力,多醣體YP-1能增殖T細胞 多醣體RDPS-I幫助抗腫瘤 薯蕷鹼有抗氧化性,可以防止自由基的傷害 保護神經系統

Sage 鼠尾草 Helps relieves hot flashes and night sweats Rich in phytoestrogens Nourishes the immune system Antioxidant activity Anti-inflammatory 緩解潮熱和夜間盜汗 富含植物性雌激素 強健免疫系統 抗氧化 抗炎

Raspberry 覆盆莓 Rich in phytoestrogens Relieves hot flashes High antioxidant content Contains anthocyanins and vitamin C 50% higher antioxidant activity than strawberries and 10 times the antioxidant activity of tomatoes Raspberry extract has been found to inhibit cervical cancer cell production 富含植物性雌激素 緩解潮熱 高含量的抗氧化劑 含有花青素和維生素C 抗氧化性約比草莓高50%,是番茄的10倍 研究發現,覆盆莓萃取物能抑制子宮頸癌細胞的生成

Ginkgo 銀杏 富含植物性雌激素 萜類化合物,降低罹患心血管疾病的風險 提高免疫力 抗癌 懈皮素—— 抑制因雌激素啟動的癌症,如膀胱癌、乳腺癌和卵巢癌 Rich in phytoestrogens Terpenoids help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease Helps to enhance immunity Contains quercetin, which may inhibit estrogen-activated tumors in the bladder, breast and ovaries

Ginkgo 銀杏 Helps to prevent osteoporosis Antioxidant activity Flavonoids help to fight free radical damage Empowers memory 預防骨質疏鬆症 抗氧化性 類黃酮——對抗自由基帶來的損傷 強健記憶力

Is Ginkgo Toxic? 銀杏有毒嗎? Contains ginkgotoxin (4’-Omethylpyridoxine) Only toxic in large amounts Mostly due to overconsumption of ginkgo by children Relieved by vitamin B6 Toxicity of plant varies with season Toxicity higher in ginkgo harvested at the end of July and beginning of August  含銀杏毒素  大量食用才會中毒 ‧較多為兒童誤食過量銀杏所致  維生素B6可以緩解  果樹毒性隨季節改變 ‧8月前後採摘的銀杏毒性相對較高

甘草 Licorice Phytoestrogens 植物性雌激素 Beta-sitosterol’s estrogenic activity is 1/400th of the strongest form of estrogen in the body Supports adrenal gland function and enables hormones produced by the adrenal gland to work for longer periods Supports hormonal balance 植物性雌激素 β-穀甾醇的雌激素活性是人體內最強的雌激素的1/400 支持腎上腺產生荷爾蒙的功能 維持荷爾蒙平衡

甘草 Licorice 緩解更年期症狀 潮熱 疲勞 煩躁易怒 記憶力問題 Helps relieve menopausal symptoms 抗氧化功效 —— 甘草黃酮、光甘草素 強健免疫系統 Helps relieve menopausal symptoms Hot flashes Fatigue Irritability Memory problems Antioxidant effects— glabridin and glabrene Immune-enhancing

Are Phytoestrogens Safe for Men? 植物性雌激素對男性安全嗎? Research shows that phytoestrogens: Will not alter testosterone levels Have no effect on sperm concentration, count or motility 研究表明,植物性雌激素: 不會改變男性荷爾蒙 不會影響精子濃度、數量及活動率

Are Phytoestrogens Nutritious for Men? 植物性雌激素對男性健康嗎? Research shows that phytoestrogens: Are beneficial to health Can help to prevent breast and prostate cancer 研究表明,植物性雌激素: 有利健康 可以幫助預防乳腺癌及前列腺癌

Can Men Consume these Plant Foods? 男性可以吃下列植物嗎? Chinese yam, sage, raspberry, ginkgo and licorice are wholesome, natural plant foods and aid health in many ways including: 淮山/山藥、鼠尾草、覆盆莓、銀杏、甘草以上植物均為食品,天然完整,帶來多項助益: 強健記憶力 對抗壓力 提升免疫系統功能 抗氧化,對抗自由基帶來的損傷 Boost memory Counter stress Improve immunity Antioxidant activity to protect against free radical damage

Chinese Yam 淮山/山藥 Helps support healthy blood pressure and the heart Helps boost immunity by enhancing T-cell proliferation Anti-tumor Antioxidant activity fight free radical damage Helps support the nervous system 降低血壓、呵護心臟 提升免疫力,刺激T細胞增殖 抗腫瘤 抗氧化,防止自由基的傷害 保護神經系統

Sage 鼠尾草 Boosts immunity Antioxidant activity 強健免疫系統 抗氧化

Raspberry 覆盆莓 High antioxidant activity 50% higher than strawberries 10 times that of tomatoes 高含量的抗氧化劑 比草莓的高50% 是番茄的10倍

Ginkgo 銀杏 Boosts memory 強健記憶力 Helps improve immunity 提高免疫力 Anti-cancer Antioxidant activity fights free radical damage Helps lower risk of cardiovascular disease 強健記憶力 提高免疫力 抗癌 抗氧化,對抗自由基帶來的損傷 降低罹患心血管疾病的風險

甘草 Licorice Antioxidant activity Boosts memory Improves immunity 抗氧化 強健記憶力 強健免疫系統

V•Estro™ 美樂怡 Chinese Yam Sage Raspberry 淮山/山藥 Ginkgo 鼠尾草 Licorice 覆盆莓 銀杏 甘草 Recommended intake: 3 capsules, two to three times daily 建議食用方法: 每日食用2~3次,每次食用3粒。

V•Estro™ Suitable for men and women 不論男女,皆可安心享用

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