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Presentation transcript:


一、can/may/must/need 问句的回答方式 Can/Could you do sth. Yes, I/we/can/could No, I we can’t/ couldn’t May I do sth.? Yes , No ,you Must I /we do sth.? Yes, No you Need I do sth.? No, you 疑问句式 肯定句式 否定答式 you may. mustn’t/may not. you must needn’t/don’t have to. you must. needn’t/don’t have to.

二、can,could,may,might,must 表示判断的用法比较 1. The light is on in the office now, so there _______be someone in it, isn’t there? 2. I’m not sure whether he will come today. He ____________be ill today. 3. Tom has gone to Beijing, so you ______ see him in our school now. must may/might can’t

三、情态动词+不定式完成式是历年高考的热点之一,可表示“推测”、“责备”、“怀疑”等多种意义。 1. must have done 肯定做了 2. may/might have done 可能已做了 3. can’t/ couldn’t have done不可能做了 4. should /ought to have done本该做但没做 5. shoudn’t/oughtn’t to have done本不该做但做了 6. could have done 本可以做但没做 7.needn’t have done 本不必做但做了 8. would rather have done 本想做但没做

2. Tom ____have gone to Shanghai, but I’m still not sure about it. 1. The ground is rather wet, so it _______have rained last night, didn’t it? 2. Tom ____have gone to Shanghai, but I’m still not sure about it. 3. The ground is very dry, so it ____have rained last night. 4. Someone must have broken into our bedroom. Who________have done it? 5. I really regretted wasting the hours when I ______have studied hard, but it was too late. must may can’t could should

6.Your home is not far from your school, so you _______have left in such a hurry then. 7. I _____________have come to help you with your English, but I was too busy at that time. needn’t would rather 8. I’m very sorry for the words I_______ have said to you at that moment. 9. ---I paid a visit to New York last month and we stayed at a nice hotel. ---Oh,you _______have stayed with Barbara.She is always willing to do you a favour. shouldn’t could

四、shall和will的比较 比较内容 肯定句 疑问句 shall 表示“威胁”、“警告”、“允诺”的语气 与第一、三人称连用,表示征询对方的意见 Will/would 1)表示“习惯” 2)表示“愿意/望” 3)表示“必然性” 与第二人称连用,表示征询对方的意见 1. If you ________follow my advice, I _____offer you some help. 2. ______you meet him right now or ____ he wait outside, sir? will shall shall Will

五、need和dare作行为动词或情态动词的比较 比较内容 是否有人称和数的变化 是否借助于助动词 搭配 行为动词 有 是 +to do sth./sth. 情态动词(否/疑) 没有 否 do sth.

六、can和be able to的比较 ,以及must和have to 的比较 1.Few people ___________ __send their children to school before liberation. 2. Joe was an excellent swimmer, so he _____________swim back to the bank when the ship sank. 3. It snowed heavily last night, so I --- get up early to sweep the snow in the yard. 4. Every student ______ obey the school rules and become a good student in every way. could/were able to was able to had to must

七、used to和 would的比较 1、would 主要表示过去一段时间内的某种习惯,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,意为“总要,总是” On Sundays he _______go to call on the old man when he was young. I _______get up late, but now I have got used to getting up very early. Xiao Li ________be a model worker. He is now a university student. would used to used to

八、情态动词的否定式比较 mustn’t禁止,不准 can’t /couldn’t 不能;不可能 needn’t 不必 shouldn’t不该 won’t/ wouldn’t 不愿意 daren’t 不敢

1. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly, but everyone_______get one. A. were able to B. would C. was able to D. could 2. You____return the book now, you can keep it until next week if you like, A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not 3. When he was there, he______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A. would B. should C. had better D. might 4. ---Could I use your bike?—Yes, of course.you___. A. might B. will C. can D. should C C A C

5. ----Will you stay for lunch? ----Sorry, _______. My brother is coming to see me. A. I oughtn’t to B. I can’t C. I needn’t D. I shouldn’t 6. ----______I invite Jack to the party? -----Yes, it’ll be nice if you______. A. Will; may B. Shall; will C. Shall;shall D. Will; will 7. ---There were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well. ---It______a comfortable journey. A. can’t be B. shouldn’t be C. mustn’t have been D. couldn’t have been B B D

C D D 8. We______last night, but we went to the concert instead. A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study 9. There was plenty of time. She_____. A. mustn’t have hurried B. couldn’t have hurried C. mustn’t hurry D. needn’t have hurried 10. Yesterday, Jane walked away from the discussion. Otherwise. She____something she would regret later. A. had said B. said C. might say D. might have said. C D D

11. ----Did you scold him for his mistake? ----Yes, but______it. A. I’d rather not do B. I’d better not do C. I’d better not have done D. I’d rather have not done D