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Presentation transcript:


1.人物描写的语言特点 1)选好描写的角度 2)详略得当的描述 3)准确生动的描述

2.人物描写的结构 人物描写要主次分清,可以采用先总体,后局部的描述顺序 还可以根据时间或事件发生的先后顺序进行介绍

3.人物描写常用的表达 1.介绍人物的姓名、出身 She was born in Beijing on Oct12,1986 She was a great woman with the name… Born to/into a poor clerk’s family, she had little schooling

…was /were born to /into a poor /rich family 介绍家庭背景 …was /were born to /into a poor /rich family His /her family was so poor that… His /her father was very strict with him/her… the son of a poor family when he was a small boy/ young as a child /as a boy of 15 During his/her childhood spend his childhood in…. live a happy/hard life

介绍教育背景 be admitted to…..college graduate from….department of …university When at college, he majored in… receive a doctor’s degree go abroad for further studies

介绍生活中的一些相关情况 be interested in…./be fond of work hard at serve as … devote his lifetime /himself to … concentrate himself on… do research about/ into make up one’s mind to do sth. do sth, with great determination and perseverance

be strict in have a …way of doing sth. Try one’s best to do sth. encourage sb. to do sth. fight for/give up one’f life for sb. /sth. Win a prize / the first prize in ….competition receive / obtain /win the Nobel prize for…. be good at…/do well in….

be crazy about…./enjoy… make rapid progress in …. set a new world record of ….. equal the world record … win a gold /silver /bronze medal be selected to/become a member of … study hard/ train hard go through hardship overcome many difficulties have a gift /talent for ….

关于人物评价 one of the best /most important …. set a good example for … a model teacher /worker be respected by everyone speak/think highly of be honored as His hard work brought him great success He is the pride of China His heroic story spread all over the city

make great contributions to … Consistency/ perseverance is the key to success be famous/know/ regarded as.. Become a world champion at…championships remember sb. forever A new chapter of history has been turned Lei feng has been praised for his communist spirit an inspiring leader