Lesson19 He likes pop music


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson19 He likes pop music 第十九课 他喜欢流行音乐

What am I learning today? Concert Sentence patterns 音乐会人很多。 There are many people at the concert. 他喜欢流行音乐。 He likes pop music. 古典音乐很好听。 Classical music is good for listening. 他对流行音乐很有兴趣。 He is very interested in pop music. Vocabulary 对,兴趣,表演,音乐会,流行,古典,好听,见,多 Characters:兴,趣,表,演,很,对

Warm up: Classic music VS Pop music Slide three: warm up/ revision 老师们可以根据自己的需要加入复习的内容 Teachers can ask relevant questions to start this lesson. 3


对 duì to to

兴趣 xìngqù interest interest

表演 biǎoyǎn performance

音乐会 yīnyuèhuì concert

流行 liúxíng popular popular

古典 gǔdiǎn classical classical

好听 hǎotīng pleasant to hear

见 jiàn to see to see

多 duō many, how (+adj.) many, how (+adj.)


to see to many, how (+adj.) popular

interest classical

Do you know these words? 对 见 兴趣 多 表演 音乐会 古典 好听 流行

What are the following words in Mandarin? performance interest concert popular classical pleasant to hear to see to many, how (+adj.)

Circle words and phrases in the table 怎 音 表 对 么 兴 乐 演 样 古 趣 会 好 流 典 下 多 听 行 雨

Circle words and phrases in the table –answer 怎 音 表 对 么 兴 乐 演 样 古 趣 会 好 流 典 下 多 听 行 雨

对 duì to 兴趣 xìngqù interest 表演 biǎoyǎn performance 音乐会 yīnyuèhuì concert 流行 liúxíng popular 古典 gǔdiǎn classical 好听 hǎotīng pleasant to hear 见 jiàn to see 多 duō many, how (+adj.)


Which one has the most strokes ? 趣 15 演 14 5 对

Which one has less strokes than the other two? 表 8 很 9 兴 6


What is the difference between following sentences? 音乐会人很多。 音乐会的人很多。 她中文很好。 她的中文很好。 What is the subject part in each sentence ?

E.g. 好听,好看 看,吃,喝,玩 好+verb Which words you think can be used with 好? Try to makes sentences with these phrases.

对……有兴趣 哥哥对流行音乐有兴趣。 他对打网球很有兴趣。 我朋友的爱好是游泳,他对听 音乐没有兴趣。 你对什么有兴趣呢?

Game--Crazy sentences This time, let’s add time in the sentence. 几点 谁 哪儿 干什么 在 Let’s look my sentence ! 早上七点 Please let students write down a person, a place and doing what, then randomly pick their answers to make a new sentence. For example, ask the 1st student to say “who”, the 2nd to say “where” and the last to say “to do what”, let’s see what we get now. This time we need “time” in front. 哥哥 运动场 打篮球 在

What have I learnt today? Concert Sentence patterns 音乐会人很多。 他喜欢流行音乐。 古典音乐很好听。 他对流行音乐很有兴趣。 Vocabulary 对,兴趣,表演,音乐会,流行,古典,好听,见,多 Characters: 兴,趣,表,演,很,对