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1 高中读写

2 中考英语作文 让我们先谈谈爱好



5 关于语文的故事 一起看看中考作文题目

6 2007中考作文题目 Write at least 60 words about the topic
“Things I Hate to Do”. (短文须包含下列要点) What are the things that you hate to do? What do you hate doing most? Why? (Give at least two reasons.)

7 2008中考作文题目 Write at least 60 words on the topic
“A Story about My Parent(s)”

8 2009中考作文题目 Write at least 60 words about the topic
“I want to do something for my school”. Use the following points as a reference What do you want to do for your school? Why do you want to do it? How are you going to do it?

9 2010中考作文题目 Write at least 60 words about the topic
 “I’m proud of myself.” Use the following points as reference What kind of person are you?  What makes you proud of yourself? 

10 2011中考作文题目 Write at least 60 words about the topic “I’m a member of.”
Use the following points as reference Are you glad to be a member of…? What do you do in it?

11 2012中考作文题目 Suppose you are Joe.
Your friend Betty is upset about a coming exam for she cares too much about the result. What do you think? Try to offer her some advice.

12 2013中考作文题目 Write at least 60 words about the topic
“How to protect myself”. Phrases for reference calm down ask…for help prevent…from in danger

13 2014中考作文题目 Write at least 60 words about the topic
“ This time next year” Phrases for reference I hope to /I hope that... Perhaps I will... It will be exciting / necessary / terrible to ...

14 题目 2007 我讨厌的事情 事情 2008 父母的故事 人与事 2009 为学校做点事情 事情 2010 我为自己感到骄傲 人与事

15 题目 2011 我是…的一员 (可以)人与事 2012 给贝蒂的一封信 人与事 2013 怎么保护自己 议论 2014 明年此时 人与事

16 题目 1. 都是假设类题目,与社会热点无太大关系 2. 人与事情都很重要 3. 暂时没有图片、图表类文章

17 今天我们先讲人 Topic The person I want to be 草稿 参考 练习

18 我的主角

19 Steve Jobs ( )

20 草稿 内容 草稿 坦白点,你写作文打草稿吗? 语法

21 草稿:内容 外貌 appearance 个性 personality 职业 occupation 喜好 likes & dislikes

22 草稿:内容 开头——谁 第一个特点:强迫症 第二个特点:改变 感想、祝福

23 草稿:语法 强调句型 被动语态 同级比较 名词性从句 副词性从句 形容词从句 倒装 情态动词 非谓-定语 非谓-状语

24 草稿:合成 开头——谁 副词性从句 外貌描写 形容词从句 第一个特点:强迫症 情态动词 过渡 非谓-定语 第二个特点:改变 倒装 感想、祝福

25 请尝试对你想写的人打一个草稿

26 草稿:语法 强调句型 被动语态 同级比较 名词性从句 副词性从句 形容词从句 倒装 情态动词 非谓-定语 非谓-状语

27 开头 单刀直入 直接点名 曲折迂回 旁征小引 不建议

28 单刀直入 Passed away as he has, Steve Jobs is still in my memory.
He was a good looking CEO, six feet tall, with a charming smile at times.

29 as的让步倒装 adj. + as + sub. + be 一个 n. + as + sub. + be 类型 四种 情况
adv. + as + sub. + v. v. + as + sub. + v.aux.

30 as的让步倒装 Although he is very clever, he never shows off his talent
in front of us. Clever as he is,he never shows off his talent in front of us. = ?

31 as的让步倒装 Although he is a child, he knows a lot. =
Child as / though he is, he knows a lot. ? 名词前的冠词要省略

32 Quietly as the little boy walked, his mother still heard him.
Although the little boy walked very quietly, his mother still heard him. Quietly as the little boy walked, his mother still heard him. = ?

33 as的让步倒装 Although they would search, they could find no sign of the boy. = Search as they would, they could find no sign of the boy. ? 助动词不能漏

34 as的让步倒装 补充 在让步状语从句里 although 不能倒装 though 可倒可不倒 as 必须倒装

35 曲折迂回 There are many great entrepreneurs in the world, such as Bill Gates, Ma Yun, Larry Page. Like most of my friends, I think of Steve Jobs as the most respectable one, who founded Apple.

36 一些关于外貌的词 漂亮的 pretty 吸引人的 attractive 四十多岁 in one’s forties 眼睛会说话
with expressive eyes 帅气的 handsome

37 一些关于外貌的词 肌肉结实的 taut 甜美、幽默的女孩 sweet-humored girl 和王菲长得三分神似
with a passing resemblance to Faye He has a warm heart under his leather exterior. 在他坚韧如皮革的外表下有一颗温暖的心。

38 尝试翻译 Nicholas is an old man, chubby and soft. His belly shakes like a bowl full of jelly when he laughs, and he laughs a lot. His hair is snow-white, and so is his beard. 尼古拉斯是一个胖乎乎的、慈眉善目的老人。 每当他笑的时候,他的肚子就像一个装满果冻的盆子 一样晃来晃去,而且他还常常发笑。 他满头白发,胡须也是如此。 chubby adj. 胖乎乎的

39 尝试翻译 Nicholas is an old man, chubby and soft. His belly shakes like a bowl full of jelly when he laughs, and he laughs a lot. His hair is snow-white, and so is his beard. 这也是倒装 尼古拉斯是一个胖乎乎的、慈眉善目的老人。 每当他笑的时候,他的肚子就像一个装满果冻的盆子 一样晃来晃去,而且他还常常发笑。 他满头白发,胡须也是如此。 chubby adj. 胖乎乎的

40 尝试翻译 I was impressed by the kindness of the
man whose eyes blazed with excitement. 那位眼中闪烁着激动光芒的人的友好给我留下了 深刻印象。 blaze n.&v. 熊熊燃烧;发光

41 请尝试对你想写的人进行一个概括描写

42 过渡 It was his special quality that is always kept in my memory.
My idea/opinion/viewpoint/feeling maybe expressed as follows… There are several reasons for this grow/change/praise…

43 特点 观点 特点的描写 事例 支撑 看法

44 它是一种病,但是不要治疗,它会让世界更美好。
强迫症 我也是强迫症患者。 它是一种病,但是不要治疗,它会让世界更美好。






50 He's becoming more and more obsessive about food.
× obssesive obsessive adj. 着迷的、迷恋的 He's becoming more and more obsessive about food. 他对食物的要求越来越过分了。

51 He's becoming more and more obsessive about food.
× obssesive obsessive adj. 着迷的、迷恋的 He's becoming more and more obsessive about food. 他对食物的要求越来越过分了。

52 特点 Jobs was a typical heavy obsessive. 观点
He cared about details so much that almost everybody thought he was crazy. While, I think, this is the reason why iPhone is so attractive. 支撑

53 再过渡 The things mentioned above have been widespread, however,
I have one more thing about him. wide adv. 充分地 widespread adj. 分布广的、普遍的 spread v. 传播

54 请按照节奏写出你的第一个特点 中心 特点的描写 事例 事例 看法

55 特点 不要写成in Jobs, who was considered as a cold-blooded man for most of his life, changed in his last few years. 观点 He became warm-hearted and established a foundation to help people with cancer. 支撑

56 一些关于人物特质的词 幽默的 humorous 富有创造性的 creative 容易相处的 easy-going 外向的人
extrovert 内向的人 introvert

57 一些关于人物特质的词 知识渊博的 knowledgeable 智慧的 wise 精力充沛的 energetic 顽固的 stubborn
意志力坚强的 strong-willed

58 结尾 强调句型 气势磅礴 结尾 不温不火 普通陈述句 温暖人心 情态动词

59 结尾 Perhaps, he was not perfect, but I still want to be a person
like him, work as hard as him. May he be peaceful in the heaven.

60 所以,基于上述描述/讨论,我同意一个观点…
一些关于结尾的句子 总的来说 On the whole… So, based on the above description/discussion, I agree with the opinion that… 所以,基于上述描述/讨论,我同意一个观点…

61 一些关于结尾的句子 Once you have known all of these, you must agree with me that… 一旦你都了解到了这些,你一定会同意我… Given all these points above, I would support the idea that… 鉴于上述这些观点,我会支持一个观点…

62 基于上面所有所提到的原因,我们可以自然地得出一个结论…
一些关于结尾的句子 For all the reasons mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that… 基于上面所有所提到的原因,我们可以自然地得出一个结论…

63 请尝试写出一个结尾

64 回家请写一篇关于人的文章 The person I want to be 包含外貌、特性

65 Bye-Bye

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