激發外語學習之策略 尚惠芳 教授 義守大學應用英語系所.


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Presentation transcript:

激發外語學習之策略 尚惠芳 教授 義守大學應用英語系所

演講內容: 學生學習外語之困境 因應策略 * 了解外語能力與需求 * 提升外語學習興趣 * 培養外語閱讀與寫作習慣 * 營造模擬情境學習 * 結合電腦科技(CMC)與外語教學 結論 1

學生學習外語之困境: 普遍外語能力低落 學習動機不強 外語授課時數不多(非本科系) 教學方法缺乏多元化 教材太難、不實用 2

因應策略: 了解學生外語能力與需求 前測(e.g. 聽說讀寫) 教材選用(實用,與major整合) 教學方法(content-based instruction: 結合專 業知識與語文訓練,如閱讀與專業科目有 關的文章) 提升外語學習興趣 舉辦競賽、活動(英文歌曲比賽、英語夏令 營、外語演講比賽等) 3

培養外語閱讀習慣(read extensively) read short stories & write main ideas 可增進外語閱讀、文法、單字、寫作能力 (Shang et al, 2007; Shang & Chu, in press) 培養外語寫作習慣(journal writing) 盡可能地寫,不需太注重文法、用字與   格式的正確性 訓練以英(外)文來流暢地表達思緒 (Shang & Wu, 2003) 4

「模擬情境英語學習」 (English Community) * 適用於「外語聽說」課程 * 全外語的環境 營造模擬情境學習 「模擬情境英語學習」 (English Community) * 適用於「外語聽說」課程 * 全外語的環境 * 模擬的主題包括移民局、海關、郵局、銀行、 留遊學及旅遊諮詢等 * 提供生活化口語溝通練習、外語諮詢服務 5

* 教師於期末協助學生召開「學習研討會籌備 委員會」,共商研討會之議題、議程、工作項 目等相關內容 「模擬學習研討會」 * 適用於「研究論文寫作」課程 * 教師於期末協助學生召開「學習研討會籌備 委員會」,共商研討會之議題、議程、工作項 目等相關內容 * 研討會當天,學生依流程發表個人論文於模 擬學習研討會上 * 可訓練oral presentation、提升self-efficacy 6

* 模擬聯合國會員大會的議程及運作模式,由 各國使節辯論全球關注的議題,並相互協商 達成決議 * 提升整體競爭力和國際事務素養,並強化 「模擬聯合國會員大會」 * 適用於「聯合國國際事務概論」課程 * 學生可任選為一個國家的使節 * 模擬聯合國會員大會的議程及運作模式,由 各國使節辯論全球關注的議題,並相互協商 達成決議 * 提升整體競爭力和國際事務素養,並強化 學生的外語程度 7

採用「電子郵件寫作日誌法」(email dialogue journaling) * 適用於「英(外)語閱讀與寫作」課程 結合電腦科技(CMC)與外語教學 採用「電子郵件寫作日誌法」(email dialogue journaling) * 適用於「英(外)語閱讀與寫作」課程 * 設計一個線上同儕合作學習的環境 * 探討學習態度及英語閱讀與寫作之成效 * 分別發表於Educational Studies (SSCI)及 Computer Assisted Language Learning (CIJE) 期刊 8

* 研究對象:40位義守大學應英系進修部二年制 在職學生 * 進行步驟: 1. Set up a class mailing list in the first week of class 2. Choose a peer by themselves 3. Read the assigned material and write down 2 paragraphs regarding the summary and personal comments 9

4. Send it to the peer via email and give each other feedback and corrections of writings 5. The instructor would receive copies of all their correspondence 6. Hand in their assignment to the instructor electronically at least 1 day ahead of class meeting time 7. Grade not only on the final product but also on the process of writing and how well they follow the instructions (to encourage participation) 10

* 閱讀成效: 大部份學生持正面的態度: Force them to finish reading the article earlier and harder so as to increase their reading comprehension Discuss and get peer’s opinions to learn more different viewpoints Have a relaxing environment to write/discuss more Ask more questions without considering the rules Get more fun in reading because it’s authentic 11

少部份同學持負面意見: Take too much time to do the activity or get the returned message since most of them have jobs at the daytime Have poor typing skills Unfamiliar with the computer; have no computer available Can’t accept peer’s criticisms because of their low English level; can’t get useful feedback if peer’s English is poor Afraid of losing their faces (too shy) if they can’t express their viewpoints clearly 12

* 寫作成效: Frequency Percent Aspects of interesting More practices Communication Peer correction Fun More knowledge/learning Low anxiety New/more vocabulary More/correct grammar Self-monitoring Spelling Technology/Computer skills More complex sentences 15 17 9 5 8 10 20 12 41.7 47.2 25.0 13.9 22.2 27.8 55.6 33.3 13

Help with English writing No A little Yes Very much Attitude toward language Improved The same Worsened Time of writing assignment In the evening On weekdays On weekends Place of writing assignment On campus At home At work 2 16 17 1 24 11 13 9 14 27 5.0 40.0 42.5 2.5 60.0 27.5 32.5 22.5 35.0 67.5 14

Improvements on syntactic complexity and grammatical accuracy; no improvement on lexical density => Interaction with peers could help to generate more syntactically complex and grammatically accurate written language => Lexical density suffered because students used more corrective feedback on complicated sentence structures and grammatical accuracy, but decreased monitoring in using richer vocabulary 15

First-time communication: A slightly greater improvement on grammatical accuracy & lexical density => Urgency of communicative flow demanded that students paid less attention to syntactic complexity More times in correcting, focus more on complicated grammatical structures More attention to syntactic complexity, focus less on grammatical accuracy & lexical density, and vice versa Exchanging with peers at least 4 times might have a greater overall improvement on writing performance 16

結論: 學習是很多習慣的累積,「勉強成習慣,習慣成 自然」,應多讀、多寫 培養學習外語的興趣,如舉辦各類外語競賽,讓 學生能有機會表現自己,發揮所長 打造創意外語學習環境,建構「自然與真實」 的語言環境 ,營造說外語的環境,以提升學生 外語聽說能力 17

習的實用性(採用content-based approach) 善用科技的影音效果與便捷性,以激發學習 外語的動機與興趣(結合CMC) 將學習外語與專業科目結合,以提高外語學 習的實用性(採用content-based approach) 善用科技的影音效果與便捷性,以激發學習 外語的動機與興趣(結合CMC) 為避免小組成員英語程度差異頗大,課程宜 採「雙螺旋配對」模式,以形成傳播效應 (如下圖) 18


雙螺旋配對模式 高 寫 作 等 級 低 第一螺旋(虛線) 第二螺旋(實線) 20 A B C D E F I J K L M N 第54對 第53對 第52對 第27對 第1對 第0對 S T 第26對 低 高 寫 作 等 級 雙螺旋配對模式 第一螺旋(虛線) 第二螺旋(實線) 20

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