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Presentation transcript:

知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包 感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语

Comprehending (怡情悦读) Read the passage and answer the following questions in complete sentences. When did Ally’s father die? Did she miss her father? Find evidence to prove that. Her father died last summer. She missed her father very much.

She missed her father very much. She sank slowly into her father’s favorite chair and stared at … on his desk. Ally … looked at her father’s picture on the bookcase. Ally smiled. “I miss you, Dad,” she said softly. After her mother left, Ally reached for the first photo album she and Dad had put together. Ally smiled, remembering the excited look on his face … Ally leaned her head back and closed her eyes, letting her mind wander. She loved thinking about the times she and Dad …

2. What did Ally’s mother advise her to do? Why? She advised Ally to go outside and take some pictures of the birds in the woods. Because she knew Ally was sad and was worried about her. Always staying at home was not good for Ally to recover from her sadness.

3. How did Ally’s father feel when he read the news about the wood warbler in a local newspaper? Find evidence to show that. He was excited. Ally smiled, remembering the excited look on his face when he first showed her the pretty bird. “I can’t believe someone spotted this little guy way up here in New Jersey,” he’d said, his eyes sparkling.

4. What did Ally and her father usually do each weekend 4. What did Ally and her father usually do each weekend? What was the result? 5. What did Ally decide to do then? They searched the woods behind the house each weekend for a glimpse of the special wood warbler. They had never spotted the warbler. She decided to search the woods for the warbler alone.

6. Did Ally spot the wood warbler in the woods. What was the bird like 6. Did Ally spot the wood warbler in the woods? What was the bird like? What did she do after that? Yes. sweet-sweet-sweet (a ringing birdsong) / a flash of fiery orange swooped down and perched on a nearby branch She slowly lifted the camera and snapped three perfect shots.

How did Ally’s feelings change? Task II: How did Ally’s feelings change? When … Ally’s feelings Evidence to show her feelings her father died she thought about her father’s death her own tears were still frozen inside her heart in great sorrow, grieved It wasn’t fair, Ally thought, frowning. Dad was young and had never been sick. Why had his heart suddenly stopped? angry

How did Ally’s feelings change? When … Ally’s feelings Evidence to show her feelings she recalled her father she was in the woods Ally curled herself up in the worn leather … Ally smiled. “I miss you, Dad,” she said softly. She loved thinking about the times she and Dad … If only I could get that good feeling back, she thought, sighing. mixed feelings: happy but at the same time upset relaxed, content, joyful Their sweet songs echoed … Ally felt as though she was back where she belonged. Ally clasped her hands … feeling content for the first … … settling comfortably on … Time passed pleasantly …

How did Ally’s feelings change? When … Ally’s feelings Evidence to show her feelings she spotted the wood warbler excited, grateful, relieved An excited feeling bubbled up inside of Ally as she searched the sky. “I knew it!” she exclaimed, leaping to her feet. Ally blinked back tears. “Thanks, Dad,” she whispered… Things will be different without Dad, she thought, snapping three perfect shots. I’ll always miss our times together, but I feel better now.

知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包 感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语

Task III: Further thinking What’s the theme of the story? I’ll always miss our times together, but I feel better now. Try to cheer up when our beloved ones died. We can miss them but never drown ourselves in sorrow.

Listening and speaking (美丽语音) Task I: Listen to the record of the passage and read after it. Pay attention to its pronunciation and intonation.

Words and Expressions(魅力词汇)

Words and Expressions(魅力词汇) Task I: Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the listed words. grin peer sparkle lean grab murmur steep filter dart echo stretch trace chill exclaim

1. Ron’s eyes ___________ with excitement when he talked about his favorite football player. 2. I __________ my name in the sand but the waves soon washed it away. 3. He turned around, ______________ something to the student sitting behind him in class. 4. Jill ___________ forward and pulled his son away from the fire. 5. Carl sat up in bed, yawned, and _____________. 6. Sarah tried several times to catch Philip's eye, but he just _____________ at her. 7. Light ____________ into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the tree. sparkled traced murmuring darted stretched grinned filtered

8. The spectacular sunrise made us _________ in surprise. 9. Kay ________ hold of my arm to stop herself falling. 10. Suddenly aware of the morning ______, she closed the window. 11. He was __________ through the wet windscreen at the cars ahead. 12. After an hour’s drive, the road became rocky and _________. 13. The hall __________ with cheers after the wonderful performance. 14. Mom ___________ towards the boy and kissed him on the cheek. exclaim grabbed chill peering steep echoed leaned

1. 蜷缩身子 浑身湿透 许多 curl up 瞥见 soaking wet 伸手去拿 dozens of 借用、接管 Task III: Translate the following expressions into English and complete the following sentences with them. curl up soaking wet dozens of a glimpse of reach for take over tag along (with …) take a deep breath poke one’s head quicken one’s pace 1. 蜷缩身子 浑身湿透 许多 瞥见 伸手去拿 借用、接管 紧跟、尾随 深呼吸 探(伸)出头 加快步伐

have a tug of war (over sth. ) bubble up swoop down (on sth.) perch on Task III: Translate the following expressions into English and complete the following sentences with them. 11. 紧握双手 12. 展开一场拉锯战 13. (感情) 充溢 14. (鸟类) 俯冲下来 15. 栖息在 16. 跳起来、起身 17. 强忍泪水 18. 拍快照 clasp one’s hands have a tug of war (over sth. ) bubble up swoop down (on sth.) perch on leap to one’s feet blink back (one’s) tears snap shots (of …)

clasping her hands 1. She leaned forward, ____________ around her knees. 2. The little boy likes to __________ with his mother in order to feel safe. 3. Susan, hot with anger and ready to _____________, felt Bob's hand on her arm, stopping her. 4. It was great to see the eagle ______________ on its prey, it was so quick and graceful, but deadly at the same time. 5. I’ve read ___________ books on creative thinking, from handbooks, to games, to psychology literature. 6. Judy tried to ____________________, but Tom could see that she had been crying. tag along leap to her feet swoop down dozens of blink back (her) tears

soaking wet 7. What a heavy shower it is! I am _____________. 8. Nowadays, many people use their camera phones to _____________ of whatever they are interested in and post them on line. 9. Pain, guilt, anger, and fear… all of these feelings __________ inside of us when we think back on our mistakes. 10. The birds like to fly and __________ rooftops, but none have flown away. 11. Don't let your boy ______________ out of the window it's dangerous! 12. He __________________ to calm himself down and then walked onto the stage. snap shots bubble up perch on poke his head took a deep breath

13. The kid tried to __________ the apple on the table, but it was too high. 14. Look! Two dogs are __________________ over a meat bone. 15. A neighbor said he heard the terrible screams in the night and also got ____________ what was causing them. 16. Thinking of her son staying at home alone, Julie ____________________ and hurried home. 17. Why not pick up a book, ________ on the sofa and enjoy reading? 18. I don't believe that “technology” can ___________ our lives — unless we choose to let it. reach for having a tug of war a glimpse of quickened her pace curl up take over

The End 右键点击结束放映

作者介绍 王璐老师,中学高级教师,曾获“杭州市教坛新秀”荣誉称号,现为“富阳区学科带头人”。2011年以来积极参与高中英语选修课程和校本课程的开发与研究,主要成果包括听说课程《英语影视戏剧表演》;文化系列课程《中外节日觅趣》、《中国传统文化之旅》;读写系列课程《恋恋美文》、《酷文解码》、《英语原版读写乐园》,均被评为杭州市普通高中精品选修课程,其中《英语影视戏剧表演》和《酷文解码》还被评为浙江省普通高中精品选修课程。

知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包 感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语